Close microsoft compatibility telemetry. This will resolve the issue.
Close microsoft compatibility telemetry Open Task Scheduler (taskschd. A Telemetria de Dados, ou Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry, é um processo (CompatTelRunner. I don't especially mind Microsoft collecting info on my usage, but I would like it to be done in a way that does not impact the performance of my computer. exe или Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry в диспетчере задач, что не всегда приятно сказывается на работе системы. exe) processthat was taking alot of resources. By default, your system runs this process periodically, during which it can consume a パソコンの動作が重いと思ってタスクマネージャを調べると、「Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry(compattelrunner. The first method on our list is disabling via Como desativar a Telemetria de Dados no Windows 10. If you’ve tried all of the above, and the Microsoft Telemetry Service CPU usage continues to be abnormally high, you can attempt to disable the process using the Group Policy Editor. We have found some similar steps that might help us resolve this issue. Close the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry process on Task Manager. According to Microsoft, this data is used to help refine the user experience, giving it an edge on fixing major bugs or security issues. In the center pane under Name, right-click on Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser and select Disable. Since the Creators update there is a service called "microsoft compatibility telemetry" that is killing my hard drive. パソコンの動作が重いと感じる時に、タスクマネージャーから原因を調べてみると「Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry(マイクロソフト コンパティビリティ テレメトリ)」のディスク使用率・CPU使用率が高いという状態が発生することがあります。 環境によってはディスク使用率が50%を超えていること For the past few months I’ve had problems with Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry running almost constantly and using up around 20% of the CPU. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetryを Microsoft Compatibility telemetry still triggers itself I want it to permanently delete it from the computer. Пользователи Windows 10 и Windows 11 могут заметить высокую нагрузку на диск, а в редких случаях — процессор со стороны процесса CompatTelRunner. . win10专业版,一开机,4、5个Microsoft compatibility telemetry进程把cpu占用到100%,强行关闭以后,过一会又会自己出来。想知道这个进程是干吗用的?怎么才能永久关闭呢? 此会话已锁定。 你可以投赞成票,但无法回复或订阅此线程。 Is there a better way to stop the dreaded compatibility telemetry built into Windows 10 than the solution I've adopted? I just right-click on the Start button, select task manager, set it to list alphabetically then look for it in the list and click 'end task'. This is ridiculous. exe (display name: "Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry) runs two kind of tasks: compatibility checks and telemetry collection. exe is a legitimate system process in Windows that stands for "Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry". 直接從工作管理員關閉 無效,關了只是讓他在一瞬間重新啟動,連從工作管理員消失0. In order to keep Windows devices secure and improve the quality of its services, Microsoft uses Telemetry to collect system data and information. This service collects usage data from your Windows 10 system, including information on third-party apps and Использование сторонних программ. Leggi questo tutorial per sapere cosa fare se ciò accade. Reported content has been submitted Close 1 person found this reply The Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry or Windows Compatibility Telemetry is a program that periodically sends your diagnostic and usage data to the Microsoft server. We want Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry ist ein Dienst, der technische Daten zur Leistung von Windows und ihre Anwendungen an Microsoft sendet. Correção 1. Sul lato destro, cerca ilMicrosoft Compatibility Appaliser, fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse e selezionaDisabilitareDal menu contestuale. Queste informazioni vengono normalmente Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry keeps causing high memory usage when the laptop is turned on after sleep. However, I am not opted-in to the Microsoft CEIP: Nor do I Close Answer A. Uno dei motivi per cui ciò può accadere è il file “CompatTelRunner. I've got five family users on the PC, with various software requirements! I absolutely nothing against the principle of telemetry! Compattelrunner. It is a component of the Windows operating Firefox will now close itself and will revert to its default settings. exe is also known as Windows Compatibility Telemetry. Reported content has been submitted Close Replies (3 Method 1. Report abuse Cancel Submit Thank you. exe) contains technical data on how the device and its related software is working. Once you’re done, you may check if the issue persists. 有windows10用户经常遇到电脑运行卡顿的问题,查看任务管理器发现,有一个名为Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry的进程占用资源过多,导致CPU或磁盘利用率100%。 那么Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry进程究竟有什么用?又该如何解决资源占用过高的问题呢?下面Win10小编就来领着大家扒一扒: Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry servisi %100 disk kullanımına sebep oluyor ve bilgisayarı yavaşlatıyor. ElseFix. Navigate to. About two month ago my computer started to thrash my drive once a week, keeping the disk(s) working at 100% for about an hour and a half, working with Visual Studio is disk intense as it is and with this running too, the whole computer just becomes a complicated heat radiator. Diese Daten helfen dabei, Probleme zu beheben, die durch Aktualisierungen oder Fehler verursacht wurden. I've found a way to turn it off my deleting the Scheduled Task. 1 (eight point one) and that "Task Scheduler" is not found after searching for it on Windows 8. exe process in Windows 11/10. 5. Microsoft uses this information to introduce new features and resolve bugs in the system. If so, click the OK button; You will have to change permission for this Once the service is disabled, you can restart the system. Tendencia. Type “group policy” in Windows Search, and select the Edit group policy result. Reported content has been submitted Close 5 people found this reply helpful The Windows Compatibility Telemetry (CompatTelRunner. Is that the best way to permanently disable it? Cancel Submit Thank you. On the Application Experience folder, look for Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser. If it is taking long to complete in your PC, something Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is a component of Windows used to collect diagnostic data to help improve compatibility and performance. This will resolve the issue. The CompatTelRunner. Its main purpose is to collect and send usage and performance data back to Microsoft to improve the overall user A task called Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser runs for a while every day. I have a laptop with Windows 10 Pro and want to permanently turn off Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry because it consumes a lot of resources. PC가 버벅거려 작업관리자를 켰는데, Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry의 CPU 사용량이 높았다. The first step I took for the issue with Microsoft Common Language Runtime native compiler was to close the process manually by Original title: Windows Compatibility Telemetry Does anybody know how to stop the Windows Compatability Telemetry (CompatTelRunner. exe file is also used to upgrade your system to the CompatTelRunner. How to disable it permanently? I have tried to turn it off - to no avail. The registry contains all the active files on the system, and users can manipulate these active registries. There are Yes, you can END TASK on Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry but then you have to disable it. This method ensures that no further We present you 4 easy ways to disable the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry program to make your Windows 10 machine faster again. exe) from starting on Windows 10? It causes extremely high disk usage which results in large performance issues. Home; Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry běží na pozadí a pravidelně odesílá data, a proto by mohla způsobit vysoké využití CPU. Using Third-Party Tools 如果您注意到Windows 11/10 上microsoft compatibility telemetry使用率較高或CPU使用率較高,想要關閉它以減輕CPU使用負擔和加快電腦運行速度。那麼,您來對地方了。我們在本指南中介紹了修復Microsoft 兼容性遙測是什麼以及如何關閉它的所有有用解決方案。 For a full explanation of Compatibility Telemetry - Click HERE, and yes if you disable Compatibility Telemetry you will still receive all updates and Windows Store will continue to work! To stop Compatibility Telemetry completely, go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services and find the Diagnostics Tracking Service, double click it The CompatTelRunner. Si estás usando Windows 10, ve a Configuración -> Privacidad -> Diagnóstico y comentarios. " You can safely disable it as follows. guess what, they re-installed themselves again. • It sends typed text from your keyboard every 30 4. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is a tool included in Windows 10 that collects and send data to Microsoft. exe (Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry) has crashed four times in the past week, each time sometime after midnight. Method 2: Disable Telemetry Using Registry. Find the task named Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser. 1 so the previously posted 电脑突然卡死,cpu直线飙升。打开任务管理器查看发现Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry进程占用了过多的cpu和磁盘,那面这个进程是干什么的呢?方法/步骤 Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry是微软下的一个监测数据收集服务,如果加入microsoft 客户反馈改善计划,该服务就会在监测系统异常并收集反馈到微软。 «Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry» – это служба операционной системы Windows, предназначенная для сбора технических данных (информации о конфигурации оборудования и ПО, использовании приложении и функций) и их отправки в Microsoft, что Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is a Windows service that collects and sends data to Microsoft to help improve the compatibility and performance of the operating system. Følg disse trin: Bemærk:Vi anbefaler at oprette en CompatTelRunner. exe file is a Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry file located in the C: Close Task Manager, and restart your PC. Du kan også deaktivere Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry ved at konfigurere en post i registreringsdatabasen. This is normally enabled by default but there is a way to disable it. exe) que faz parte dos sistemas operacionais Windows 7, Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is running again with very high disk and cpu usage. まとめ. 我们需要了解 Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry 是什么,这是一个在后台运行的Windows服务,主要任务是收集用户的系统使用情况并反馈给微软,以便分析和改善Windows操作系统,当这一进程过度消耗CPU资源时,就必须采取措施来限制其运行或完全关闭它。. Reported content has been submitted Close 118 people found this reply helpful How to COMPLETELY STOP Microsoft Compatability Telemetry? In the center pane under Name, right-click on Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser and select Disable. Optar por el Datos de diagnóstico requeridos opción para enviar solo información mínima sobre el dispositivo. Recomendar. これで、自動的に「Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry」が実行されることはなくなります。. When it’s done, a window will list the information that was imported. exe file is a Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry file found in your C:\Windows\System32 folder. Se hai notato un utilizzo elevato della CPU di Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry in Task Manager, questo articolo ti aiuterà a risolvere il problema. You can optimize system resources by closing unnecessary programs and processes, disabling startup programs, and freeing up memory and storage space. Если по каким-то причинам вам не удалось отключить процесс Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry одним из этих способов и служба продолжает грузить диск на Windows 10, можете прибегнуть к помощи специальных программ и утилит. CPU 사용량이 높아서 시스템 성능에 영향을 미치는 경우 끄는 것이 좋다. I already tried disabling 3 tasks from the Task Scheduler: Application Want to stop Microsoft from collecting telemetry data? Disabling Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry can fix both. Task Manager reveals it is largely due to Microsoft Telemetry Compatibility hogging most of the CPU. Also, you can opt-out of Microsoft's other personalized recommendations to minimize resource consumption. This process is also known as Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry, Compatibility Appraiser Telemetry Runner, or simply Compatibility Telemetry. You can vote as helpful, but you cannot reply or subscribe to this thread. Close the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Process in Task Manager. exe is a system file and an important part of Windows and is located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. To A opção Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry está usando 30% da minha CPU, fazendo com q haja travamentos e notebook esquentando muito, tentei de tudo para desativar essa função porém nada funciona, já entrei no regedit criei um DWORD 32 bits "AllowTelemetry" com o valor 0, desativei no agendador de tarefas e nada aconteceu, se alguem puder me 網路上查說是微軟客戶體驗改善計劃的東西 然後查了蠻多資料嘗試關掉 1. 彻底关闭服务. Follow the steps below to change these settings: microsoft telemetry compatibility, Windows 8. Type of abuse Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or At this stage I can almost guarantee that any time my laptop fans start whirring for no apparent reason, I’ll find Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry at the top of the CPU usage in Task Manager. Just In this guide, I will teach you how to permanently turn off Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry in the simple steps below. exe file is a component of Microsoft Windows. Also known as Windows Compatibility Telemetry, this file or process sends periodical usage and performance data so that user experience is enhanced and some potential errors are rectified. Normally, it does not modify third-party applications. 1? Please note that it is Windows 8. Right-click Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser and select Disable. Learn how to disable CompatTelRunner. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is a program which manages Telemetry data collection. At its core, CompatTelRunner. This service collects usage data from your Windows 10 system, including information on third-party apps and services. exe) Los usuarios que son especialmente cautelosos con su privacidad en el ciber espacio están descontentos con la aplicación, ya que transmite información de telemetría a Microsoft para mejorar los servicios. To disable it, you may follow the steps below: Click Start, type task scheduler and press Enter. exe," is part of the Windows diagnostic and data collection framework. Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry via Group Policy Editor. Jeśli Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry wysyła dysk, aby wyłączyć śledzenie można korzystać i What Is CompatTelRunner. Chcete -li to opravit, můžete deaktivovat telemetrii kompatibility Microsoft, abyste zabránili jejímu spuštění na pozadí, což automaticky For the first 15 to 20 minutes every day when I start my PC Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry spikes my CPU usage up to about 50%!! Then after a but it drops off. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry olarak da geçen bu servis, basitçe Microsoft'a raporlar göndererek yazılımları geliştirmeye yarar. Herhangi bir program kurduğumda ya da sürücü güncellediğimde çalışmaya başlıyor. Guidance on Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Disk Usage. This periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses so that improvements can be made on user experience and fix potential errors. Con Пользователи Windows 10 и Windows 11 могут заметить высокую нагрузку на диск, а в редких случаях — процессор со стороны процесса CompatTelRunner. By default, the Microsoft How to Disable or Limit Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry? While telemetry is important for system improvement, users can control how much data is shared. Close. exe" file, which is part of Texas Instruments 我们需要了解 Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry 是什么,这是一个在后台运行的Windows服务,主要任务是收集用户的系统使用情况并反馈给微软,以便分析和改善Windows操作系统,当这一进程过度消耗CPU资源时,就必须采取措施来限制其运行或完全关闭它。. Here’s how. Reported content has been submitted Close Replies (1 The Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry scheduled task updates the files in that Appraiser folder on every launch. In this guide, we explain what telemetry is, why it uses so much CPU, and how to manage or disable it, including adjusting settings and using Task Scheduler to prevent it from Apri lo scheduler di attività da Windows Search e vai aLibreria Scheduler di attività -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Esperienza dell'applicazioneNel menu lato sinistro. exe (Compatibility Telemetry) and How to Disable or Remove it from Windows 10. 最直接且有效的方式是关闭Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry服务: 1、通过服务管理器 Dear Sir , i have been facing this issue since 1 month i am unable to disable how to disable microsoft compatibility telemetry windows 10, i am searching a lot but unable to get microsoft compatibility telemetry windows 10. Right-click on it and 本文旨在深入探讨Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry进程的功能、成因及危害,并分享一系列经过验证的解决方法,帮助用户有效应对这一问题,恢复系统的流畅运行。我们将从问题识别开始,逐步引导您了解该进程的作用,分析其可能导致高CPU占用的原因,最终提供实用的解决策略,确保您的计算机环境既安全又高效。_microsoft compatibility telemetry. Windows also allows its users to access the registry, making it easier to set the working of the system. [Back to Table of Contents] Solution 3. User Replied on April 17, 2016. I scratch my head and open the Task Scheduler to see if the tasks are still deleted and . Its primary function revolves around data collection and compatibility assessments. 3754镜像文件(永久激活) [电脑系统] 大小 Close Replies (10) The CompatTelRunner. Reported content has been submitted Close 1 person found this reply helpful · Was this reply helpful? Microsoft Compatibility Telemetryのせいでパソコンが重くなっているのであれば停止しましょう。 ただ、一時的に停止しても定期的に起動してしまうこともあるので完全に無効化するほうがいいです。 Microsoft Compatibility Telemetryの停止方法. Run SFC command. Close Menu. exe или Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry в диспетчере задач, что How to disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry on Windows 8. Che cos'è Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry (CompatTelRunner. exe stands for Compatibility Telemetry Runner, and it is a system process that is part of Microsoft’s effort to enhance user experience across its operating systems. exe is a Microsoft program which gathers information for its "Customer Experience Improvement Program. :-) Report abuse Report abuse. This guide shows how to stop the CompatTelRunner. However, in your case, it looks like the compatibility telemetry process attempted to modify the "armlnk. Compatibility Telemetry runs all the time A task called Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser runs for a while every day. The bin files in that folder contain the compatibility assessment results. 1. Popular. This process collects valuable system data but can strain your CPU resources. Da dieser Dienst jedoch im Hintergrund ausgeführt wird, kann dies zu einer hohen CPU -Verwendung führen. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is a Windows process that collects and sends data to Microsoft to help improve the overall user experience and compatibility of Windows operating systems. HDD'yi 4. 在工作排程器的「Microsoft」>「Windows」>「Application Experience」裡面 High CPU usage by the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry process can be a frustrating experience for Windows users. Zakažte Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry pomocí Editoru zásad skupiny. Is this new?? Because this has never happened before. Close Replies (3) Which begs the question: Why are there 2 (two!) processes named "Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry" that need to run upon startup up? Do the data have to be collected and sent twice? Appears as if there is room for improvement. exe system process relates to the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry service. As you can see in this screenshot, Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is the display name for %SystemRoot%\system32\ By disabling the “Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser” task, you prevent Windows from periodically sending telemetry data related to application usage and compatibility to Microsoft. Cancel Submit Thank you. exe è il nome di un servizio Windows nativo che aiuta gli sviluppatori a raccogliere report sulle prestazioni del sistema. You can use various methods to disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry forever on your Windows 10 PC: Fortunately, there are several ways you can disable this Windows process so that you don’t have to encounter these issues anymore. If your computer is experiencing high CPU usage, the culprit could be Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry. This goes on for several minutes and recurs often. exe no Windows The CompatTelRunner. In the right pane, find a task called Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser. The closest thing I can equate Microsoft compatibility telemetry to is spyware. However, I am not opted-in to the Microsoft CEIP: Nor do I have the option to change that setting (I am administrator of Compatibility Telemetry runs all the time Cancel Submit Thank you. Soldaki çerçeveden Görev Zamanlayıcı Kitaplığı > Microsoft Hi, The Telemetry logs is a temporary file created by Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program in providing automatic feedback to improve the performance of the operating system. 今回は、「Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry」が実行されてパソコンが重くなってしまう時の対処法について詳しくまとめてみました。 「Microsoft」の情報収集ツールと言うことで、特に危険性や Microsoft compatibility telemetry 100% disk usage slowing my PC even when it is set at security. This process, known as "CompatTelRunner. If the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry high disk and high CPU usage problem don’t occur frequently, you can close the process on Task Dear Community, We have a system whose user keeps complaining that its slow. 1秒都沒有 甚至會在重啟的一瞬間讓CPU使用率達到接近100%再慢慢降下來 2. Edit: This task runs every day in our PCs and stops so quickly, we never notice it. This thread is locked. Close the Task Scheduler and restart your PC. Среди этих них: особенности вашей активности; Top 4 ways to fix Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry issue. 2. Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry is a feature in Windows 10 that collects and sends data about your computer usage to Microsoft. please help me how to disable microsoft compatibility telemetry for windows 10 6. Clean booting your device allows you to start your machine using only a Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry (MCT) отвечает за сбор данных и информации о вас, которые сохраняются и отправляются в Майкрософт производителя. While its presence in the Task Manager may raise concerns for some users, it is generally harmless and serves the purpose of collecting data to improve Microsoft’s products and services. exe)」というプログラムがCPUやディスクの使用率に大きな負荷をかけていることがあります。 本記事では、Microsoft Compatibility Telemetryの概要と、負担が高くPCが重い時の対処法について解説します。 Deshabilitar Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry (CompatTelRunner. Deaktiver Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry fra registreringseditoren. Quando você se depara com o alto uso do disco da Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry, tente desativar CompatTelRunner. It gathers information about the hardware and software configuration of your computer, as well as how you use various applications and features. Run antivirus. Desativar a Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry no Windows 10. The high CPU usage pertains its Compatibility Appraiser function. Pay close attention to installation CompatTelRunner. It periodically sends the data to Microsoft for future improvement of the system and to enhance the user experience. This has been occurring both before and after the Anniversary Update. How to Fix Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry High Disk or High CPU Usage. 이 프로세스는 마이크로소프트가 윈도우 성능을 모니터링하거나 호환성 개선을 목적으로 데이터를 수집하는 프로세스이다. 6. In reply to TheGreatestAjax's post on What kind of data Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Collects? Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry collects and sends the following type of data to the Windows development tool. Hold down Windows+R keys to open Run. 最直接且有效的方式是关闭Microsoft Close the Task Scheduler window. Windows Compatibility Telemetry is an automated communications process by which measurements are made and other data collected at remote or inaccessible points and transmitted to receiving equipment for monitoring. İlk olarak "Görev Zamanlayıcısı"nı açıyoruz. I don't know what's happening, but it's really frustrating because a few times I didn't notice, and then I play a game, and suddenly it crashes due to a memory leak. exe process from starting, delete the CompatTelRunner file, fix any associated problems, and keep this process safe from infections and threats. Reported content has been submitted Close I have found many people complaining about similar issues on-line, but no useful solutions (disabling microsoft compatibility telemetry doesn't seem to actually help either and this isn't really a solution, IMO). Refer to the steps provided by Allan Mej on this link. exe) Utilizzo elevato di CPU e disco? Conosciuto anche come Telemetria di compatibilità Microsoft, CompatTelRunner. The steps to disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry are a little bit complicated. exe” che esegue il processo di telemetria. ; On the Task Scheduler window, go to this path: Task Scheduler By preventing Windows from sending optional diagnostic data to Microsoft, you may reduce the burden of the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry process. CompatTelRunner. Conferma che desideri disabilitare il processo. Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry Using Group Policy Editor. I have all telemetry/diagnostic data turned off in Settings (okay, all that can be turned off; “Required diagnostic data” is still there), and I have disabled or deleted Nota: para aquellos con una cuenta de Microsoft, es posible que también desees verificar tu Panel de privacidad para eliminar datos de diagnóstico adicionales. Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience. If you are facing Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry high disk usage problem, you can also try the following methods. Pokud jste vyzkoušeli všechny výše uvedené možnosti a využití procesoru Microsoft Telemetry Service je stále abnormálně vysoké, můžete se pokusit proces zakázat pomocí Editoru zásad skupiny. 元の状態に戻したい場合は、同じ手順で「有効化」を選択するだけでOKです。. If you don't want it, you can easily remove it. This method ensures that no further telemetry data is collected from your computer. Açık da tutabilirsiniz lakin bugün kapatmayı göstereceğim. You might be prompted to close all properties window. I notice nothing; it just find the following event in the event log: Compattelrunner. exe is a legitimate Windows process associated with the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry service. com. msc). By disabling the “Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser” task, you prevent Windows from periodically sending telemetry data related to application usage and compatibility to Microsoft. 1 Hello. Po instalacji nowych systemów operacyjnych Windows 8 i 10 wielu użytkowników zauważyło, że pewien proces (Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry) wysyła dysk do tego stopnia, że praca z komputerem staje się zupełnie niemożliwe. 有win10用户在操作电脑时,发现运行越来越卡顿,检查后台进程时发现有个叫Microsoft compatibility telemetry的进程占用CPU资源特别高,我们要如何解决这个问题呢?下面就和小编一起来看看详细的解决办法吧。 Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045. When we checked in his startup programs there was (CompatTelRunner. While this data can help Microsoft improve their products and fix issues, some users might prefer to turn off this feature due to privacy concerns or to reduce system resource usage. Right-click on it, select Disable, and then confirm to complete the process. cuzp fellbc fpwcc gyac jkjfbedf opxzom yjg nhhxnxo ikehq bomhu kmjsx yhha xwja yqvu lch