Dalton projectile point Anderson, and Scott C. Top. The blade is primarily recurvate. Shop. Moundville Reconstruction . Authentic Serrated Dalton Classic Projectile Point - Very Unique Keokuk Chert - Ex. It appears that the people living to the east of the Heartland followed a different The site produced three Dalton points from the Late Paleoindian period, an Ocmulgee Dalton, a Chattahoochee Dalton and, perhaps a Beaver Lake point or a second Chattahoochee Dalton This is a thin small to medium auriculate lanceolate point with a flattened to elliptical cross section. It has been suggested that the Dalton point does not extend into these areas, but instead represent a variation of the Hi-Lo point. Goodyear (1982) argues that this point is re-worked lanceolate points such as Plainview points. It is named after S. It does not get any better than this! Transitional In Virginia, McAvoy (1979) identified the Appomattox point as a possible minimally-fluted post-Clovis form. As a guide it is far from complete, and there are many additional types of projectile points that are not included; also, there are a number of distinctive forms which have not been In archaeological terminology, a projectile point is an object that was hafted to a weapon that was capable of being thrown or projected, such as a javelin, dart, or arrow. This point is found through out the Tennessee River Valley and into the Blue Ridge regions, the lower Mississippi Valley, and into the Gulf states Age / Periods: Date : 10,500 - 8,500 B. Arkansas Archeological Survey, Fayetteville. This type has been recognized as an exhausted Dalton point. References: (See Projectile Point Identification Guide. Dalton: Auriculate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo: Valid Type: Dalton Breckenridge AKA: Breckenridge: Auriculate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo: Valid Type: Dalton Chattahoochee AKA for Chattahoochee: projectile point typology Archaeologists have long recognized that Native Americans made projectile points in different sizes and shapes, and that their appearance changed over time. The cross section is bi-convex but may become rhomboid through Learn about the Dalton Period, a culture of ancient Native American hunter-gatherers who made distinctive stone tools called Dalton propose early and late Dalton phases that follow changes in how Dalton points were made and resharpened. In stock. 1986 Projectile Point Size and Projectile Aerodynamics: An Exploratory Study. The blade has an outward recurvate to excurvate shape. Nov 5, 2019 - Description of the Dalton Projectile Point. Please support this site, Make a Donation For Projectile Point Data Indexed By Morphology (Shape) Illustration Showing the Common Projectile Point Base Shapes. This is a beautiful beveled,serrated edged Dalton. 25 inches) in length. However, the examples he listed as Dalton Nuckolls were crudely made and it has been The Hardaway-Dalton projectile point first recorded, described and named by Joffre Coe Lacking C-14 dates for his older projectile point types he was forced to compare them morphologically with points exhibiting similar traits that had been dated in Point Validity: Dalton Sub-Type / Collector Type Powell identified this point in a published article in the Central States Archaeological Journal (1993), Vol 40-41 Pg 82-86. Greenbrier (6 points) Hemphill (2 points) Jakie Most Hardaway-Dalton projectile points discovered on habitation sites such as the Hardaway Site or the Baucom Site are rejected specimens, resharpened, worn-out or Hardaway-Dalton level and still in the stratum of hard, sandy, yellow clay, one example of an Alamance-like projectile point (Painter, 1963) was uncovered . University of South Carolina, Columbia. Dalton-Paleo Period-8500-7900 B. 1995 Clovis Projectile Point Manufacture: A Perspective from the Ready/Lincoln Hills Site, 11JY46, Jersey County, Illinois. Dalton Greenbrier Projectile Point, Dalton Greenbrier Arrowhead. Beveling and fine serrations are not seen on the Plainview point. Dalton Sloan Projectile Point, Dalton Sloan Arrowhead Sloan Projectile Point, Sloan Arrowhead. References: (See Reference Page, Entry Well made Dalton point. 192), a part of the Michigan State University Museum’s Archaeology Teaching Collection. 4 is a continuation of the Guide to the Identification of Certain American Indian Projectile Points, published by the Oklahoma Anthropological Society in December, 1958, October, 1960, and October 1968. Some believer that this is the point between the earlier Clovis point and the later Dalton point. Dalton-Greenbrier. Specimen FS#30 is a complete lanceolate Dalton projectile point manufactured from a banded tan and brown chert (Figure 2; Table 2). Cast of notched point. 10,700 BCE to at least c. Paleoindian Period . Related Media. Fl. Dalton: Auriculate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo: Valid Type: Dalton Breckenridge AKA: Breckenridge: Auriculate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo: Valid Type: Dalton Chattahoochee AKA for Chattahoochee: Bruce Bradley writes, in reference to Dalton point manufacture that: "Fluting has two expressions: 1. . Christenson, Andrew L. The type may in fact be a resharpened Greenbriar Dalton point found throughout Georgia. References: (See Reference Page, Entry Projectile Point Identification Guide. Folsom and Dalton points. Watch. Georgia . Alamance Projectile Point, Alamance Arrowhead. ) Dalton spear point or knife. Dalton people used a new projectile point In that framework, Early Paleoindian was equated with the occurrence of Clovis projectile points, Middle Paleoindian with post-Clovis fluted and unfluted lanceolate and waisted forms, and Late Well made Dalton point. South Carolina Institute of'Archaeology and Anthropology. Courtesy of the University of Alabama Museums. Meeks Detailed recording of Paleoindian projectile-point data has been underway in Image of illustrations of four fluted Dalton projectile points. C. Paleoindian (14,000 – 8500 B. This point has been reported into northern Florida by Bullen (1975). Randolph This point is thinner than the Scottsbluff point. Classification Cast; Department Archaeological Projectile Point Identification Guide. To sort out the variety of projectile point types, archaeologists name them and assign them to particular cultures or periods of time. Please support this site, Make a Donation For questions or comments, e-mail Questions@Projectilepoints. Their shapes reflect a gradual change in shaft attachment (called hafting) from fluting to side notching. The relationship of this point is unclear. Dalton Paleo Indian (10000-8000 B. The Dalton tradition is a Late Paleo-Indian and Early Archaic projectile point tradition. ion of Clovis and Dalton projectile points in Georgia by county, April 2008. Please support this site, Make a Donation For questions or comments, e-mail Dalton projectile point. It is a beautiful example of one of the most popular types of projectile points in Native Hardaway Dalton, Hardaway Palmer, Hardaway Side Notch. Lanceolate / Auriculate Shaped Projectile Points of. Perino (1971) compares the flaking technique of this point to the flaking technique resharpening of projectile points or knives, which I refer to generically as points. 1), Goodyear (1974) suggested Dalton point shape variation was the product of progressive resharpening and changes in point use over time. The Marianna point was named by Ripley Bullen Justice (1987), places this point in the Dalton cluster. base is heavily ground. Santa Fe-Dalton type arrowhead quantity. 24 projectile point. Pictures: Pictures Provided By: Hardaway Blade Projectile Point, Hardaway Blade Arrowhead. Dalton who discovered the first examples in central Missouri. References: (See "I believe that it is a correct conclusion that Dalton-point technology includes systematic technological fluting and should be considered a fluted-point technology. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and Projectile Points Type Collection Gallery Top. Measuring 3 and 5/8ths long, it was masterfully flaked in river stained Chert. Whatley (2002) identifies this type as The blade can be beveled or un-beveled, but always finely serrated. " This projectile point type is Hardaway-Dalton. In addition, these points have light to absent grinding on the hafting region where Dalton type points usually has heavier grinding on the hafting region. Dalton points are found in the eastern Plains states and throughout much of the southeastern U. 1974 The Brand Site: A Techno-functional Study of a Dalton Site in Northeast Arkansas. From the Late Paleoindian subperiod come Dalton and related point types, which are characterized by a lanceolate (lance-shaped) blade outline and a concave base ground on the lateral and basal margins, occasionally well thinned. It still has a needle tip point, but there is a tiny chip on the edge of the tip. 5 cm. 74-107-59. This tool, made out of chert, is associated with the Late Paleoindian and Early Archaic Periods of While the dates for any particular projectile point last a long time, Hardaway-Dalton, and Hardaway Side-Notched—date to the end of the Paleoindian period. References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number): This is a small to large auriculate triangular fluted point. Download scientific diagram | A timeline and key diagnostic Paleoindian projectile points from the southeastern United States (Individual point images courtesy of James M. The base may range from an auriculate form, but may also be expanding or Small Pre-Choctaw Dalton-Type Projectile Point Arrowhead, 10,000 pinshape. Bases and side-notches were ground and edges were frequently serrated. References: (See Reference Page, This point is thinner than older Dalton type points. . Type: Hardaway-Dalton Summary Description: A broad, thin blade with deeply concave bases and shallow side-notches. This piece measures 2 inches long. Dalton Projectile Point (Catalog # 2004. Donation Projectile Point References Lithic Material References Definitions Adding Pictures. Characteristics: Fluted base with accentuated basal Clovis Dalton Recording Paleoindian Projectile Points in Georgia Jerald Ledbetter, David G. 26 24 La nceolate Dalton Points. Need some help of or advice? e-mail questions and picture and Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Lanceolate / Auriculate : Beaver Lake AKA: Cumberland Un-Fluted: Auriculate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo Dalton Kisatchie Projectile Point, Dalton Kisatchie Arrowhead. References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number): 23, 30 Projectile Point Identification Guide. Point Validity: Valid type Dalton Hemphill Projectile Point, Dalton Hemphill Arrowhead . No professional references to this type were located. P. Hardaway Dalton Projectile Point, Hardaway Dalton Arrowhead. Age Details: Additional Comments: Chronology: Pictures: Alamance: Beaver Lake: Breckenridge: Chattahoochee: Chesrow: Chipola: Dalton: Dalton Colbert: Dalton Greenbrier: Dalton Hemphill: Both the Hardaway Dalton and the Hardaway Side Notch appear to be utilized during the same period and have been found the same levels at sites (W10). 48. We interpret point types such as Greenbriar, Chipola, Union Side-notched, and Gilchrist (see Figure 6; Bullen 1975;Emerson, McElrath, and Fortier 2009;Thul- man 2012a) as local variations of Chattahoochee Dalton Arrowhead, Chattahoochee Dalton Projectile Point, Dalton Chattahoochee, Chattahoochee Projectile Point, Chattahoochee Arrowhead. technological, and 2. Alphabetical Listing of Projectile Points of. This is a sub-type for the Dalton point. Dent (1995) has suggested a possible Paleoindian projectile point chronology for the Chesapeake region that starts with the fluted Clovis, followed by similar bifaces with little or no fluting, and then lastly the Hardaway-Dalton. Explore. A new cultural pattern which archeologists call the Dalton culture emerged across the Mid-South at the end of the Paleoindian period. Oklahoma Name: Picture: Shape Breckenridge Dalton: Auriculate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo: Valid Type: Bronson: Triangle: Lerma Bi-Point: Ovoid: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo to Middle Archaic: Valid Type: Lerma Round Base: Ovoid: of point typologies in the Middle Atlantic and, I hope, stimulate serious research into the contexts and ap-plicability of such types. Please support this site, Make a Donation For questions or comments, e-mail Description of the Marianna Projectile Point. 24 22 Ar ka butla Po ints. [3] Types. The blade commonly narrows at the waist and expands out at the base creating ears. They are widely A new cultural pattern which archeologists call the Dalton culture emerged across the Mid-South at the end of the Paleoindian period. AKA Dalton Hempstead: Auriculate: Medium: Transitional Paleo: AKA Type: Hendricks: Corner to Side Notch: Small to Medium: Late to Transitional Point Validity: Valid type Beaver Lake, Dalton, Rob of the Rock. ) Lanceolate, Paleoindian by RLA In his analysis of Dalton points from the Brand site, located in the Western Lowlands of Arkansas (Fig. Projectile points fall into two general types: Small Pre-Choctaw Dalton-Type Projectile Point Arrowhead, 10,000 pinshape. A. Examples of common projectile point notches: Corner-notched point – a projectile point which has Point Validity: Valid type Lewis was a prominent anthropologist and professor at the University of Tennessee. Information and pen drawings are presented for 50 projectile point types that have been recognized in the United States and Canada. 8,400 BCE. material seems to be quartzite. Object Details Culture/People probably Early Archaic Tradition (archaeological culture) (attributed) Previous owner George A. Bradley, Sloan Site Biface and Projectile Point Technology," Dan F. Name Details: Named By: Ripley P. Morrow, Juliet E. Bullen Named For: Date Identified: 1975 Type Site: Marianne (Exhausted Dalton) Cluster: Commonly Utilized Material: 10,000 -8,500 B. Some believer that this is the point between the earlier Clovis point Santa Fe Dalton projectile point; 1-1/2″ long; previously from the Randy King Perry FL collection. Alphabetical Listing of North America Projectile Points. Description; Description. Adovasio, Pete Bostrom Dalton no. Thanks for looking! Dalton projectile points manufactured during the Late Paleoindian Period. As the hafts shrank in size, they It has been suggested that this may be a re-sharpened Dalton Greenbrier point. East Tennessee projectile points, previously described as the Early Woodland period Candy Creek type, are analyzed. 25 to 2. P. Whatley (2002) identifies this type as Authentic Hardaway Dalton Projectile Point Artifact Ex. Inventory Description Plastic cast of a projctile point with serrated edges and a concave base. The cross section is flattened due to the flute. However, Justice (1987), places this point as an intermediate between the The Hardaway Dalton (far left) was identified by Joffre Coe in 1964 at the Hardaway site in North Carolina. Technological In most cases, particularly with Dalton projectile points, fluting was done for one or two reasons. Ex- Goodfint / Doug Goodrum. Projectile Point Sequence The projectile point sequence of the Paleoindian and early periods of the Archaic is based largely on Coe's (1964) pioneering work in piedmont North Carolina, as The Georgia Paleolndian Fluted and Lanceolate Projectile Point Recordation Project, accordingly, has been initiated in an effort to correct this situation. A. morphological. Goodyear, Albert C. "---1997, Bruce A. Appears In. However, the examples he listed as Dalton Nuckolls were crudely made and it has been This guide to the identification of certain American Indian projectile points is designed to acquaint the reader with a series of projectile point types that have been identified and named by archaeologists. References: (See Reference Page, Entry Notch – the portion of a projectile point that has been removed on the sides, corners, or at the base of the projectile point. The Nuckolls Dalton was named by Madeline Kneberg for the Nuckolls site in Humphrey County, Tennessee. Dalton people used a new projectile point type, called the Dalton point, named after Judge S. These points are finely crafted with pressure flaking, and Dalton Hempstead Projectile Point, Dalton Hempstead Arrowhead. It has been suggested that this may be a re-sharpened Dalton Greenbrier point. Need some help of or advice? e-mail questions and picture and Projectile Point Identification Guide Toolstone / Lithic Database. S. Learn about the Dalton point, a medium to large auriculate point with a constricted waist and serrated blade. Projectile Point Identification Guide. Pinterest. Projectile Point Identification & Dating Guide [Infographic] The following infographic is not all inclusive for the various types of points you may encounter in the southeast; instead, it should be used as a guide to better A cast of an authentic Dalton projectile point from Howard County, Missouri. Blade edges are frequently serrated and beveled. Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Agate Basin: Dalton Sub-Type Chesrow AKA: Price: Auriculate: Medium: Transitional Paleo: Sub-type for the Quad Point Chuckatuck: Side Notch to Auriculate: Medium: Transitional Paleo: This page contains high-resolution color images of North Carolina projectile point types illustrated in Time, Typology, and Point Traditions in North Carolina Archaeology by I. Name: Beaver Lake AKA: Cumberland Un-Fluted: Auriculate: Medium to Large: Transitional Paleo: Valid Type: Chattahoochee Dalton: Auriculate: Medium: Transitional Paleo: Dalton Sub-Type Chipola Special Bulletin No. According to archaeologist Brian Fagan, Dalton points possess "concave base Description: The Colbert Dalton is a medium sized point measuring 33 to 54mm (1. This is a Paleo-Indian to early Archaic projectile point lithic done in the Dalton tradition, created around 8500–7900 BC (10,500BP to 9,900BP) throughout most of Southeast North America. Bases and side-notches were ground and edges were frequently serrated (Coe 2006, 64). Daltons date to the early Archaic Period, around 6 to 9,000 years ago. no. 100% Intact. 28 25 Lan ceolate Dal Lanceolate Projectile Points of Georgia. However, Justice, (1987), argues that this may be related to the Dalton points and not the Scottsbluff point. McGahey of Hinds Points. Blade Shape: Broad and This point is similar to the Beaver Lake point except it is shorter and broader with more pronounced ears. Arkansas River Valley Museum Artifact Period: Transitional Paleo-Indian - 10,500 to 9,000 Dimensions: L = 42mm, W = 23mm, Thickness = 6mm Material: Everton Chert Condition: Gorgeous Specimen! Very Sharp Edges with Fine Serrations, Needle-Like Point. Research Series No. Dalton, a judge who first discovered these artifacts in Missouri. Name: Picture: Shape: Size: Cultural Period: Validity: Agate Basin: Dalton Sub-Type Chesrow AKA: Price: Auriculate: Medium: Transitional Paleo: Sub-type for the Quad Point Chuckatuck: Side Notch to Auriculate: Medium: Transitional Paleo: Hardaway-Dalton. Point Type: DALTON Also See: Alamance, Chipola, Colbert-Dalton, Dalton-Greenbrier, Dalton-Hemphill, Debert, Golondrina, Hardaway, Holland, Meserve, Plainview, San Patrice, Sloan, Vandale Location: Midwestern to Eastern Late Paleo / Early Archaic period Dalton projectile point. This point is similar to the Beaver Lake point except it is shorter, broader, and thinner in cross section with more pronounced ears. Arkansas River Valley Indian Arts Museum Artifact ReclaimedAntiquities Star Seller The Hardaway-Dalton point echoes the style and manufacturing technique of the Dalton, but with regional adaptations, and Coe presumes that they both existed at about the same period. Story et al. Auriculate and Lanceolate Projectile Points of North America . This point is thinner than older Dalton type points. This is Projectile Point Identification Guide. These points appeared in most of southeast North America from c. The Dalton Greenbrier was placed in the Dalton cluster, but this point was placed in the Large Side Notch cluster due to morphological correlations. Flournoy (George Alexander Flournoy), Non-Indian, 1868-1928 Archaeological Report No. Authentic Native American Dalton projectile point found in Crawford Arkansas. Thanks for looking! NRCS East Region Projectile Point Identification Guide USDA/NRCS Mid-Atlantic Interdisciplinary Resources Team (IRT) Size ranges 1 ¾”- 3 ¾”. He described this progression in stages: points were initially serrated (Initial Stage); as resharpening progressed, the blade Point Validity: Valid type Dalton Hemphill Projectile Point, Dalton Hemphill Arrowhead . " This projectile point type is associated Projectile Point Identification Guide Toolstone / Lithic Database. Today. This point has many variation of the Hardaway Dalton, Hardaway Palmer, Hardaway Side Notch. Add to cart. An excellent example of the type, this piece was sent to Occpaleo for casting in 2012 so that it could be used as a reference and teaching collection. National Museum of the American Indian. 25 23 Known Distribu tion of Ar kabutla Points. Through the intensive examination of 17 continuous attributes and three discrete attributes reflecting morphology, function and manufacturing techniques, 112 of these East Tennessee projectile points are compared with 46 Dalton and Quad projectile points from Contracting Stem: Small: Early Woodland: Variant type: Adena: Stemmed: Medium to Large: Late Archaic to Woodland: Valid Type: Adena Blade: Ovoid: Large: Late Archaic Small Dalton (Morse and Morse, 1983) Cluster: Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern: Hardaway Palmer Projectile Point, Hardaway Palmer Arrowhead. In general, the Hardaway-Dalton is a Southeastern point that is relatively rare in Maryland and the Middle Atlantic area (Brown 1979; Steponaitis 1980; Wanser 1982; Custer 1996b; Nov 5, 2019 - Description of the Dalton Projectile Point. Dalton-Hemphill (2 points) Elko Eared. Jones Archaeological Museum . Given that evolutionary archaeologists have noted that changes in point bases likely evolved independently of point blades (Darwent and O’Brien 2006; O’Brien, Darwent, and Lyman 2001), and that some have demonstrated this Microscopically, at magniications ranging from 40x upward, randomly Dalton Projectile Points/Knives The ive lithic artifacts described below are generally associated with the Late Paleoindian period in the Southeast. Using 3D Models to Understand the Changing Role of Fluting in Paleoindian Point Technology from Clovis to Dalton - Volume 87 Issue 3. Coe (1964:64) describes the Hardaway-Dalton projectile point type as having a "broad, thin blade with deeply concave bases and shallow side-notches. net. Golondrina. Find out its physical characteristics, flaking pattern, size, material, distribution, age, and cultural affiliation. Morse, "Sloan, A Paleoindian Dalton Cemetery in Arkansas," p. 7. Dalton point makers apparently figured out (or adopted from others) how to shrink the size of the point haft, as measured by the lateral length ofgrindingonthepointbase,therebyrelativelyincreasing the useable blade length. 3 1 Mississippi Projectile Point Guide Samuel o. tdtmublvkaowgsrswyxdrvznrzblksrylcjlkblnfmcjiwcyuyemcknstibmeyhhyfiqwrnajwlfbmr