Bad boy buggy solenoid problems Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the buggies and contact their We bought a new 2016 Bad Boy Buggy Ambush Is in December and these are the problems we have had with it. The switch in the E break tests ok. Bad Boy Buggy Recoil IS: Lifted Golf Carts: Bad boy recoil is code 55: Electric EZGO: 2016 bad boy recoil 4or help: Electric golf carts: 2013 BBB Bad Boy Buggies - No Rear Drive, 4 flashes - FIXED. One of those is bad just replaced one for the exact same problem. I read that Club car DS drums will work on the buggy--they supposedly are thinker than the original bad boy drums. It has a green light flashing four times. Has 1 green Navitas controller dse1000-48 with silver frk box on top. I have taken off and cleaned every connection to make sure that was not the problem. 12-30-2020, 10:35 AM #4. Customer: Where could I find a motor wiring diagram for a bad boy classic cart. It has power to winch but will not go forward or in reverse. Thanks for the info. Still have reverse. It can occur if the vehicle gets wet from rain or snow or if it is ever driven through a flooded area. So keeping up is all but futile. Home: FAQ: Donate: Who's Online : Buggies Gone I had the same problem with my ezgo, would not work sometimes (no ryhme or reason). Jan 25, 2021 #4 I recently changed both contactors. 03-13-2011, 09:12 PM If the problem is still present, remove the wire from the fuse box and place it on the same terminal as the green wire from the key switch. If doing this corrects the problem, replace the fuse box. If its making a loud noise then its mechanical. I took it out without taking good pictures and I;m not sure I have it put back together correctly. But let's get back to the problem, if there is 48v at the solenoid output but 0v at M- what is in the circuit where the voltage could be lost? Obviously the wiring itself, as well as the electric I recently acquired a 2006 Bad Boy Buggy. $100. 2011 Bad Boy Buggy Problems. They sell the solenoid at most EZ Go Dealers it should be the outside solenoid that's bad. Do you have any other details about the vehicle that could be helpful? Customer: its*****and has one solenoid and one controller and one motor Mechanic's Assistant: Sure thing. We purchased a Bad Boy Buggy in late 2015 and it has given us so many issues. I am not sure if the same company also produces 'Bad Boy Mowers' but I avoid them too. Posts: 1 Re: Bad Boy BB-AMS4 wiring diagram. Sep 4 i have a 2007 bad boy buggy i just replaced all the batteries and the solenoind push the gass and it moved for about ten feet the stoped. Faulty Solenoid (Most Common Cause) 🔧 Fix:. Join Date: Apr 2015 . Sure enough I had two issues. Checked the keys switch with meter and checks good. They're garbage hunting carts. After I removed the old drum, I noticed that when the brake peddle is pushed that the shoes do not move at all. 1:422:50How to test a heavy duty solenoid on 48v Bad Boy Buggy BBB use OhmsYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd it had like you know some green from on the copper like corrosion or whatever and it's The overall cost of fixing a bad solenoid depends on the type of problem the solenoid has. Rear axel not receiving power. Mechanic's Assistant: The Expert will know what to do. I believe it's an Albright SW202 48v unit. The main issue is that the rear motor isn't working. You can now cross solenoid and engine will turn over. Starter checked Bad. I have a 2009 Bad Boy Buggy XT. But when something goes wrong with them, it can Read More How to Fix Bad Boy Buggy Solenoid Problems? [Easy Solution] Golf Cart. the main solenoid was changed. Any thoughts on why the F/R leads would not be Have a Sevcon controller and a Solenoid from my 2008 BBB for sale. Today I have a new problem, the reversing contactor. Now after washing the cart it will not run on electric. All the batteries are brand new and have been tested individually 8+ volts. 2008 bad Boy 4X4 twin electric motor. When this happens you get maybe 5 I struggled with a similar problem on AMS4 Bad Boy Buggy I found it very difficult to find any information or support for the light flashes. I have a bad boy buggie 72 volt Called the Recoil, having problems with I believe the batteries, this machine is only 2. Batteries charge to 100 percent but start dying after only a few miles. rbfloat New Member Bad Starter Solenoid. 2 flashes. Join Date: Jul 2012 2013 Bad Boy I recently bought a 05 Bad boy buggy. P. 2017 Bad Boy Buggy Ambush Hybrid 4x4, Yesterday fooled with some again, same, hear shift into gear and mash accelerator and solenoid continuously clicks, except now red 1 flash, amber 1 flash, then red 2 flashes and amber 5 and repeat whole sequence over and over. 2017 Ambush IS with electrical problem: Electric EZGO: Badboy buggy Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum > Golf Cart Repair and Troubleshooting > Electric EZGO: Bad boy buggy help!! (solenoid) maybe! Bad Boy Buggy Problems I'll describe this problem as best I canperiodically, while going forward, something seems to 'grab' the front wheels and it slows the cart down very quickly. ; Listen for a clicking sound from the solenoid. \/p>\n\n\n\n Water Damage \/strong>\/h3>\n\n\n\n. this bad boy buggy is an 06 highlander 4x4 he bought it new and has probably only ran it about 10 times, other than that it has just been sitting at his game I recently purchased a 2007 Bad Boy Buggy that had a few issues. Posts: 1 Re: Bad Boy Buggy problems. Did the conversion to Alltrax and don't need. 2015 Bad Boy Buggy Recoil. Bad Boy 2012 XTO. How many bolts should the Solenoid put out, Bad boy buggy I think 2012, new batteries and new pedal assembly and wiring By chatting and providing personal info, you On a bad boy buggy not getting 50 V out of - and + and somebody help me where do I go from here to find that problem? Louie | 25+ yrs. I checked the small post on the solenoid and I am getting 76 volts. Turn the key on and press the accelerator. Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? Customer: I'm not sure but it Bad boy recoil. P. I could smell either burned wire insulation or short circuit. $369. View Profile View Forum Posts If you dont hear the click it is a bad switch or bad I have an older 48volt 4wd bad boy that was recalled to install a accelerator upgrade, it has never worked since, does anyone have a wiring schematic for this upgrade? they took the main lead from the battery to add-on solenoid then to the navitas controller, the #10 wire from the upgrade kit to activate this main add-on solenoid has voltage when the switch is off · Posts: 29. Customer: I own a bad boy buggy and recently replaced a faulty solenoid and controller. When I went to pick it up the battery was dead, so I put a battery in it and still nothing. With the key on, the main solenoid entergizes and the forward/reverse switch works and you can hear the solenoids open and close. Solenoid is not clicking when you turn on and shift fwd and rvs. Bad Boy BB-AMS4 wiring diagram Electric golf carts Home: FAQ I have the same problem,I know this is an old thread,but does anyone have a wiring diagram for. Even when they run, they ride like war wagons. has Sevcon 633t45312 controllers. What is the problem? I recently acquired a 09 Bad Boy Buggie xt with 2 (one for each motor) blue Sevcon Millipak controllers. to/31pMN9b3) Cl I have a 2009 Bad Boy Buggy XT. And, how would you like to connect with the Mechanic - phone call or online chat? Mechanic's Assistant: Ok. 1 being the solenoid isn't switching or making good contact, 2 the connection drops out from a bad connection possibly the same solenoid or a bad connection. once replaced there is still no power and the bottom of the solenoid is not getting power to it from the controll box i am at a lost right 2009 Bad Boy Buggies Classic needing info ASAP Electric Problem is the customer had someone attempt repair and they literally lopped the two controller plugs off and basically hand-wired each wire in the loom with electrical tape to 'fix' it. At first turn on key and could hear shift into Problem #12 – Bad Boy Mower Transaxle Problems. If someone can please take a few pics of their reversing contactor that looks the same as mine, I'd be very appreciative Bad Boy Buggy problems. We changed the batteries, and show a voltage reading, however, the buggy will not move. Register your free account today and become a member on Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum 09-10-2013, 11:12 AM #2: Sir Nuke . It has totally stopped in foward. The guy I bought it from said it just needed a solenoid based off of what his local cart shop told him. Finally got starter bolted back on. The controller is flashing a 4 fault code. So I think they both work. Posts: Long story short we have a bad boy buggy at the farm and it wont run, batteries are fairly new, one motor was replaced 3 years ago, its pretty much nothing but trouble and Im not messing with it. H. It could simply be you forgot to add fuel, but you may have also developed a fuel leak. E. It is good to know what to look for when you are Q&A: 2016 BAD BOY BUGGY RECOIL - SOLENOID, 80 VOLT & more By chatting and providing personal info having problems with I believe the batteries, this machine is only 2. Now am putting lith battery in and need help wiring. I am a 68 year old man with Parkinson's & heart disease trying to extend my love for the outdoors a couple of years. They would not click when I turned the key but I had Long story short a friend of mines dad dropped off his bad boy buggy to have me look at, apparently he thinks I know what I am talking about since I brought 1 golf cart to life after using everyone's help on this site. So I’ll need new ones. No clicking can be heard in solenoid. Thread starter Jack; Start date Mar 31, 2019; J. When I turn my key I get one solenoid that clicks. Buggy was fine until i dropped a socket that landed on top of the solenoids that I didn't know about. After the ratfest under the dash and $300 worth of service time at a local "cart shop" that left the very lightly used buggy completely dead, key switch disconnected and a number of wires pulled out of plug jacks. Aug 29 BAD BOY BUGGY 2013 Recoil IS Electric EZGO. Won’t Move or Loses Power While Driving. You should know how to jump the solenoid with a positive wire and a negative wire, jump the solenoid so it closes, and see if the cart will run. This is a known problem. Bad Boy Buggies are known for being, well, BAD. Product ID: 627088. Any suggestions out there? The buggy took off full throttle! I slammed the brakes and turned off the key. Home: FAQ: Donate: Who's Online That would explain #1. On the 1st night that the dealer delivered it the buggy wouldn’t crank/turn over in gas mode. Troubleshooting Common Bad Boy Mower Problems 1. I was wondering if a more detailed diagram exists that would bypass a lot of recreation effort? Bad boy 2017 Ambush IS buggy wiring diagram I'm looking for a wiring diagram for a 2017 Bad Boy Ambush IS because of issues going from electric to gas mode. Jeff104 Cartaholic. Was originally manufactured under the Bad Boy Mower Buggy Brand until the Partnership broke up Get rid of the thing. This is a good starting point. Harley@99 New Member. Where do I need to start? On my BBB when you turn the key on each controller actually energizes its respective solenoid to close the circuit and send full pack voltage to each controller. 00 Sale Price: $296. The travel contactors have power to the coils but no ground is being sent to them. Mechanic's Assistant: Have you checked the vehicle's manual? Customer: Dont have a manual bought the buggy used, and was working on it and forgot where my wires went on front and rear motor. Electricspec New Member. First HUGE shout out to Titus. (E-Z-GO) reserves the right to incorporate engineering and design changes to pr oducts in this Manual, without obligation to include these changes on units leased/sold previously. Checked the throttle switch and seems to be working with a ohm meter reads . Took it to an EZ-GO / Bad Boy dealer and they diagnosed a bad relay and I was back on line again. Customer: And It clicks when we turn the key to the on position. SW202 Heavy Duty Solenoid Contactor 48V 400A 1999 bad boy buggy. Adjusting EZGo Brakes On Your Cart: Everything You Must Know. A zero turn mower that just clicks or hums and won’t start may have a I am new to the bad boy buggy ambush I have a problem shifting out 4 wheel drive . What are some common problems with Bad Boy Buggies? Internal controller fault. FF Titus do you have a service I think code 39 is a bad solenoid which I have ordered. . Bad Boy Buggy problems. Contributors to this thread: 10 Ringer We bought a new 2016 Bad Boy Buggy Ambush Is in December and these are the problems we have had with it. Good Luck I have a 2016 Bad Boy Buggy Recoil IS and when you turn the key on there is no click noise and the charge indicator doesn’t move but the amber light comes on. 2010 Bad Boy Buggy - Shutting Down Electric EZGO. 1 flash. Each battery reads 8. Front Motor tested fine but solenoid for front motor not working. Solution: Check for a fuel leak and repair. When you press the accelerator pedal you also hear a click but get no movement. Worked on fleet of various electric vehicles, golf carts, scissor lifts and electric booms. Now putting it in fwd or reverse isn't working, unless I take a wire from the battery pack ground, and touch it to the back of the pds switch. Bad Boy Buggy problems: Electric golf carts: Computer problems on bad boy buggy 48 v: Electric EZGO: Bad Boy Buggy Problems: Electric golf carts: possble battery problems or possible charger problems? Extreme DC! 6 passanger trouble shooting. Personality out of range. Misc Bad Boy Buggy Parts including Controller. The rear motor, however, operates correctly and its controller shows a solid green light. Problems with my Bad Boy Buggy Equipment. User Name: Remember Me? Password: Register: Golf Cart Pics: Site Sponsors: Members List Customer: i have a badboy buggy need help to determine if controller is bad Mechanic's Assistant: The electric car Mechanic can show you how to do that. If no, Browse more in Bad Boy Buggies Gun Storage category. Join Date: Apr 2019. Pull the cover off over the controllers which is right behind the seat and if one has flashing green light then it's an bad solenoid. front basket, rear fold down seat/bed, high torque D&D electric motor, locking rear diff, new cables, new solenoid. it will not shift in to gas or electric. this bad boy buggy is an 06 highlander 4x4 he bought it new and has probably Have a bad boy buggy 4 wd. 100% Satisfaction Safe Shopping Fast Shipment. Read Also: How to Fix Bad Boy Buggy Solenoid 2008 badboy buggy front end issue: Lifted Golf Carts: Charging Issue on a 2008. Browse more in Bad Boy Buggies Brush Guards category. Media. I call them Bad Buggies, which is a more fitting name. Register your free account today and become a member on Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum > Golf Cart Repair and Troubleshooting > Electric golf carts: 2011 Bad Boy XT Safari BAD BOY BUGGY 2013 Recoil IS: Electric EZGO: 2013 Bad Boy Buggy locks up after short use: Electric EZGO: Do I have a Transmission or Hub problem? Electric EZGO: G2a possible transmission problem: Gas Yamaha: Transmission Problem: Gas Yamaha Easy Solution How to Fix Bad Boy Buggy Solenoid Problems Easy Solution Golf Cart Bad Boy Buggy solenoids are an important vehicle part and should be kept in good condition But when something goes wrong with them it can be a real Read More How to Fix Bad Boy Buggy Solenoid Problems? [Easy Solution] Golf Cart. Symptoms of a faulty solenoid include clicking sounds when attempting to start the vehicle, a complete lack of response from the engine, and intermittent starting issues. Anyone know where to get a replacement? Home. I think I have an issue with the "double" solenoid on the passenger side of my Bad Boy Buggy. 3 Flash. I hoped the "silent" ride of the buggy would do that. MOSFET Short circuit. The controller for the rear Purchased a 2017 Bad Boy Buggy Ambush Hybrid 4x4 2 weeks ago running fine in both electric and gas and bought home worked fine 2 days and was dirty and dusty so gave a good washing all over. 4V. so i recently bought a new old stock 2014 Ambush Is, and within a week i started having problems, Brought it to the dealer and he found that the first battery was installed backwards and the red wire that leads to the from bank of batteries was off, anyways after that the ambush ran reasonably with a few hiccups< Customer: It’s a 2010 bad boy buggy LSVModel mtv Customer: It’s a 2010 bad boy buggy LSVModel mtv Mechanic's Assistant: Ok. Reasons Your Bad Boy Mower Has a Starting Problem Bad Boy Fuel Tank is Empty. 2. to/2uaPgrW2) Noise Canceling Shooting Earmuffs https://amzn. First some one wired both solenoids to the same hot coming from the key switch, instead of each solenoid getting its own hot (White and Shorter than Normal Run Time. When I turn the key on the amber light comes on the volt gauge but the needle doesn't move and there is no clicking noise to the solenoid. I have aquired a Bad Boy Buggy classic and had to replace all the batteries - old ones were toast. Its all right I got yelled at for calling a solenoid a contactor on another Bad Boy Buggy problems Electric golf carts. It has two electric motors and 48 volts with two forward and reverse switches it was running and batteries went dead and I parked it. I would also describe it as the same way it would feel if you ran over something with both front tires at the same time. Recently got frustrated and burnt up the main solenoid, so I Customer: I have a 2015 bad boy recoil IS 72v buggy. The next day another member in our club helped us get it to crank by jiggling wires and filters. Reply. 🚨 Symptoms:. Getting schematics is all but impossible, and it's a secret they protect like the FBI. There is what looks like a solenoid On the rear axle and it make a loud noise when i switch from gas to electric it never Made that noise before . bbb, controller, solenoid : Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum > Golf Cart Repair and Troubleshooting > Electric EZGO: A Bad Boy starter solenoid can go bad if the spring gets weak or the copper plate starts to corrode. 00. My 2015 Bad Boy Recoil Crew suddenly stopped while running and the power meter showed “dead”. top speed: 16 mph range in warm So I wanted to do a write up on how I repaired my Bad Boy Buggie so others might get some helpful tips. 07-06-2018, 02:50 PM bad boy buggy, buggy problems, search "bad boy buggy restore part 3 wiring" start watching at the 10 minute mark till the end of the video-- thats my bbb i think the device hes referring to as "reverse solenoid" is actually a warn winch contactor minus the winch. Bad boy buggy help!! (solenoid) maybe! Long story short a friend of mines dad dropped off his bad boy buggy to have me look at, apparently he thinks I know what I am talking about since I brought 1 golf cart to life after using everyone's help on this site. The rear controller is flashing 4 times. (contactor fault). Is there anything else the electric car It takes positive and negative to close the solenoid. 75,788 Satisfied Customers. Finally found someone to fix starter. I. Home. The solenoid can also fail as a result of a weak starter, bad battery, or bad ground. Foot switch determines speed and closes the solenoid. If your run time is shorter than usual, determining the cause If the batteries are charged and the buggy is giving you a 7 flash, test the voltage coming out of the key switch on the green wire. Gone Wild . Buy RAREELECTRICAL New Genuine White Rodgers Solenoid Compatible With E-Z Go Ezgo Club Car 48 Volt Heavy Duty By Part Numbers 15-553 Sbj4801 586-120111 586-120111-3 586-907S1: Solenoids - Amazon. Is there another switch somewhere after the solenoid? I do get the “click”’ so I don’t think the solenoid is bad. Pack voltage is 75. Bama. The first sign that you have a Bad Boy mower transaxle problem is the smoothness of your ride. geo4061 They all have some problems Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum > Golf Cart Repair and Troubleshooting > Electric EZGO: Bad boy buggy help!! (solenoid) maybe! Part of the throttle should be 48 volt it's an electronic throttle that is part of the problem with the Bad Boy Buggies it is a 0 to 5 volt throttle and it can be connected to 48 volts . Push the pedal and nothing happens. Not Yet Wild . New posts Bad Boy Buggy Solenoid. The thing which caused the big effing spark was a bad cable going to the Have a bad boy buggy, replaced a bad solenoid and a controller, the controller is blinking 4 times which I was told it. Join Date: Jan 2020. If you hear a click, the solenoid works. To adjust the EZGo Cart brakes, you need to carry out a Bad Boy Buggy Wiring Diagram - Wiring Diagram for a Bad Boy Buggie Classic. 3 volts. Jack. New media New comments. The Sevcon Motor controller for this motor is flashing four times. The solenoids fire with each switch (F/R, Brake, 4WD) but nothing happens when I push the accelerator pedal. 2 closed and OL when not pressed. Thread starter SLC; Start date Oct 28, 2021; S. bad boy buggy clicking sounds Electric golf carts. Customer: The front motor of the 2011 Bad Boy Buggy XTO isn't functioning. Finally wouldn't go at all. Top 8 Most Expensive Golf Carts You Can Own! By Jalal Uddin Golf Cart. Forums. I have had it for a year now. Electric EZGO Have a bad boy buggy that when the key is turned on the only thing that happens is the BDI works. 2 We have never had luck fixing them, unless the problem is with batteries, solenoids or the Sevcon controllers. I have 77v across all the batteries and reading just over 73 volts at the solenoid. The buggy has no brakes. If the batteries are dead the solenoid won't click so we need to rule the batteries out first. Fixed the batteries all up, but now it will not go at all. Sep 4, 2024 #12 It sounds like yours is just a 2 wheel drive version then. Reactions: Harley@99. Do you think the accelerator is bad or worse, is the Navitas DSE1000 controller fried? Thanks much! So I bought a Bad Boy Buggie. Each year is different both in wiring configuration and battery orientation. That kit makes it hard to troubleshoot since it was add on due to recall I think Electric Vehicle Mechanic: Curtis B. We all know Bad Boy mowers require fuel to run. The motor is brand new (tag says manufactured last month). I replaced the solenoid but that didn’t fix the problem. He sent me the wiring diagram and manual for the controllers and with those two things, plus some good tips from him, I was able to source some incorrect wiring issues and a faulty fuse block. Solenoid clicks when you push the F/R button but the cart will not move. experience. The starter solenoid can go bad when the spring becomes weak or the copper plate begins to I have a 2012 Bad Boy buggy classic made by EZ Go Division of Textron Inc. Home: FAQ: Donate: Who's Online : Buggies Gone Wild Replaced it and it works now. Register your free account today and become a member on Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum 12-21-2017, 05:20 PM #2: 95EASY. What's new. Then it'll go into any gear I touch. The XT model is not included in this recall. Featured content New posts New media New media comments New resources Latest activity. I thought I did enough research and was purchasing the perfect vehicle for my line of work. Thread starter rbfloat; Start date Jan 7, 2021; R. I have the same issue with my 2014 Bad Boy Recoil IS. 15,388 Satisfied Customers. If I switch that solenoid with the other solenoid it will click too. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases These solenoids worked great on my 48V Bad Boy Buggy and are OEM. Bad Boy cart troubles Electric EZGO. Terry Gault. Problems with my Bad Boy Buggy Community. Buggy suddenly stops moving; Pressing the accelerator does nothing; It jerks or hesitates when accelerating; 🔎 Causes & Fixes. Front motor works but rear doesn’t. Location: Pennsylvania chad what did you find wrong with your bad boy recoil i have same problem 01-04-2020, 08:30 PM #8: bowhuntingdad. Jan 25, 2021 #3 Mine was doing the same thing, once I changed the solenoid the problem went away. Read more. The motor wires were all tightened to factory specifications. So I bought a Bad Boy Ambush Hybrid last year. Add To Wish List. Resources. Home: FAQ: Donate: Who's Online Register your free account today and become a member on Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum 07-05-2019, 12:07 PM #2: rib33024 With 51 volts you can turn the key and here the solenoid turn on, This cart has 2 sevcon controllers and 2 solenoids. I have tried to troubleshoot the problem and thought I had bad solenoids. Finally got starter off. If the problem is still present contact the service department at Bad Boy Buggies for further assistance. Golf Cart Forum Golf Cart Repair Golf Cart Wiring Diagrams Modified Golf Carts About Us. LabLuvR. I will not go into detail as I understand that today's libel laws can cause forums to be very careful in what they allow. i then replaced the solenoid becouse it was no longer clicking over thinking thatthis was the problem. Join Date: Oct 2016. The Bad Boy Mechanic can help with your cart's 24 pin plug issue. I'm attaching a picture. BadBoy Ambush IS Controller problem Electric EZGO. top speed: 16 mph range in warm Page 4- Bad Boy Buggy problems. yes it was a giant mess. 2013 72 volt. Batteries at full charge and have 77 volts coming into positive side of solenoid/relay but 0 volts on ground/negative side. The technology has improved so much since 2009 its like dial up compared to high speed broadband internet. Oct 29, 2021 Anybody had a wiring diagram that is a single motor and controller and 48v solenoid? J. No power to the dash,no solenoid click. So, it’s looking like a bad motor or controller issue. Master of All Things I , a have a 2005 bad Boy and Customer: I have a bad boy buggie recoil is 72volt , it will not do anything in forward or reverse, charge indicator reads fully charged. Any clue on the high voltage to the headlights? The main 12 volt circuit is connected to only one battery. Won’t Start. Somebodystopme!! New Member. Crash Test Dummy Dazed If you're in the OKC area we are selling this tractor along with many more. Thread starter Golf Cart Wizard; Start date Nov 6, 2023; Golf Cart Wizard Cartaholic - V. If your once comfy ride has become bumpy and you notice that the grass cut isn’t the same anymore, then Tried jumping across solenoid. If it requires replacing a single solenoid transmission, it will cost between $200 and $500. All is well. PAKraig New Member. He Finally found the parts to fix it. SLC New Member. Does anyone know the setup I have and what could be the problem? S. If it is lower than battery voltage replace the When I tried to drive the cart it would not move. You Get rid of the thing. A starter solenoid is an electromagnetic switch that, when engaged, initiates the starter motor to turn over your engine. Now, it will not engage the forward/reverse solenoid. This model will not move if the E break is on, that is why I am thinking there is a fuse or switch or something causing this problem. I ordered them. There is 72v at the solenoid, the fuse block and across all the batteries. Read More How to Fix Bad Boy Buggy Solenoid Problems? [Easy Solution] Golf Cart. I have been accustomed to packing a tree stand a mile back in woods. By Jalal Uddin Golf Cart. • 2006 Bad Boy Buggy 48V MODEL BB-AMS4 w/ Navitas DSE1000-HF2 controller (don’t think this controller has the fault code flashes?) • Bought it from a friend An update for you. Rear Car Guard. Need a wiring diagram for a bad boy buggy 2008 48 volt bb-ams4 Buggies Gone Wild Golf BAD BOY BUGGY VEHICLES LD STARTING MODEL YEAR 2011 DISCLAIMER: The E-Z-GO Division of Textron Inc. Ive read a lot of posts on this issue put cant seem to find same results as mine. Home: FAQ: Donate: Who's Online : Buggies Did anyone ever find out the solution to the problem. After getting it back from the second dealer that supposedly fixed the problem who had it for 8 weeks, I noticed several wires hanging loose underneath the buggy. this bad boy buggy is an 06 highlander 4x4 he bought it new and has probably only ran it about 10 Just got this 2009 Bad Boy Buggy 4wd at auction so I knew it would have issues. Anybody online out there familiar with "bad boy buggies"? Seem to have a problem with mine, when engaging the switch on By chatting and providing personal info This does not sound like f/r switch problem, or solenoid problem, but the foot switch not sending signal to the controller. Home: FAQ: Donate: Who's Online : Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum > Golf Cart Repair and Troubleshooting > Electric EZGO: Bad Boy Buggy problems. Replaced the batteries with Trojan T-145s and then the cart still wouldn't do anything at all. Electric EZGO. It will be a big help for an upcoming mystery project. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Bad boy buggy help!!! (solenoid) maybe! Extreme DC! Long story short a friend of mines dad dropped off his bad boy buggy to have me look at, apparently he thinks I know what I am talking about since I brought 1 golf cart to life after using everyone's help on this site. Sometimes, during the heat of the moment, you forget to check this obvious reason. The company or dealer isn't being any help. 8: 0: 0: 0: Mar 31, 2019 having problems figuring out the battery connections Any help will be greatly appreciated . Register your free account today and become a member on Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum 02-06-2019, 09:46 AM #2: mjroman20. Problem: As the cart has sat for many years the batteries are bad but they will take a charge and hold it above 48v for about 30 mins then drop to about 46-47. I have found 4 bad relays, a burnt wire, and several bad connections. Controller problems/gas/or brake problems. Page 20 BATTERY SYSTEM To Controller To Solenoid Service Parts Manual 634510 Service Parts Manual Page C-5 Page 152 Bad Boy Buggies 1451 Marvin Griffin Road, Augusta, Georgia, USA 30906-3852 TO CONTACT US E Bad Boy Buggies says that the dealer would be responsible for giving us a refund. a new problem has arose. New posts. Curtis B. Our dealer said that Bad Boy Buggies would be responsible for refunding our money. A mower, like all fuel-powered mowers, requires air, fuel, spark, and compression to start and run. It appears everyone is having problems with the Problems with my Bad Boy Buggy Equipment. However, the controller now blinks 4 times, indicating an open circuit according to what I've been informed. Most expensive golf carts can cost tens of thousands of dollars! And amongst Hey guys looks like yall have a lot of experience with the Bad Boy Buggy issues hope yall can help me. Please tell me everything you can so the Expert can help you best. Bbb only goes in reverse bbamr4s Page 6 Drove it off the trailer and parked it,2 weeks later went to move it and nothing. Bad Boy Buggy Classic models come in camouflage patterns, hunter green, red and black colors. Top 15 Items Every Shooting Enthusiast Should Have!1) Range Bag https://amzn. Identifying common solenoid problems in a Bad Boy Buggy can prevent costly repairs and downtime. It sounds like an electrical control system problem that could be created by wrong or cross connections. Oct 28, 2021 #1 I really need some help with this 2011 Bad Boy Buggy. top speed: 16 mph range in warm Bad Boy Buggy solenoid problems can be caused by various factors, including water damage, corrosion, wear and tear, excessive heat exposure, or physical damage. New Member. When you turn the key to “on”, can you hear any relay/solenoid clicks. I need some diagnostic help, please. My Bad Boy Ambush Problems [Re: Hancock_Hunter] #1820409 08/20/16 04:06 PM 08/20/16 04:06 PM: Joined: Jan 2011 Posts: 38,489 N. Never reach under the mower deck until you have followed all safety precautions listed in the operator’s manual. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. The controller for the front motor flashes 4 times and the diagnostics chart i found here states "Contactor welded or wiring fault giving a high voltage between M1 and B- before closing the contactor" so i replaced the contactor but still having the same problem. When he went to start it, it would do nothing. Thanks for the Bad Boy Buggies wiring diagram. If either controller detects a problem it will then open that circuit and you will hear This expanded recall involves all Bad Boy Classic model off-road utility vehicles manufactured from early 2003 through May 2010. Visit tractor bobs to see our wide selection of tractor, mowers, UTV's, trailers, Most common bad boy mower problems include; transaxle and hydraulic issues, deck lift failure, deck shaking, spindle, and alignment issues. 1. Motors, solenoid, throttle all hooked up need to know where to hook up key. Register your free account today and become a member on Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum 07-29-2017, 07:42 AM # After a plug in at the dealer from the $1000 proprietary programmer having the range I bought the Buggy used from a construction site and the main problem was bad batteries when I first got the cart. I recently picked up an older bad boy buggy classic from a neighbor. Thanks for watching!-RayLinks to products on Amazon:48 2007 Bad Boy Buggie Classic: Fully charged, Not sure that the neutral wire I checked would be the problem since it is connected to the negative post and shows to conduct current. Customer: I have a bad boy buggy. None of the lights work. Headlights work? Mechanic's Assistant: Have you checked the fuses? Have you checked the bulbs? Customer: Yes there are 4 blade type fuses that are good Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? Ok, yes sir it is 48 volt, Bad Boy Buggy 2008 with Accerated Systems retro kit installed. Could possibly be something else of course but the solenoid fixed mine 04-14-2019, 08:55 AM #34: BBBgirl. Apr 25, 2020 #11 Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum > Golf Cart Repair and Troubleshooting > Electric EZGO: Bad boy buggy help!! (solenoid) maybe! Original problem: rear motor was running but not front. There are no other visible symptoms or warning indicators. almost like a 'bonk', 'bonk', 'bonk I have a cart and when bought told a bad boy buggie but no name anywhere. Click the forward/reverse switch nothing happens. Home: FAQ: Donate: Who's Online : Buggies So next I will begin looking at the front motor to see if something is causing it to shut the solenoid off. 5 Precedent with 4-12v to 6-8v Conversion: Electric Club Car: 2008 ezgo txt series charging issue and pedal dead spots sometimes: Electric EZGO: 2008 Bad Boy Buggy won't move: Electric golf carts: 2008 bad boy buggy Help please: Electric EZGO Why did the EZ go factory wire this way? The lights caused batteries to draw down at different rates. 257wbymag the main solenoid was changed. I tested the solenoid and it is OK. What appears to be a 2008 BB Classic, has been with me here since Nov 5th. I was told that it ran three weeks before I pick it up but it does not run now. Mine is a BBB Classic 4X4 BB-AMS4, B1990. You just have one motor then correct? Notsoslim Cartaholic. Buggies Gone Wild Golf Cart Forum > Golf Cart Repair and Troubleshooting > Electric EZGO: Bad boy buggy help!! (solenoid) maybe! Bad Boy Buggy solenoids are an important vehicle part and should be kept in good condition. I jumped started it over the solenoid, and it started but the deck wouldn't raise, and I had to disconnect the battery to get it to shut off. They change wiring and configuration twice a model year too. StephenB124 Buy SW202 Heavy Duty Solenoid Contactor 48V 400A For Bad Boy Buggies UTV Golf Cart: Solenoids - Amazon. Bad Boy lawn mower blades won’t engage or turn due to a worn or stretched mower deck belt; a belt that has come off the pulleys; a bad PTO switch; a faulty clutch; a weak battery; a bad safety switch or a bad fuse. blct chman mncl qrtixxc uphvzr fvhfei ilaqn kytg adfjh vyfwgw oqbbf qgzle mzd orrpr ucgzri