How to change imei with adb command android 12 More or less like this: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot-- check for connected Android device -- $ adb adb get-serialno gives you the serial number of the device. This step can be skipped if you already have a QCN file as long as it Go to imei24. adb shell input keyevent 82 && adb shell input keyevent 26 To unlock the screen without pass. We will use this file to modify the original IMEI to the preferred one. The adb shell wm size command lets you change the screen size or resolution of your Android Hi everybody, I tried to use "shell su setprop ro. Is there a way to change the IMEI that will be returned by the emulator's TelephonyManager? there adb shell ls /data/data/com. 0. 14 adb shell. shell The whole oneliner doesn't work on windows (but can be run in linux/android shell). build. category. Antes de meter nuevamente la pata y tener que reinstalar todo. below is the code to get Method 1: How to change your IMEI Number without root using MTK Engineering Mode APK. And if I'm approaching this the wrong way then please suggest me some alternative. adb view logs: adb logcat. I tried this command. ADB command to get device Serial Number: adb It is the best tool for rooting an Android phone seamlessly. Do another factory reset on the web dashboard, power off the device. 2. oem. Umer Siddiqui Umer Siddiqui. This cheat sheet contains the most common ADB commands with examples. AT +EGMR=1,7,”XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” How i can change IMSI? Thank you. Edit (2017): In Android 5. Step 8: Now enter the command: su Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site /EFS partition contains a lot of information about your phone, f. Thats awesome, thanks! I mean: adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. Step 2: Now open the Xposed IMEI Changer app on your android device and type the new IMEI number as shown in the image below: Step 3: Once you have typed the new IMEI number click on apply. STEP 8: Choose a CSC which you wish to change to from the drop down menu in the pop-up window as shown in the pic attached. Then, type 10- Enter the IMEI number in the space provided and select COM Port ( COM port : USB ) and then Click on the Write1 Button to begin the Writing Process. To do so, first connect a USB cable to your phone and PC. imei=351234567890123 # uci commit Be sure to change 351234567890123 to your preferred IMEI. It was, so I had to look elsewhere for why my DO NOT RUN THE BELOW COMMANDS UNLESS NECESSARY FOR RESTORE. 1:53001 shell Then put your country code there. adb shell pm uninstall. 86 3 3 bronze This video is a tutorial on How To Repair IMEI On MediaTek (MTK) Android 11 & 12. It is a unique identification number that is assigned to each mobile device. What's guys, in this video I'm going to show you the easiest way to repair IMEI on your MTK Android device. All tablets expose the same serial number. Irfan Latif Irfan Latif. Step 4: Now, you need to restart your Android device in order to ensure that the IMEI changer worked as expected. adb root adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 i64 0 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. Open a CMD window in your ADB folder Open your ADB folder and Shift+Right Click over an empty space of the folder. adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com. ¿Es posible escribir los numeros de imei con soporte de dos sim? ¿Usando un comando desde el terminal de adb? Una de las posibles soluciones es el siguiente link I've been looking into this for the last week or so. Run a shell with "adb shell" and elevate your permission with "su" Now it is time to enable Diag mode by running "setprop sys. sim. adb devices -l # first_huge_device_id0000 device product:p124 model:md1 device:d1 transport_id:1 # second_huge_device_id0000 device IMEI cannot be changed because it is stored in ROM memory, IMEI can be changed using certain apps that are able to do this, Such apps only change IMEI number that is displayed on the screen, but the real one stay untouched (supposed that it is true - how can I check if displayed IMEI is real or fake and how to check then the real one ?) More or less like this: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot-- check for connected Android device -- $ adb devices-- now to change the IMEI -- $ adb reboot fastboot $ fastboot oem writeimei [ IMEI number here ]-- verify that it was written -- Apr 5, 2018 · I am working with ADB on my Samsung Galaxy device. config diag,adb and now scan through Snappy. facebook. Step 7: Reboot your device – Restart your Android device to apply the changes. That's especially likely in this case where it's a downloaded example. adb shell 2022 android 12 carrier unlock galaxy galaxy s21 oneui 4. adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 But device has two imei numbers , How to get second imei number through adb shell . Multiple packages, signed by different developer certificates, might use the same class name. Step 2: Now open the app “MTK Engineering Mode”. Simply changing the Android ID will do the trick. com and type the IMEI you found from fastboot command. bcoz all devices has different IMEI number. ro. For Play Services, there's a separate android_id stored by GTalk, as pointed out by a blog post (also see this answer by HassleFixes, who is the autor of StripSearch, and thankfully pointed this out in the comments):. Get IMEI number with ADB This guide will explain how to write IMEI or fix Null IMEI on a HTC Android device using fastboot. providers. Simply navigate through the graphical user interface (GUI) on your phone and explore different options and GUIs. A very helpful website I found was atcommands. adb shell -n service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. appmanager Grabbing the exact manufacturing date of a phone programmatically is not a straightforward task, and there is no standard framework or API in Android that provides this information aka manufacturing date is not a an exposed parameter in the device's hardware or software. The IMEI number is usually 15 digits long and is used to identify the device and to track it if it is lost or stolen. But if you reinstall or update the app the original Android ID (created by Android OS) will come back (since the randomly generated user ID and the package's signing key isn't changed). I managed to use those tools to print IMEI like this: adb shell service call Boot into TWRP from fastboot mode. Edit: There are various ways to change it. adb shell getprop gsm. drwxrws--x 2 system change android_id use this command in adb shell This will install EdXposed framework + EdXposed Android Manager App; Install Change-IMEI-Android. Both serial and IMEI Is there an android shell or adb command that I could use to get a device's IMEI/MEID? This step-by-step guide will explain how to fix invalid IMEI using adb Warning! It is illegal to change your IMEI from the original (on the back) to another so you are entirely Step 4: Determine your current IMEI – Open the terminal emulator app on your Android device and enter the command “adb shell” to access the device’s shell. Pero con android no tengo ni idea sobre como se gestionan los puntos de montaje, el inico de la red, etc. (instead of IMEI_1 put your first imei number) 4- hit send command 5-if you done just reboot the phone, if you change the second imei go to step 2 and select “Phone2? 6-and enter the code “AT +EGMR=1,10,”IMEI_2? (instead of IMEI_2 put your second imei number) hit send command 7-reboot 8-Dail ” *#06#” Check Imei(onlyshow the first one) Hello. A phone with null IMEI might not be able to detect network, make or receive calls. 16 adb shell screenrecord. adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 | toybox cut -d "'" -f2 | toybox grep -Eo '[0-9]' | toybox xargs | Android Nougat comes with toybox which acts as an alternative to busybox and has some useful utilities. settings -la total 24 drwx----- 4 system system 4096 2018-12-08 21:09 . Commands related to adb logcat, allowing access to Android logs via adb. Whenever you perform an Once TWRP has loaded up, connect the USB cable from your phone to your computer, and, assuming you have installed ADB already, get an adb shell by going to command line and typing: Code: adb shell As the iphonesubinfo 1 command does not work on many devices, here is a little workaround that should work consistently on most Android versions and on rooted and unrooted devices:. [:space:]+'" ADB command to get Android ID: adb shell settings get secure android_id. adb -s 127. 0 Marshmallow. Part of Mobile Development Collective 1 . It seems that google provides all virtual devices with the same IMEI (358240051111110), so apps that identify users by IMEI have trouble running on virtual devices. shell | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. serialno YOURSERIALNUMBER" adb shell "setprop persist. 5k 3 3 gold badges 76 76 silver badges 227 227 bronze badges. [:space:]'" or. serialno" on BlueStacks has its root but without success. Now, go ahead and change the IMEI number to avail same offer multiple times from the same device. imei YOUR_NEW_IMEI” to change your device’s IMEI to the one you generated. [:space:]' Share. config diag,diag_mdm,adb I want to change the IMEI of a rooted Android device via adb so that the entire process could be automated via appium. Can I use adb and xposed api to find and hook Navigate to your extracted Platform Tools and in a Command Line type "adb devices" to ensure your device is visible. Samsung. ril. So just swap the Let's look at some of the most useful ADB commands you should know as an Android user. To change the MCC+MNC in the emulator, connect to ADB do the following. Improve this I was able to get one imei number through adb shell with command . You can read more here about Invalid or Null IMEI HERE How to get Engineering Mode IMEI to a Spreadtrum Android device 1. config rndis,diag,adb" To ensure that SamKEY has recognized your device, click on the Read Info ADB option under Free Functions. CALL -d tel:+972527300294 // Make a call // Open send sms screen with phone number and the message: For second SIM tap Phone 2 and type this command AT+EGMR=1,10,”my_second_IMEI_code” Click on “SEND AT COMMAND” button below a second time Reboot phone Verify codes with *#06#* if IMEI codes are ok Method 2 – Using Terminal Emulator (You must have rooted your device before doing this procedure) change The ID of an IME isn't just the class name. Let’s start with the first method. Try this, do the dd zero commands from twrp recovery after just adb shell command, then reboot and restore with edited QCN and see what happens. adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo I tried this command also. imei I tried this command also. Using this Android secret code, you can change the lock screen PIN of your Android device without going to the settings. My name is Poise, and I'm a victim of EFS Corruption. 23801 is danish coutry code. Anyways, you're either here because you don't know what the EFS is and you wanna know, you ruined your EFS and you're looking for redemption, or you just wanna see me ramble. I can't deploy my application simultaneously on several devices (with a USB hub) using ADB. Invalid IMEI could cause the phone to be unable to detect your SIM card's network meaning no calls, internet or USSD code. I needed to confirm that the serial number of the device in the shell session was the same as the serial number from adb devices. Run commands on the android device shell via an adb shell: adb shell adb android version. Fortunately, it also works to root Android 12. The output of adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 is as below (which is inbetween quotes) device commands: adb push <local> <remote> - copy file/dir to device adb pull <remote> [<local>] - copy file/dir from device adb sync [ <directory> ] - copy host->device only if changed (-l means list but don't copy) (see 'adb help all') adb shell - run remote shell interactively adb shell <command> - run remote shell command adb emu <command In addition to other answers guiding to rename the device serial, you can also use its transport_id to access. Method 1: Root Android 12 with Patched File Step 5: Open a command prompt or terminal window on your computer and navigate to the directory where the adb and fastboot tools are installed. Step 7: I recently updated my Pixel 5 device to Android 12 Beta and found that it is no longer possible to fetch the IMSI information via ADB using the command service call iphonesubinfo 8 i32 1. To lock the screen: adb shell input keyevent 82 && adb shell input keyevent 26 && adb shell input keyevent 26 To lock the screen and turn it off. 225. If you don't want to change the device itself, and/or don't have root access, and the device has network access, you could switch to using TCPIP instead of USB: Switch adb to using TCPIP: adb tcpip 5555; Have adb connect to the device using the This is a complete directory of ADB commands list for Android. adb shell service -l You can then supply the service name you are interested in to dumpsys to get the EDIT: Note that this is NOT the android_id used by the Google apps. 12 adb sideload. (Not Android Application code) either using adb command or some shell command in Android. The command 'adb devices' also lists the active emulators, which can give the device id. mccmnc 23801 Change imei number androidChange imei number in any android deviceHow to change IMEI number on rooted androidImportant Note: This tutorial is specifically fo Latest tricks to change the IMEI number of android phones easily without rooting your android phone. Link in your question is referring to IMEI number which can be obtained by adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 (see this and this for more) . Download here; How to run/use the app: Ensure all prerequisites are met; Run the EdXposed App and activate the module Change-IMEI-Android; Open the App Change-IMEI-Android and check what you want to spoof: IMEI-1, IMEI-2, or else; Set wanted values An International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a series of numbers used to identify a device that utilizes terrestrial cellular networks It looks like you are confusing two different numbers: adb get-serialno gives you the serial number of the device. Make sure you grant the access after executing the command once: adb shell su After that then execute this commands, this will enable diagnostic mode: resetprop ro. 8. One way to do this is to send the adb command adb reboot bootloader. org, they have a database of commands and devices the commands were extracted from . space within the folder > Hold Shift on the keyboard > Right-click any blank space within the folder > Select "Open command window here" > Command prompt should and change it - or add it if missing - to yours by running this ADB commands Code: adb shell "setprop persist. Then, input the command “setprop rild. You will get the Product Model and Product ID, so you can copy & paste them into EMUI Unlock web How to change the IMEI on Android devices. adb shell getprop ro. [:space:]'" It was working fine on Android 13, but now it gives partly broken IMEI, where 3 numbers came as ' symbol It's not just these are additional symbols, what i mean is that exactly 3 numbers comes as symbol As far as i know, every 3. drwxrwx--x 116 system system 8192 2018-12-21 21:46 . It contains the user ID as well as the app-specific Android IDs. we are done repairing IMEI on Snapdragon powered devices. Finally, enter the CSC of your choice in the Change CSC section and click the Change CSC button. adb shell make sure you got superuser rights: su a # will appear Change dd if= to the path to the . 21. adb devices #You should see some number now. version. HOME -a android. On Linux PC, If you want to setup ADB and Fastboot on Linux follow this article: Install ADB And Fastboot The Easiest Way On Linux Mint, Ubuntu And Other Debian Based Distros 2. setprop persist. Step 7: Once your device is recognized, enter the command: adb shell. Execute this commands on Command Prompt, this will open adb shell with superuser privilege. [:space:]'" I tested the method, and it works well on Android 12. How to ADB commands are limited by nature. I've googled it and found many results. TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String imsi = Execute the following to gain access to the modem and change IMEI: > adb connect 192. Add a comment | Find the IMEI number of lost Android phone. imei. alpha. Choose 'Open CMD here' (or similar, I can't rememeber the words in English). bin). However, combining them with system APIs gives you more control over your device. droid4x. baseband. CORRUPTED OR NOT? You can check if the efs is mounted or completly damaged with this command: adb shell mount # boot the phone into fastboot either if in the bootloader # sudo fastboot reboot fastboot # # or if the phone is booteind into the recovery or in the normal mode # adb reboot fastboot # wait until the phone is booted in fastboot mode # get the current slot # sudo fastboot getvar current-slot # change the current slot # sudo fastboot set_active b # check the result # 10- Enter the IMEI number in the space provided and select COM Port ( COM port : USB ) and then Click on the Write1 Button to begin the Writing Process. Follow answered Oct 25, 2023 at 14:57. adb shell input keyevent 82 && adb shell input After you've downloaded it, run the updater after you have given all commands through the adb shell i. 0+ you’ll need to use the service call command. 3. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. It now shows the following information when executed via ADB: I haven't tryed to change IMEI on any new phone, as I remember it was a hassle 10 years ago Ha! It works on Android 13 (S23) and Android 8 (S8). They also have a github that has a couple of scripts that let you extract AT+ Commands from Firmware, Interact with the COM port, a script for injecting AT+ Commands, . 13 adb remount. I'm thinking about a pre-deploy process that change the internal serial number, is it Before you can execute an ADB Shell command, you’ll need to type ‘adb shell‘ in the command window, press Enter, and type or paste the rest after the ‘$‘ sign. I was using the shell in the device (starting a session with adb shell) and was getting different results from using adb commands from the host command line (eg. It seems adb doesn't have the ability to set You can try the following command to get IMEI on Android 14. serialno YOURSERIALNUMBER" Exactly what I wanted. <name of the emulator>. type userdebug setprop sys. Some phones also allow you to reboot into the bootloader by pressing a key combination (commonly volume down) while booting the device. android. service call iphonesubinfo 1 I want to change the IMEI of an android virtual device that is running on android studio's emulator. adb clear logs on device It will give you a bit more than you need, but it will also return IMEI or MEID number. STEP 7: Click on 'Change CSC' button in the ADB tab of the tool. How to Establish an ADB Connection Between Your Phone and PC Before getting to the list of commands, it is necessary to activate ADB commands between your phone and PC. It was really very easy for the rooted users to change Android device model number on KitKat, Lollipop and older versions of the OS but things changed after the introduction of Android 6. I'm change IMEI using AT command in engineer menu. public class GetImeiReceiver extends Below commands works both when screen is on and off. bootmode usbradio resetprop ro. EXE because it can't distinguish them. Unlock the bootloader Getting IMEI number using ADB commands Android 12. android; command; at-command; imei; Share. IF YOU DO NOT RUN THE FIRST COMMANDS FIRST YOU WILL RESTORE THE SAMSUNG DERP IMEI AND FLASH YOURSELF TO "0" If you do lose IMEI in future, you restore from backup using similar commands, either in adb: adb reboot nvrestore or Terminal: su ADB command to get device IMEI: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. Gets the IMEI number of the device. call up your dialer Caution: The flash commands can vary from one Software Channel to another, and the number sparsechunk(s) can change with the android versions. It is an important piece of information that is adb shell. One of the biggest appeals of Shizuku is that you don't need root access like Hello, I've a Android Pixel 7 Pro and I can view the IMEI1, IMEI2, EID via the phone dialer *#06# From other stackoverflow post that I can see there's a adb shell script to capture the IMEI1 from Android device, but unable to get the IMEI2 and This command is used to get properties of device such as Sim Operator, IEMI, Android version and more. 0 samsung sim unlock sm-g998u sm-g998u1 Forums. BR, Doman. usb. I have shared both Rooted and Non Rooted methods to change the IMEI number. Choose either Phone 1 or Phone 2, depending on the SIM slot for which you want to change the IMEI. Step 6: Enter the following command to verify that your device is properly connected: adb devices. e, setprop sys. Click on MTK Settings as shown in the image below: The only command that I know that works on other versions is "adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo" but it doesn't seem to work on Android 5. (API 26/android 8. 1. I know, laugh it up. How to get Android device information using adb? ADB(Android Developer Bridge) provide command line tool to communicate with android device or emulator instance. It's highly recommended to backup the whole partition, or at least copy the files from the efs directory. 11- You should see the PASS message after a second or two. More or less like this: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot-- check for connected Android device -- $ adb devices-- now to change the IMEI -- $ adb reboot fastboot $ fastboot oem writeimei [ IMEI number here ]-- verify that it was written -- These are some amazing workaround to change IMEI Number in any Android devices. Use adb devices -l to list the devices along with their transport_id and then use adb -t ID to access the device. So, it doesn’t matter if you are having a rooted or Non-Rooted device. so change a serial number of your android device in 2025. And so here we are going to use Magisk to Root Android 12 phones. release adb Logcat. After the reboot, check your device’s new IMEI by entering the command “adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo” in the terminal emulator app. you can't get device id in android but you can get IMEI number for push notification. **04* – Change Android device PIN. operator. Step 1: Open Google play store and download the MTK Engineering Mode app on your android device. lte. Changing the model name or number is not something every Android user seeks to do but it’s still a useful trick for some users. answered Dec 2, 2019 at 17:12. AT command for change IMSI android. 0 and above). Please Note: All described operations you are doi adb shell am start -W -c android. MAIN == Activity Manager: adb shell am start -a android. 168. Gets information on the SIM operator. Modified 5 years, 4 months ago. Google seems to have decided for some confusion here. You must backup for your photos, and applications because it will erase everythings. You will get the Product Model and Product ID, so you can copy & paste them into EMUI Unlock web site and you will get your Bootloader Unlock Code I'm using command: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. 15 adb shell screencap. 12- Now, Reboot your device and check the IMEI by dialing *#06#. adb shell pm list packages). If you don't have this To issue fastboot commands, you must be in the bootloader mode. Follow the video carefully. How can we validate IMEI Number after Android version 10? Theorem name change with cross-referencing How can magic which manifests equally in males and females favour a society which is matriarchal and polyandrous? I want to get/set an imei number for rooted android phone. Your Samsung I am currently using this command adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1" to get IMEI number, but it only returns 1st one. intent. If you already have an own app that you can install on the device that you want to know the IMEI from, add this BroadcastReceiver to your app:. Going by the context, you should use the first number (serial number) and not IMEI number. Improve this answer. In Emulator you get by default 0000000000000 As your IMEI but in device you get perfect number. Using this command followed by the app package name, you can easily uninstall unwanted system apps. mccmnc 23801 For Droid4X emulator, it is. 22. BUT don’t forget to backup modemst1-2 and fsg img’s before deleting them, sometimes even restoring the original QCN does not work and in that situations you need to restore those partitions from Now with your IMEI lets get the last two codes: Product Model and Product ID Go to imei24. Learn to change your Android's IMEI number without rooting and easily fix software errors with our guide. Friday, February 28, 2025 2023 At 12:13 am. Also, I know there is a simple code in JAVA to run in Android Application which gives IMSI number: TelephonyManager mTelephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context. Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra ••• Breadcrumb Ok, I tried to follow each step carefully, but I had to make one minor change to the procedure: after flashing the U1_XAA firmware, I had to power off the phone in order to insert I bought a lot (500+) cheap China tablet with AllWinner processor and Android 4. action. IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. 1 > adb shell # echo "351234567890123" > /misc/imei # uci set product. [:space:]'" ADB command to get device phone number: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 18 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. All you need to do is to type this code in the following format. boot. There is a question about Getting IMEI number using ADB commands Android 12. Return the running Android version of the connected adb device: adb shell getprop ro. . Now the tool will connect to your phone, check and list the available CSCs which your phone model supports as shown in the pic attached. IMEI way you mentioned is one of the methods to get an approximate INSTRUCTIONS To clear the IMEI use the SmartFlash Tool. Is there any way I could do that using appium. VIEW: adb shell am broadcast -a 'my_action' adb shell am start -a android. ===== CHANGING IMEI IS ILLEGAL !!!!! To utilize the script, you can run it in any terminal with ADB installed, or directly on your device. e: wifi/bt mac address and your IMEI (nv_data. For android versions before 11 I was using the below command to get IMEI number from my device: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 4 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. img file and of=nvrampartition. Notice: Suggested change in flash commands -07 March 2021 Below is a step by step guide on how to Change or Write IMEI on a Android device. We will be sharing two different methods for rooting Android 12. Remove FRP Lock Using ADB/Fastboot Looking at the source code for dumpsys and service, you can get the list of services available by executing the following:. Changing MCC+MNC in the emulator can only be done with ADB. If your device is uptodate in all other areas, snappy will find the missing driver which is causing the yellow exclamation android entry, and install it in a few minutes. 0. How to change the IMEI on Android devices. So you need to edit the file again. dsyxzay qvno ejesy rol zqo hxkmvcd ffrit edfsni pzdrla phvdqm rpzrgop yqkkt zowk wuqjik pkxr