1 key unm unkillable. ALL SPEEDS LISTED ARE TRUE SPEEDS.
1 key unm unkillable (BREAKDOWN in description also)- Slow speeds budget Helicath tea The key is to speed it so that Whisper goes just before Emic or Maneater so that way she will get the Unkillable buff no matter how many turns she takes. I use Frozen Banshee as my stun target for Force and Magic And Skullcrusher for the other By the way, I built this team and was able to 2 key UNM and 1 key NM with a Frozen Banshee and terrible speed gear on everyone else. You should look up deadwoodjedi site and white Note: the speeds shown in the video are for UNM only and NM speeds are listed below. Maneater. You have more flexibility with DPS slots compared to the Budget Unkillable allowing more damage per key. DPS. just need to push a little more dmg . This is true for all difficulties. What’s best? Any other DPS recommends that I may have? Usually a TM boost or extra turns are a Using Double Maneater and Ma'Shalled to achieve an affinity friendly 2:1 unkillable team. Level 40 Skullcrusher allows others to have 2k defense. Myth Hier is a full-auto affinity friendly team that uses Demytha’s block damage to stay unkillable. Speed Tune Name Type Difficulty Key Performance Affinity Friendly; Santa's Ho-Ho-Ho-mies: Unkillable: Moderate: 1 Key UNM: All Affinities: MummyMan: Unkillable endgame hydra 1 key lategame mythbuster unkillable unm 1 key; Replies: 1; Forum: RAID: Shadow Legends RSL; A. 1 Unkillable - Bateater Meets Deaconeater - 1 Key UNM/NM/Brutal Clan Boss - All Affinities 28 votes, 20 comments. Once that is done and people are posting crazy 1 key hits all over like this Plarium will step in Demytha Unkillable team utilizing Heiress to stay affinity friendly with Ma'shalled. . Emic Trunkheart will move at a 4:3 Speed Ratio, enabling him to keep unkillable on your full team for the first AOE attack while cooling down your allies abilities – specifically Maneater – allowing the usage of Maneater’s AOE unkillable ability to stay protected for the second AOE and Stun and stay affinity friendly. Team Composition. Esp since its listed as 3 key , possible 2 . 11/14/19. ( 1 Brimstone, 1 Cruelty, Remainder Phantom Touch ) Advanced Notes: Affinity Adjustments Plenty of excellent champions several built clearing DT normal and most of DT hard, Drex and Rhazin both fused, has 2x Rector Draths built, a +3 Skeuramis, 2 Geomancers built, 2-Key UNM 1-Key NM Ultimate Budget Unkillable happy to send more details! Unkillable Team utilizing Helicath and Maneater to stay unkillable and affinity friendly. Itworks but can be a bit fussy at times and it's still 3key (but I am grateful I can do UNM!) I dream of the 1key full-auto UNM/NM combo team. This version has a 4:3 ratio champion to provide more damage. I am sure I must be able to create an unkillable team or a team which is able to 1 key nm and 2 key unm. Relevant stats are 5700 atk, crit rate above 100, I currently 2-key UNM Demon Lord with the original Ninja Helicath unkillable team (40m/key) however I'm always thinking about how I can get to a 1-key UNM team. But Bateater 1 Key UNM - Who to use as DPS? I have Ninja, Rhazin, Anax, Fatman and Geomancer to name a few. Open comment sort options. 1 Key UNM is possible with very good gear and meta If you have a force affinity DPS that can put out enough damage to one-key, then it will work full auto on all affinities for UNM, NM, and Brutal. Also: do you happen to have other champs like Demytha or Deacon or Fu-Shan or Ma'Shallad? There are some other potential unkillable/block dmg teams that I hear from clanmates One Key Budget Unkillable | Raid Shadow LegendsGeomancer for the WIN! Obviously it's a full team, but this is still a remarkable achievement that I honestly i am back again and could need some advice on how to work on a 1 key UNM team. 255 - 255. Can be made full auto and affinity friendly with a cleanser or block debuffs champion. FYI I do have an unkillable team that works on 1 Key UNM clan boss using a Helicath / Ninja / Roshguard combo exceeding 140 Million damage. Using the original Tower/Skullcrusher Unkillable, but utilizing Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun. I just can't see myself investing any further This team is arguably the easiest team to 1 key UNM as an unkillable team because of the damage output and the 3:1 ratio. Speeds are WC 265, Seeker 248, Santa 247, Martyr 246, Draco 221. Top. Standard rules for budget unkillable HP and defense ranges apply. upvotes There are many different ways to achieve a 1 key team on clan boss, however, the most used team tends to be the unkillable comp. Speeds listed exclude any speed aura. ; Use the My tune works for UNM and NM. Unkillable from Turn 1. Achieving 1 key UNM with this Mine's 1 key UNM all affinities, but due to my particular tune (because I'm lazy and the setup is easier), it doesn't work on NM. This is the link to my team:https://deadwoodjedi. However, I haven't gotten or built wixwell yet (and probably won't since I already have a 1 key team already) so I don't know the exact speed to get it to work. A variation of the popular Budget Unkillable that uses a very annoying champ to tune, Ninja! A great option to increase your Damage per Key. Speed Tune Jintoro leads the charge in today's minimum gear 1 key unm bateater team for Demon Lord Clan Boss in Raid: Shadow Legends!Become a Member of The Nub Club to What's the best 1 key unm someone can make? i. In this guide, I will cover which buffs and debuffs you should be looking for when assembling your team as well as which gear sets you should consider for ea I’ve been able to 3 key UNM for a few weeks now and have more sacred shards, void shards, and books then I ever had. Fast Double Maneater Unkillable team that is fully affinity friendly. Full Guide including speeds, masteries, and DeadwoodJedi Calculator links. 2:1 turn ratio using Lady Noelle and a buff extender. r/RaidShadowLegends. He allowed me onto his account to go through the team comp and champions for the video. Max potential is a two key ultra-nightmare team with a three key being very achievable. Click on the speeds to see detailed notes for each champion position. This version has TWO 4:3 ratio champion to provide more damage. Speeds | Gear | Masteries | Clan Boss Run. 1 Unkillable - Bateater Meets Deaconeater - 1 Key UNM/NM/Brutal Clan Boss - All Affinities Even before I could 1 Key UNM, I found the leftover damage could be made up with my 4th key and because it would be a shorter run i could just leave the battle once I hit 71m damage. Community Clan Boss showcase. 192 - 199. There are a few misconceptions on that video but I'm running budget unkillable. And 2 key NM all affinities except Force, i 1 key him and unlocked quick battle. Helicath. The team is one of the only teams that is fully usable on both UNM + NM and capable of 1 keying both, on any affinity. com/CWASUBSCRIBE: http://bit. UNM Unkillable First Team Setup Help 2. You need speed tune with duchess to make her block debuff go at right time, or else team will fall apart. com/c/SodaDragonGaming?sub_confirmation=1🎮 Play Android & IOS Games on PC wi For takeovers join the discord and check the takeover-services channel: https://discord. Seeker and Lydia taking the 1st Slow Debuff agaisnt Spirit Affinity will not break the tune. Full Guide including speeds, Being a relatively low spender (Battlepass 1, like 6 months of raidpass and a 2 months of gempack), I was stuck on 4-3 key UNM for a while. Update day 1: magic affinity is stable A 2:1 ration unkillable team with two Maneaters, Seeker, Ma’Shalled, and a DPS champion. it can happen due to seeker proccing his passive early on. UNM Rotation: Fast ME – A3 on turn count 1, then second action on turn count 6, auto Slow ME Unkillable; Slow Tunes; 1:1 Ratio; 2:1 Ratio; 3:1 Ratio; 4:3 Ratio; Champion Speed Tunes. AOE CA and/or double ally protect are welcome here (2-4 key UNM capable) but 1 decrease attack and 3 sturdy DPS is a good choice to RAID Shadow Legends | Best Unkillable Clan Boss Team CompTWITTER: https://twitter. Full Guide. A Today's showcase is a 1 key 100M+ UNM Clan Boss team using No counter attack or Unkillable. ALL SPEEDS LISTED ARE TRUE SPEEDS. Thanks. 2-key needs slightly better gear or champs, but also not too difficult. 1 Key UNM. 179K subscribers in the RaidShadowLegends community. com. Using Renegade and a 4 Turn Cooldown Special Rules. 1 Key UNM is possible with very good gear and meta champions. Using Double Maneater and Ma'Shalled Based on the information, only answer i can give you is get more damage. The speeds are fine as long as Michi does so much damage on a speed team. Do As the title suggests, this Clan Boss comp has nothing special about it, well maybe it’s a little special but it doesn’t have any counterattack, no unkillable buff here! And no legendary champions to boot! This is an ALL I have decided to make a video on possibly the most common unkillable team in the community, that is the Budget Unkillable team, as not many people have othe Yeah I'm not doubting the complexity but just like unkillable once it's been done it will make it easier for people to replicate and streamline. I'm missing another AOE block damage champ so my question is, is there a similar comp that I Unkillable team centered around Sir Nicholas, Skullcrusher, and Pain Keeper. A subreddit for the hero collector RPG mobile game, RAID: Shadow Legends! First 1 key UNM Roshcard/Warcaster Unkillable Showcase Locked post. Force affinity is lower damage. ( 1 Brimstone, 1 Cruelty, Remainder One key UNM no unkillable no valkyrie. Protection Block Damage Champion. Comments. Void Only. All Affinities! ️Subscribe http://www. Wixwell 1 key UNM with 4 rares. Deacon and Seeker push turn meter to keep speeds low, and Heiress Unkillable Speed tunes offer the best damage per key for most players requiring far less gear to achieve good results and often instantly unlock 2 key UNM capability. Bringing both unkillable and block debuffs makes him negate many of the challenges when Unkillable - you build team that can't be killed for the first 50 turns (before boss ignore unkillable or block damage buff). but I don't care to since it is 1 key UNM already and my clan doesn't have trouble downing the boss daily. The bigger goal is being able to 1 key NM (while 2 keying UNM) as it opens up brutal which can drop some reasonable rewards on Turvold "Baconeater" 2:1 Unkillable - Bateater Meets Deaconeater - 1 Key UNM/NM/Brutal Clan Boss - All Affinities youtu. If you don't consider it inappropriate for some reason, then you can make as many tests 2 Key UNM. Speed Tune Overview. NM damage can be below 1-key. New Note fat vizer and any slow boi is a two key UNM. I am looking for a good comp. My team does 20k per key to UNM and it has 0 unkillable champs. Demytha Unkillable team utilizing Heiress to stay affinity friendly with Ma'shalled. Best. Adds Turvold to the slow double Maneater unkillable team to increase your damage. It is teams that use unkillable buff where you may have trouble. 2 Key UNM is possible with very good gear. Clan Boss Speed Tune for Raid Shadow Legends. Here summary and video: Main purpose: this is just to say it is possible so those players who may be lazy or don't want to learn speed tuning can definitely accomplish 1 key NM untuned. Check Out My Other Channel: https://www. 💲 Support the Channel with the links below! 🙏 Subscribe: https://www. Facemelter, one of the mods in the DeadwoodJedi discord, has figured out how to raise one of the champs to a 4:3 ratio (similar to Wareater/Mantower) I managed to increase the damage on this clan boss account by 10m using a Myth Heir speed tune which allows for Ninja to be the DPS. You would have to play around in the calculator. His passive allows him to put up ridiculous amounts of damage and since his Weaken isn't a hit, it can't get Im pulling 80m damage with this exact same comp on unm void. AzuraWrath. Pain keeper and maneater aren’t crit capped. I'd argue to say this is the best team currently out there due to how effective it is, provided you have the gear to 1 key UNM. 218 - 218. Razelvarg. But being serious, helicant unkillable wotg skullcrusher is not realy a 1 key unkillable team. 2:1 Ratio comp, all champions must be booked ! Apart from brago where only hi With my current UNM CB Team, I'm running Helicath, Geo (Stun Target), Anchorite (Cleanse) and FB & Aox as damage dealing poisoners. com/channel/UCoSkzr1pXpt3d0jIxsc6ufw?sub_confirmation=1Looking to improve at Raid? Join my Discord: https://d First off, an intro on the guide can be found thanks to ColdBrew over here: 3 KEY UNM EASY SETUP UNKILLABLE | 1 MANEATER 1 PAINKEEPER SETUP | RAID SHADOW LEGENDS. Do you have Seeker or Ma'Shalled? They tend to be pretty much a requirement. The 4 do around 13M just from wm and <50% crit rate. No relentless. 0 reaching above 1 key UNM. And since I only had Jareg for the attack down role I was simply screwed on spirit affinity. 1-key UNM non-unkillable, no poison team General Discussion Locked post. Timeline:intro - 0:00sta 2:1 Unkillable with Deacon Armstrong, Pain Keeper, and two Maneaters. Speeds:Demytha: 289Heire Free Infinite Multi Battles Auto Clicker Speed Roll Your Gear Download Raid: Shadow Legends on PC: https://bstk. Void affinity is the weakest but it means I can delay hitting until cb changes affinity and allow the unk Any sets that don’t affect turn meter or skill timing for the key players (Tower/Block Debuff/Cleanse). I started with the budget unkillable team and managed to switch to the Helicath slow-tune team with Brogni blocking the debuffs. High Khatun (or similar) leads the team with Demytha, Seeker, a Block Debuff Champ and a DPS. Unkillable team using Roschard The Tower to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and skullcrusher to tank the stun with his self unkillable. Unm nm 1 key all colors +50 legendry s tier legos A bit to lydia Good dungen times 50 blue 8 void 3 primal 3 yellow shards Price: 90$ Payment method: btc Discord: justali7597 Dm's open. 1 Key UNM is possible with very good The evolution of my CB teams has been Skullcrusher CA team > Martyr CA team > current "unkillable" setup, and I honestly found that CA teams for me have mostly been lacking; I had to 3-4-Key UNM with my Martyr team. 304-307 – 1 or 2 Turn Duration Unkillable Champ; 268-285 – DPS or 2 Turn Block Debuff Champ True Speed must be Higher than Slow Unkillable Champ if using Relentless; 268-285 – 2 Turn Duration Unkillable Champ; 245-253 – Deacon ( 226-234 w/ Deacon’s Aura ) 218-223 – DPS or Cleanser; Speed Tune Sync: UNM tune will sync on turn 5 The Story: One of my clanmate's u/Vraccal pulled Turvold a couple of weeks ago and since then, I have been helping him try to fit the big guy into a team that can 1-key UNM on all affinities. The team is based off 2 fusion champs, 2 epics & the free FW ch Unkillable team using Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun. A 1-Key Unkillable team for all difficulties. All affinities except magic of course, i especially pound force affinity, can 3 key him. Click on the speeds to see detailed notes for each champion Just wanted to see some options without Block Damage / Unkillable. me/oUPkoa61WSocials & Contact Busi 3 Key UNM. info/cb/9f14b3b3059a17e0b8d1d3773b4366af Unkillable team using Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun. Demytha Unkillable team utilizing Heiress, 3-key UNM is basically guaranteed with budget UK as long as you hit the speeds and bring in some poisoners. F0rest. It is also full auto before Turn 0 ends and has the same setup for UNM/NM/Brutal. He didn't have Kreela, Martyr, or Fahrakin or any To complete the theme of an "Epics Only" 1-key UNM team, I went with Geomancer as the Weaken champion for this video. Paired with Mithrala for 100% hex uptime and perfect defensive core buffs survive to 50 easily. This team was featured a few months Using Partial-Booked Renegade and Warcaster/Skullcrusher to stay unkillable. As you didnt put your full roster, cant give better team suggestions. Allows a Only certain damage dealers can deliver enough damage to 1-key (Draco, Anax, Fayne, Venus, Fahrakin, etc) This team belongs to Resurrected Mods from the Raid Chat 77 Discord. sailow (dm) Discord: SailowXXL#3563 Affinity friendly single demytha unkillable team! What more can you ask for? Utilizing Heiress and two Painkeepers to keep the buffs up 100% of the time and one DPS to do your damage. Its also not speed turned, mostly because i have 0 understanding of what the hell that is. Geo let’s you 1 key force and Spirit. Unkillable team champions which I have: Roscard the tower (no books/masteries) Demytha (full book and masteries) 2x painkiller (no books/masteries but can build them fairly quick) Emic (no books full masteries) The block damage buff should be on everyone for the first AoE and the unkillable + block debuffs should be on everyone for the second AoE and the stun round. All Affinities. Even though the champs you see people using rotate, they speeds are ALL based on the original tune which was found which could work with ally protection in addition to block damage and unkillable. 214 - 217. All because I worked on a clan boss team. But sometimes (rarely) the comp will fall out of tune with a bad stun target. You can do void but it Maneater is a monster when it comes to enabling Unkillable teams for the clan boss. Easiest FULL AUTO 1 KEY CB team in Raid: the Myth Heir | Raid Shadow LegendsThe Myth Heiress team with a DETAILED breakdown of the EASIEST 1 KEY CLAN BOSS TE Even bateater is far from a guaranteed 1key UNM. Archmage Hellmut; Deacon Armstrong; Demytha; 1 Key UNM. 2 Key UNM. A full-auto affinity friendly team that uses Demytha's block damage to stay unkillable. 3:1 Unkillable team with very high damage capabilities. Brutal tune will sync on turn ⭐1 Key UNM Unkillable Anax/Tower/Warcaster Batman Forever ⭐ LIVE STREAM video, LeilaFox showcases a viewer's Ultra Nightmare Unkillable Clan Boss team in RAI GNUT WRECKS THE CLAN BOSS !! 1 Key UNM 'NO UNKILLABLE' !! Raid: Shadow Legends In todays video i will be taking on the Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss in a tradit Based off my champs stats do you think that i could 1 or 2 key UNM. I haven't yet built the team up (waiting on the fusion before I rank up Roshcard and gear up the rest), but I'm hoping this comp will get me into 1 key territory. This next fragment event will be a piece of cake because of that. youtube. Demytha Unkillable team utilizing Heiress to stay affinity friendly adding in a 3:1 Ratio DPS (works with Ninja). FOLLOW ME. It's much easier to reach using unkillable/blockdmg - that said, it's still not *easy* at all, and usually requires tuning around 2:1 or even 3:1 teams. No Fayne or Draco. Blessings Stick to typical Clan Boss Blessings. Reply. Managed to get her as my first unkillable champ I run easy Roshcard + Skullcrusher comp. Deacon and Seeker push turn meter to keep speeds low, and Heiress cleanses debuffs while bringing a speed buff. etc . I'm not the best clan boss guy, so definitely can be improved and refined, but shows super minimum gear and champion levels to 1 key UNM. Share. #testserverhttps://deadwoodjedi. Guide What is up guys! After much play testing, hours in the calculator, and like 1000 gems in keys I have done it! My gear is pretty bad so getting 2 key unm should be easy if you can get RAZELVARG WRECKS THE CLAN BOSS !! | NO UNKILLABLE 1 KEY UNM !! | Raid Shadow Legends (Test Server) In todays video I break down a traditional clan boss team Or to any double maneater comp . Could do with better gear to 1 key force affinity (usually hits 55-65mil so easy 2 key), but no problem with 1 key magic and spirit. 2 Key on All Affinities UNM and 1 Key NM. It's not like Hydra Clash, that score matter, so anything that can get you to 1 key UNM is best way to go. Unkillable team centered around Sir Nicholas, Skullcrusher, and Pain Keeper. com/c/BionicGamingEntertainment Twitch: Unkillable champions are the easiest Clan Boss comp to tune for Clan Boss, Pick the one you have in the Speed Tune list and follow the speeds, that’s it you don’t need anything else bar accuracy to land your debuffs. Seeker is great for enabling 2:1 because his boost is effectively on a two-turn cooldown. Speed Auras can be used to lower the BUILD SPEEDS. 8th – Myth-Tower: This is probably the easiest team to build on Hi, I made a blog post about my Un-tuned Clan Boss team reaching stable 1 key NM at 46 mil damage. Even 3-key 1 Key UNM. Myth Fu, Myth Heir, and the like are also We'll review Myth-Fu and talk about how to build the champions, speed tune, and set up the correct team AI. (Just for reference: I am also working on a speed tuned team in parallel but so far my untuned This is the same composition for Brutal, Nightmare AND Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss! I can 2 Key UNM with this easy, 1 Key NM, 1 Key Brutal This is one of the most attainable new comps i've foundand good for all levels of play! Deadwoodjedi. If you're using double Maneater, the logical upgrade is to Bateater: 2 maneaters, seeker, pain keeper, 1 DPS in Relentless (Anax, Fayne, Dracomorph, Jintoro, Belanor are good fits for this team). Almost all of the 2:1 clan boss speed tunes are based off of the batman where you use seeker to get to a 2:1 ratio. The last key was my Unkillable team based on the Myth Heir team utilizing the unique abilities of Ruella and Elva Autumnborn combined with Demytha to create a extremely fast and effective team. Seeker. The rest of my comp was a speed booster (I used Zin Blademaster, who also gives leech to the comp), buff extender (Aniri, gives the comp some staying with heals and revives but the comp shouldn't die before 50 normally), and Gnut In this video, we check out the 3:1 version of the Myth Heiress team that I created based upon the original Myth Heiress. com/speed-tunes/myth-seeker/https://deadwoodje #raidshadowlegends #raidrpg #raid Are you struggling to beat the Chimera boss in Raid: Shadow Legends? This step-by-step guide will show you how to build th Requirements to 1 KEY UNM: Dracomorph Requirements to 2 KEY UNM: None (Screenshots provided by Discord user EnniTime) Ultra-Nightmare Nightmare Brutal This last photo showcases the team's strength on UNM even with a level 40 Uncommon. The team works with level 60 1500 defense Skullcrusher, but everyone must have 3k defense in that case, what makes it harder to get enough damage for 2-key. Usually, it's easier to build Block damage or Unkillable team then Infinity shield or something else, just UNM or NM only. 218. I tried 1 run and my skullcrusher died within 10 turns. Unkillable Team utilizing a 4 Turn Cooldown Unkillable Champ and Maneater to stay unkillable and affinity friendly. 14. I have no problem surviving to turn 50 but I'm doing roughly 30Mil damage per run, I One Key UNM everyday using THIS Clan Boss team | Raid Shadow LegendsThis is the team that I use currently for clan boss - it's the Slow Helicath Unkillable Alsgor is an amazing champion for clan boss to get you to UNM 1 key. New comments cannot be posted. Search for: Toggle Navigation. The Getting one-key without unkillable/blockdmg is *really* tough, and requires very specific teams. Share Sort by: Best. Demytha Unkillable team A showcase of a INSANE composition using no Unkillable, based on a 2:1 Lydia X Krisk team originally created by "Pavo" focusing on the value of Shields/Ally There are a ton of people out there using Bateater or one of the other 2:1 double ME variants to reach 1-key clan boss on UNM. I just pulled Fahrakin this week and I already have Seeker so I became very interested in this comp. Views. Rhazin 179 Speed, Frozen Banshee 177, Vizier 175. 1-key is very hard, but it's not very necessary. I have Maneater and Seeker so THREE BUILDS THAT ONE KEY UNM clan boss teams featuring NINJA that full auto. New (DP for Spirit). ly/36Z4kY6Today in RAID Shadow Legends we'll r Speeds and gear are a little bit higher than the budget unkillable. 58 - 221. Search. This team will not be killable by the clan boss until it reaches its 50th turn, meaning you have 50 turns to Tower + Demytha Unkillable Team - Starts on Auto - Affinity Friendly - Different Champion Options - A Build with Ninja for ALL AFFINITIES NM AND UNM . It does not matter which. Full guide. Ma'shalled Unkillable Bateater 2. FB consistently does 24+ mil on both NM Finally 1 key UNM budget unkillable General Discussion Share Sort by: Best. 79. Im just reaching to do 4 key NM. Lowest requirements. gg/45MKAcUpPDJoin this channel to get access to membership perks: htt Using Revive on Death mechanic with Maneater to stay unkillable for 50 turns. For spirit affinity I just sub in Rhazin Demytha Unkillable team utilizing Heiress to stay affinity friendly and no Seeker. One Unkillable/Block Damage Champ will have a 1 turn delay on their ability (a1, a3 for example) and the other a 3 turn delay (a1, a1, a1, a3 for example). Like Likes 0. EPIC CHAMPS WRECK THE CLAN BOSS !! NO UNKILLABLE 1 KEY UNM !! Raid: Shadow Legends Thank you to everybody who swung by to support the event ! Please remembe Any sets that don’t affect turn meter or skill timing for the key players (Hellmut/Seeker/UK Champs). comments. It uses Deacon Armstrong and High Khatun to fill Turn Meter and Increase This is the unkillable version of the Batman 2:1 with Seeker. (I am using Dracomorph) 75m 1 key. Update: Adding my current Slow Helicat / Fatman champions with gear. Requires a 4 turn set up but full auto for nightmare and brutal. Nov 20, 2020, 11:00 11/20/20. My team does 90million on UNM with Draco as the DPS. Any sets that don’t affect turn Advices for UNM without unkillable, block damage or counter attack. You miss turn 1 against unm with slower speed. Edit: Well, there are other "keys" to it as well, like having Doompriest go first to cleanse anything off to make it truly affinity friendly. This speed tune is ideal for anyone looking to utilise Demytha in a 2:1 Fully Unkillable Comp without Seeker. ( 1 Brimstone, 1 Cruelty, Remainder Phantom Touch ) Advanced Notes: Ally Attack Champs can work ( Be wary of those with Shields such as Kreela or Lonatharil for Stun Targeting ) Ally 1-Key UNM "1:1 Unkillable + Counterattack + Ally-Attack". This should absolutely be priority #1 for anyone who has the champs to pull one off. Blessings Stick to typical Clan Boss 1 Key ALL difficulties using iron brago | rhazin | altan | valkyrie | mashalled. 2 key UNM and 1 key Nightmare Clan Boss Myth-Fu is a highly recommended, full-auto speedtune with a high speed 3:1 Demytha to ensure unkillable while Heiress cleanses the debuffs to make it affinity friendly. SOLD Lots of shard mid game 💥💯💯 only $90. Unkillable Clan Boss team focused around the crazy speeds of Razelvarg to incredibly fast and do great damage! Team Composition. Brogni is an excellent champ nearly anywhere in the game, and works amazing in killable CB tunes, as well as a solid Debuff blocker DPS in a number of 2:1 Unkillable UNM 240-241 – Maneater 218-222 – Pain Keeper 175-178 – DPS 175-178- DPS 111-118 – Stun Target/DPS Rotation: Maneater – A3 Pain Keeper – A3, A1, A2, auto Stick to typical Clan Boss Blessings. Capt Redrum 4 years ago No problem on UNM or even brutal. ( 1 Brimstone, 1 Cruelty, Remainder Phantom Touch ) Razelvarg and Demytha go at a 3:1 ratio enabling the entire team to run at a 2:1 ratio to stay unkillable and do Huge damage to the Clan Boss. Roshcard 248 speed, Skullcrusher 174. I just want to know which 3 dps you would use im aware of other comps and could pretty much do most of them that dont require 300 speed :) but id rather stick with this one since im rly close to 1 key unm . The fastest of Works for both UNM and NM. This not only requires a high damage dealer with Decrease DEF and Weaken (like Dracomorph), but also Anax is one of the best for block damage teams, I use Anax in my Myth Heir team for 1 key UNM. Skip to content. Looking at Myth If I get him and make an unkillable (I think I have all the other tools) and 1 key UNM, then I'll be able to farm Brutal and Hard every day (currently only doing UNM and NM) I'm going all in. Team Discussion Hey guys, worked on this team on the test server and got it to work after some testing. Masteries Stick to typical Masteries that won’t affect Turn Meter or skill timing. Works for UNM / NM / Brutal with one setup. Open comment sort options I currently manage 3 key Nightmare with 2 poisoners (venomage and fully blessed Banshee) the other three are the dwarf from the ratking fusion, UdK and the fat barbarian Hi, right now I am running slow heli unkillable and doing 2key UNM and with recent pulls of Godseeker and Krisk I would like to try to 1key UNM, can you suggwst a speed tune and team? There are plenty with Demytha or Deacon but I dont have either. UNM 1 Key min 30 - max 35 DK NM 1 Key min 42 DK AVG 2 Key UNM 1 KEY NM NO FB !! MAIL CAN BE CHANGE !!! NO LINKED !!! PRICE = 50$ Payment with ONLY Transferwise or WesternUnion cuz i live in Turkey/İstanbul whatsapp: +9005345799693 instagram: raid. Though in spirit i Use Doompriest. Or did you get Wixwell? 💲 Support the Channel with the links below! 🙏 Subscribe: https://www. My team setup: https://deadwoodjedi. com/c/SodaDragonGaming?sub_confirmation=1🎮 Play Android & IOS Games on PC wi Jintoro leads the charge in today's minimum gear 1 key unm bateater team for Demon Lord Clan Boss in Raid: Shadow Legends! Unkillable team using Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun. It's usually 72-74m on Void and 80m+ on affinity as Geomancer I wanted to put this team out there — it’s just the typical budget unkillable, with Geo as the slow boi, Gnut and Chaagur as the dps. It’s not quite the same as other 2:1 setups. 49. 0. Turvold is a great champ in a 2:1 or 3:1 Unkillable tune. I've already lurked in DWJ site, but can't even do any comp with at least 2 specific champs specified there. 100% F2P. aecmqqypkbnpnziqhpffgquuypfqbtpguskhqhpagkwutwmsfhpeqjivfyowrgkvjlujwgi