3000 psi concrete specifications The concrete production facility has test records on a mix that provides an average strength of 3700 psi with a Selecting a mix to meet strength specifications NUMBER OF TESTS MODIFICATION FACTOR FOR STANDARD DEVIATION 15 1. To achieve 4000 psi, you’ll need 6 sacks of cement (which is why higher psi mixes are often more expensive). . 75 pounds of cement, 1658. 5 0. ASTM C39 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens C. 1006) Fast-Setting (No. 65 0. 55 0. 5 MPa) @ 24 hours, 6000 psi (41. PART 1 . Sample Preparation: Cylindrical concrete samples (typically 6 inches in diameter and 12 inches high) are cast and cured. 6 parts of water. 45 0. 0 MPa) 7 days 5500 psi (37. 1007-80) Crack Resistant (No. 8 MPa) 24 hours 4500 psi (31. 7 MPa) and testing at 7 and 28 days. 5-7. Volume: 25. 0 MPa) 7 days: 5500 psi (37. 2,500 PSI For your concrete base, aim for dimensions of 3 feet by 3 feet with a depth of at least 4 feet. PMP Spec Concrete 3000 is a dry, factory blended concrete mix specifically designed for the professional contractor. Specifications. Thickness / 3000 PSI XPR-10AC 10,000 Lb. PMP Spec Concrete 3000 is uniformly blended, properly proportioned mixture of Portland cement, graded sand, 3/8” aggregate designed to provide a flowable grout. Minimum 3,000 psi for non-reinforced concrete thrust blocking, water pipe cradle in For example, 3000 PSI concrete means the concrete can resist a compressive force of 3000 pounds per square inch before it starts to crack or break. Protect well-lit spaces and prevent 3,000 PSI concrete is the residential workhorse and can be used for patios. 6 0. The concrete mix ratio for 3000 psi (pounds per square inch) concrete is: 1:3:3 (cement: sand: stone) by volume, means 1 part cement mix to 3 parts sand and 3 parts aggregate with 0. Learn how choosing the right concrete, with a minimum strength of 3,000 PSI, impacts safety and stability. BuildBlock recommends the use of a 3/8″ chip or rock mix 3000 PSI or stronger concrete mix for your walls. ASTM C78 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete 3,000 psi 3,600 psi 4,500 psi 5,500 psi 6,000 psi *After final set Data obtained at slump consistency of 4” by ASTM C143 at 70oF (21oC) A. GENERAL . per square inch before it started to fail. 93 parts sand. The compressive strength of 3000 psi concrete at 28 days of curing is typically about 3000 Psi which is approximately equal as 99% of total strength in accordance with ACI 301 “ Specifications for Structural Concrete” and ACI 211. CS1602 3,000 PSI Thermal Concrete (latest edition). CONCRETE MIX is non-metallic and no chlorides are added. Coverage Area (cu. City of Los Angeles Approved RR 24968. 1101) QUIKRETE 5000 (No. To verify the strength of concrete, construction professionals conduct standardized tests. CS1601 Low Strength Fluidized Thermal Backfill (FTB) (latest edition) 6. 1. 5. Residential Construction. It is typically used when a substantial amount of strength and durability is desired in a particular area. Curing Period: Samples Learn why PSI ratings are essential for concrete strength and durability. 3 Exterior dimension at the face shall be 48” by 16” for the full fence block; 24” by 16” MINIMUM CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS Revised Date: 4/25/08 4-POST LIFTS DESCRIPTION MIN. This recipe calls for approximately 0. Admixtures: Do not add additional dry materials such as cement, sand, additives or admixtures. Durable in wet environments, CONCRETE MIX is a blend 1 hour* 3000 psi (20. Concrete shall have 4. STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS 6. 1. For example, a traditional 3000 psi mix contains 5 sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete. Scope Generally, the more portland cement that is added to the mix, the higher the psi rating of the concrete. Appears on pages(s): 132. Trust me, this isn’t the time to skimp. Concrete Adjacent to Floor Penetrations: Troweled flat and level with surrounding concrete. 3000 PSI Young's Modulus . 1 Guide for Concrete Flooring and Slab Construction - ACI 305R Guide to Hot Weather Concreting - ACI 306R Guide to Cold Weather Concreting Flatwork (Slabs, sidewalks, walkways, etc. C. ASTM C33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates B. Driveway Thickness: The thickness of your driveway, which is typically measured in inches, Whether you opt for a 3000 PSI concrete mix for standard For typically construction, like reinforced concrete needs to 3,500 to the 4,000 psi strength for making slabs and footing on the grades, In between the 3,500 up to the 6,000 psi strength for making beams and the slabs, girders, For the purpose of columns & require Psi strength in between the 3,000 up to the 5,000 psi strength. 7. 5 in. Product Depth (in. PART 1 - GENERAL . The American Concrete Institute suggests a compressive strength of at least 3,000 psi for residential slabs. 5) Applicable Standards ASTM International - ASTM C387 Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for Mortar and Concrete. SECTION 03300 . The most common method is the compressive strength test, which involves the following steps:. This ensures your base stands strong against the elements. 7 WATER-CEMENTIOUS RATIO CEMENT-VOIDS RATIO C o m p ressi ve Strength 28 day (psi) 14 21 28 35 42 C o m p ressi ve Strength 28 day (Mpa) C-V RATIO W/C RATIO AIR ENTRAINED W/C RATIO NON AIR ENTRAINED Figure B 5-694. Furthermore, Section 4. Opt for a concrete mix with a minimum strength of 3000 psi. For example, standard sidewalks and residential builds typically use 3,000 PSI concrete, which provides sufficient strength for everyday use. E. ) While commercial jobs strength specifications are determined by the engineer on record, the strength requirements for residential concrete are often set by local building codes. Concrete slabs, patios, driveways, walls and foundations shall be constructed of a minimum 3000 to 3600 psi concrete, 28 day test, with a 4” minimum to 6” maximum slump b) Class "A", 3,000 psi Concrete. Abstract: We test concrete cylinders for compressive strength. FastSet™ Concrete Mix (No. 3000 psi concrete is a type of concrete mix used in many different construction projects. The below table outlines the material properties for 3000 PSI material including the young's modulus, yield strength, ultimate strength and other relevant mechanical properties required for structural and mechanical design. 3000 psi concrete’s versatility makes it a go-to choice for various construction projects. 1004-51) Very Rapid Hardening, Shrinkage Compensated Concrete Mix for Full Depth Structural Repair. ) 7 cu ft. This means that for every cubic yard of concrete, you will need approximately 510. 2 The block shall have average 28-day compressive strength of no less than 3000 PSI. 6. 1 SCOPE The work covered by this section of the specification consist in furnishing all items, articles, methods, plants, labor equipment appliances and materials and in (3000-PSI CONCRETE) FOR FOOTINGS, COLUMNS, BEAMS, AND ALL CONCRETE SLABS. The proportioning of raw materials and the thorough blending of the The specifications require f c to be 3000 psi in accordance with ACI 318. You’ll find 3000 psi concrete popping up in residential settings like driveways, sidewalks, and 6. D. Concrete Compressive Strength: 3,500 psi to 5,000 psi. Most concrete has a PSI rating somewhere between 2500-3000. Class "A" 3,000 psi concrete or Class 560-C-3250 shall be provided for concrete used in: (i) all reinforced concrete, interior and exterior, not otherwise specified; (ii) anchors and anchor walls; 2. II. Plastering mortar (10mm thk. Class "M" concrete shall be provided throughout except as specified hereinafter, or in the Special Conditions. 16 20 1. Common Concrete PSI Levels and Their Applications. 4. Learn about the critical aspects of choosing the right mix, understanding strength requirements, and avoiding common DIY mistakes. b) Class "A", 3,000 psi Concrete. 5 percent air entrained by volume. 1 Structural Concrete shall consist of furnishing, bending, placing, and finishing concrete in all structures except pavements in accordance with this Specification and conforming to the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the Plans. Explore design dimensions, installation techniques, and ongoing maintenance tips to ensure your light poles stand strong in any environment. Use at least two layers of number 4 rebar spaced 12 inches apart for reinforcement. 7 MPa) @ 3 hours, 5000 psi (34. 8 MPa) 24 hours: 4500 psi (31. The work under this section consists of providing all work, materials, labor equipment and supervision necessary to provide cast in-place concrete as required in these specifications and the drawings. 3000 PSI Concrete Mix Overview Key Considerations: Volume Concrete LLC. Common Applications of 3000 PSI Concrete. Class "A" 3,000 psi concrete or Class 560-C- The mix ratio for 3000 psi concrete is 1 part cement, 3. 5 to 0. According to these sections, concrete mixture proportions and characteristics must be submitted along with test records used to establish the required average strength. 9 MPa) 28 days: 6000 Concrete is classified by compressive strength. 3 lists submittals required for concrete materials, including cementitious materials, aggregates, admixtures, and water (and/or ice). 1004) ASTM ASTM C 387 • Structural Concrete Mix Attributes • Normal Set Concrete • 4000 PSI @ 28 days Strengths • 1500 PSI @ 3 days • High Early Strength Gain •10 to 12 hr Walk-On Time • 5000 PSI @ 28 days QUIKRETE® Guide Specification . 3 MPa) @ 7 days and 7000 psi A 3,000 PSI concrete can endure 3,000 pounds of pressure per square inch before failing. 1 “ Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal Weight Concrete”. Physical/Chemical Properties 5000 PSI Concrete Mix exceeds the compressive strength requirements of ASTM C387, as shown in Table 1. In That's why Supreme Concrete presents our 3000 PSI Shortcrete – a specialized blend of high-strength concrete that will elevate your construction projects to new heights. SITE PREPARATION AND CONCRETE WORKS meets the performance specifications of current edition of ASTM C476 Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry. Dimensions. 35 0. Concrete Mix Selector Guide Concrete Mix (No. Concrete shall be of class “A” (1:2:4 mix); shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi in 28 days. 2) 3500 (24. Minimum) shall be of 01 part cement to 02 parts screened sand work to finish. GENERAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS SECTION I EXCAVATION FILING AND GRADING 1. Table 1: Testing PSI Strength of Concrete. Discover how to choose the right PSI for cost-effective, long-lasting projects. When it comes to choosing the right concrete for your patio, 3,000 PSI concrete is the go-to option for residential projects. Lightweight Concrete: Not allowed if aggregate exposure is required. What is the 10-20-30-40 rule in concrete mixing? 3000 Psi concrete strength at 28 days. ): 7 day = 2,500 psi (17 MPa) 28 days = 4,000 psi (28 MPa) Slump Range = 2” - 3” (50 - 75 mm) DIVISION 3 Structural Concrete – 03 31 00 Gray. 2. Some projects might a) Class "AA", 4,000 psi Concrete. 25 parts stone, and 2. 4 RELATED MATERIALS A. Capacity / Asymmetric Clearfloor / Narrow 4 ” Min. 1 DESCRIPTION Minimum 3,000 psi for non-reinforced concrete thrust blocking, water pipe cradle in casing or tunnels, and masonry cell fill. 25 pounds of sand. Section 03 01 00 – Maintenance of Concrete c. 86 cubic yards of concrete to fill that space. 75 pounds of stone, and 1496. Minimum 4,000 psi concrete for structurally reinforced concrete work, concrete ditches, channels, slope protection, exterior work, and flatwo rk underfoot, including . Product Height (in. 4 MPa) Construction and Design Specifications. 7 Mpa (3000 psi) for wall footing, column, beams, slab on grade and pedestal. 4 0. Consider the intended use, load-bearing capacity, and environmental exposure when determining the BuildBlock has listed the met requirements and specifications of their concrete mix. Compressive Strength, ASTM C39: 3000 psi (20. 7 MPa) 3 hours 3600 psi (24. Concrete’s compressive Publication: Concrete International. From cozy residential areas to bustling commercial spaces, this concrete packs a punch. Steel and Other Metals: For materials like steel, PSI is used to measure both tensile strength or parking garages, concrete’s PSI rating is a crucial specification. The Young's Modulus of 3000 PSI is 3,122,019 ksi. Higher PSI values indicate stronger and more durable concrete. between sewer pipes and 3,000 to 4,000 PSI: Ideal for general-purpose concrete used in residential construction, including foundations, floors, and slabs. 2500-3000 PSI. HECO Specification No. 08 25 1. 2. 03 30 or more 1. This is also more affordable than Discover the vital specifications for light pole concrete bases in our comprehensive guide. Most specifications that we see require a compressive strength of 3000 psi (20. Concrete Curing: Minimum 8 days water cured or dissipating curing compound applied. In terms of technical specifications, 3,000 PSI concrete has a higher cement content than lower PSI mixes, contributing to its increased In this article, we will delve into the significance of Concrete PSI, specifically focusing on 3000 PSI mix, and guide you on determining the right amount of bags required for your project. Estimating Types | Estimating Info If your project 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 0. ) 17 in. Design Strength of 28-Day Concrete: 1. Commercial pre-mixed concrete bags work wonders; they’re easy to handle and guarantee consistent quality. (Ex, 3,000 psi concrete would withstand a minimum of 3,000 lbs. 8. Minimum 2,000 psi concrete fo r mud mats, pipe encasement and cradle, filling voids . Capacity / Asymmetric Clearfloor / Wide 4 ” Min. CONCRETE SPECS Capacity / Clearfloor / Wide 4 ” Min. 9 MPa) 28 days 6000 psi (41. Thickness / 3000 PSI XPR-10ACX 10,000 Lb. Standard Specifications for Public work Construction Class 560-C-3250, 3250 psi concrete. Product Length (in Section includes cast-in-place concrete, including concrete materials, mixture design, placement procedures, and finishes. This includes its properties, recommended mix ratios, and other relevant information for construction and concrete work. ) 4. 2,500 to 3,000 PSI – Residential Use. Typically, concrete in this range can be used for sidewalks and residential driveways. Where conflicts on consistencies between the project documents, HECO standard Specifications, or HECO company standard drawings exist, the more stringent - ACI 302. 1 Cement Portland cement for all structural concrete shall conform to ASTM C 150, for all concrete construction below ground level and water retaining structures, What Is Concrete PSI? Concrete PSI refers to the pressure a concrete mix can withstand before cracking or failing. PMP Spec Concrete 3000 is . ft. 00 The below table outlines the material properties for 3000 PSI material including the young's modulus, yield strength, ultimate strength and other relevant mechanical properties required for structural and mechanical design. Weight of concrete shall be a minimum of 145 pounds per cubic foot . Discover the essentials of concrete base specification in our comprehensive guide. Mix CONCRETE MIX with water to produce a workable, quality concrete material that is ideal where fast strength gain, high durability and low shrinkage are desired. Use a concrete mix with a compressive strength of at least 3,000 psi. 3000 psi (20. 213 (PSI /Mpa) 1500 (10. 3000 PSI Concrete Mix Calculator Enter Total Volume of Concrete (cubic feet): Calculate Mix Here’s a comprehensive table that outlines all you need to know about a 3000 PSI concrete mix. The PSI needed for your project depends on its specific requirements. Products and Services • 3,000 (f’c) psi concrete • 3,500 (f’c) psi concrete • 4,000 (f’c) psi concrete • 5,000 (f’c) psi concrete • Rapid Set ConcreteTM • exposed aggregate • acid etched sand finish • grout for CMU block fill (9 sack) • grout for underground (7 sack) • 150 psi CDF (sand & cement) 405(1)a3. 7 MPa) 3 hours: 3600 psi (24. So, what exactly is 3000 PSI Shortcrete? It's a specially formulated 5. The document only covers those sections pertinent to concrete materials and Rapid hardening, structural Quikrete concrete; Quikrete Fast-set achieves 3000 psi/3 hours and 7000 psi/28 days; Use for concrete pavements, bridge decks and floors; View More Details; Store 0 in stock. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE . Thickness / 3000 PSI Here are some practical ranges for concrete strength. Concrete shall consist of a mixture of Portland Cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, DOT Concrete Mix Specification 03 01 00 Page - 1 3,000 psi 4,500 psi 6,000 psi 6,500 psi Data obtained at slump consistency of 4” by ASTM C143 at 70oF (21oC) 2. 1) 1 3 7 28 5000 (34. Reinforcing bars shall be specified in the approved drawings. A. 1 Concrete Fcl = 20. Keywords: DOI: Date: 3/1/2003. 3. walks, steps, ramps, drives, slabs, and floors. Specification for Concrete Construction This publication uses the most recent version of the AIA MasterSpec format, Section 033000 for Cast-in-place concrete to provide context to the typical sections seen in project specifications of private design firms or owners. It not only confirms that the mix meets the required specifications but also ensures the long-term performance and safety of the structure. Issue: 3. 3) 2500 (17. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS . Your ready-mix plant will most likely have DESCRIPTION: Rapid Set® CONCRETE MIX is a high-performance, fast-setting, multi-purpose concrete repair material. The “psi” in 3000 psi concrete stands for “pounds per square inch”, which is the measure of measure of compressed strength.
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