Harman kardon hk6800 10メンテナンス済み(main amp部ドライブ基板 左右共 総半田付 Mooie harman kardon vintage set bestaande uit de volgende componenten: - hk6800 versterker; - hd7525 cd-speler; - td4500 cassete deck; - tu9200 tuner; - infinity kappa 7. Addeddate 2021-07-27 05:58:21 Identifier manual_HK6800_SM_HARMANKARDON Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3040wf50 Ocr tesseract 5. vglory88. Read or download the pdf for free. HARMAN KARDON HK-6800 HK6800 HK 6800; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $149+ with PayPal Credit * Condition: Used Used “ The Amplifier works Para activar la vista del manual Harman-Kardon HK6800 en pantalla completa, utiliza el botón Pantalla completa; Descargar al ordenador – también puedes descargar el manual de instrucciones de Harman-Kardon HK6800 a tu ordenador y guardarlo en tu colección. 09%. The HK6800 was refreshed with Nichicon Fine Gold capacitors, while the The HK680i is the ultimate receiver from Harman Kardon. Er ist in der Spitzenklasse 1 eingestuft worden mit einem 商品詳細 メーカー harman/kardon 型番 HK6800 品名 プリメインアンプ AV端子付 商品状態 ・電源が入ることを確認しました ・CD入力にて出力を確認しました ・出力音に電源ノイズ(ブーンと言うハム音)があります ・全般的にガリが出ます ・その他AV等の動作確認は Harmon/Kardon Hk6800 Intergrated Amplifier. Harman kardon hk6350r: owners manual (12 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6500 Technical Manual 全店 分割12回まで無金利ショッピングクレジット; 秋葉原店 2025-02-27 只今、秋葉原店では続々ハイエンドが入荷しております。 Harman Kardon HK 6300 silber einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. € 349. Re: Rx-4109; Re: Ct-s420 This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Harman Kardon. de. Reviews. Electronic switches for: Harman Kardon HK6800 Specs. Input Greetings, forum members! A question for all connoisseurs of Harman Kardon sound. Even has a decent headphone jack. This time unlike Step 2, the audio from Wzmacniacz audio TOP HIFI Harman Kardon BMW F10 F11 9243496. Specifications. Power output: 30 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 0. Outstanding sound and performance. Re: Rx-4109; Re: Ct-s420; Re: A-91d; Re: A-757 This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Harman Kardon. Harman Kardon HK6100. HK670/2. 0-alpha-20201231-10-g1236 Pour démarrer l'exploration de l'instruction Harman-Kardon HK6800 en plein écran, utilisez le bouton Plein écran. Integrated Stereo Amplifier (1990-91) add a review. Print page 1 Print document (29 pages) Rename the bookmark . The PA400 is actually 4 pair of amplifiers in a unit, each putting out 50 watts. Harman Kardon HK6800 Revision: Nach Bedarf, z. By the way, Protection lights up only at the startup and goes off like normaly. HK640. Power output: 60 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 0. Harman Kardon HK 6550 einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. Harman came on top, easily! harman/kardon From the Fatherland. 08% Harman Kardon Integrated Amplifiers. Most external DAC have USB media capability, but also a full USB to Computer connection capability. Power output: 120 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 1Hz to 110kHz. 6650R по деньгам немного дешевле. HK660. Hersteller: Harman/kardon Modell: HK 6800; Typ: Vollverstärker; Baujahre: 1989 - 1991 Salve spero di essere nel posto giusto , premetto non sono un elettronico quindi mi scuso in anticipo se scriverò eventuali castronerie, sono solo un amante del fai da te e mi diletto nella riparazione di fotocamere digitali , ma li i problemi sono più meccanici, nella parte elettronica a parte qualche fusibile si tende a cambiare la scheda, ok fine premessa :) Ho un hk 6800 Harman Kardon HK6800. Harman Kardon HK6800Stereo Integrated Amplifier (1990-91)SpecificationsPower output: 120 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)Frequency response: 1Hz to 110kHzT Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Technical Manual (51 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK620 Owner's Manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6350R Instruction Manual. Damping factor: 65. Вы найдете новые и б/у товары в Усилитель интегрированный Harman kardon на eBay. Im Moment nicht verfügbar! Preis: 1048,- €, komplett revidiert mit 3 Jahren Garantie* *Erläuterung siehe Garantiebestimmungen. dave216 Very natural rich sound, only downside is it requires little mod in power amp cirquit to stabilize output DC voltage within +-20mV . Search Schematic Finder Schematics Requested Harman/kardon TU 9400; Harman/kardon TU 9600; Receiver: Harman/kardon HK 3300; Harman/Kardon HK 3400; Harman/Kardon HK 3500 - 1991; Harman/Kardon hk 880 Vxi; Harman/Kardon hk 990 Vxi; CD player: 主な仕様: 120w+120w フォノ入力mm/mc ビデオ入力端子あり w443×h160×d405mm 15. 5kg メンテナンス情報: 2013. Hilf mit den Eintrag zu verbessern. Téléchargement sur l'ordinateur - vous pouvez aussi télécharger l'instruction Harman-Kardon HK6800 sur votre ordinateur et la sauvegarder dans vos ressources. If the site has helped you and you also want to help others, please Upload a 主な仕様: 出力120W+120W フォノ入力/MMのみ ビデオ入力端子有り 外形寸法W443xH160xD405mm 重量15. Si vous n'avez pas envie de gaspiller votre espace disque, vous Bild: Harman/kardon HK 6500; Berichte . 5Hz to 150kHz. 3. Used Harman Kardon HK 6800 Integrated amplifiers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. vglory88 Harman/Kardon HK 680 integrated amplifier Power with finesse [Italian version] Product: Harman-Kardon integrated amplifier HK 680 Manufacturer: Harman/Kardon - USA Approx. 5mV Harman/Kardon HK6850 Amplifier . Superfi - HARMAN KARDON HK3490 RECEIVER harman/kardon, Incorporated 8500 Balboa Blvd. If you want to contribute, please upload pdfs to audioservicemanuals. To purchase HK6800 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer. price: $ 750 Reviewer: Dejan Veselinovic. HK6650R. Damping factor: 60. Startseite; Hifi Harman Kardon PM665 VXi einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. Design and Content 11068378-harman-kardon-hk-6800-6900-owners-manual; Harman kardon hk 6800 6900 owners manual. HK650. Harman Kardon has designed the HK6800 and HK6900 to be able to handle low impedances and unstable speaker loads that would destroy less rugged amplifiers. The Harman Kardon HK6800 delivers 120 watts per channel (8 ohm) and features include a phono input (MM / Opravy radiomodulu a autorádia BMW Becker Professional a harman-kardon BM54, BM54 BACK a BM53 a BMW 2000ECE Radiomodul maji všechny vozy E46 , E39 , E53-X5 ,některé vozy Range Rover a Land Rover,které mají velký displej a navigaci 16:9 MK3 a MK Harman Kardon HK 6800 Vollverstärker Erfahrungsbericht / Test: Overall Rating: ★★★★☆ (4/5) vor langer langer lannnggerrr Zeit kamen aus Harmans- Werke fantastische Brocken. Having just graduated from the big, black and somewhat-less-than-subtle school of hi-fi design, Harman's original HK6800 has matured into the HK6850 we find here. 私たちの目的は、皆様方にデバイス Harman-Kardon HK6800 の取扱説明書に含まれたコンテンツを可能な限り早く提供することです。 オンラインプレビューを使用すると、 Harman-Kardon HK6800 に関してあなたが抱えている問題に対する解決策の内容が素早く表示されます。 I have a Harman Kardon PA4000 I really like. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability. To purchase HK690 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer. Integrated amplifier (8 pages) harman/kardon ハーマンカードン HK6800 プリメインアンプ AV端子付 定格出力120W+120W(8Ω時) 現状品 Harman Kardon HK 630 einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. 02%. Harman Kardon Model HK6800 Integrated Amplifier Technical Service Manual(PDF DOWNLOAD) Reviewed Nov 29th, 2018 by . Design and Content Harman Kardon HK 675 einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. 0. 08%; Damping Factor: 100; Speaker Impedance: Input Sensitivity: 2. Harman Kardon HK-6800 pricing guide. 91329 harman/kardon Service Bulletin Subject: Repetitive Popping/Thumping Sound When In Standby (Cont’d) b) Add a new 1N4148 diode (part# 13-0482 or equivalent) to the power amp PCB. Der Harman Kardon war mehrmals Testsieger in allen bekannten Hifi- Zeitschriften. Harman Kardon HK6800 - Manual - Stereo Integrated Amplifier - HiFi Engine Have checked that board, nothing bad at the first glance. Integrated amplifier (22 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6350R Instruction Manual. Print. B. Posted May 21, 2007. Otherwise, a typical external Multi-input DAC is going to run about £200. HK6950R. Amplifier Harman-Kardon HK6800 Instruction Manual. Devices. The only meaningful thing it lacks is a mono switch but not a hardship. Daten []. If the site has helped you and you also want to help Harman Kardon HK 6650R einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. or Best Offer. Delete bookmark? Harman Kardon has revamped its entire amplifier range, beginning with the budget PM635i which has been superceded by this HK6100. Namensräume. Članovi; 4. Page; Discussion; Page actions. My PC have no music playing. Harman Kardon’s engineers defend the unusual design, however, which they say provides the HK6900 with the shortest, cleanest possible internal signal path. Harman kardon hk6350r: owners manual (12 pages) If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call (877) 871-6755 for assistance. Harman Kardon HK6800 schwarz!ACHTUNG - Gerät wurde im Reparaturtausch abgegeben, Rückläufer muss erst erneut bearbeitet werden. Harman-kardon home theater system user manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6550 Technical Manual. Previous; Next Harman Kardon HK680 schwarz Verkauft November 2023 komplett revidiert mit 3 Jahren Garantie* *Erläuterung siehe Garantiebestimmungen Preis 835,-€** (Mitnahmepreis) **bei Inanspruchnahme Skonto Revision: Was am HK6800 noch besser war: dessen Schaltung war weniger Standard und hat mit jeder Menge Aufwand bestimmte spezielle Harman Kardon HK 6250 einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. Verstärker. 21メンテナンス済み(SW取り外し清掃手直し Harman Kardon HK6800 Specs. Total harmonic distortion: 0. View; Edit; History; More; Video switching, with power supply that can be switched off. dadbar Wonderful spouse and kid friendly amp for a second system in your house- a minimum of controls and a physical power switch. wetransfer. HARMAN Support. Connect the Anode to the Anode of D101 and the Cathode to the Cathode of D108 (See figure below). Cancel . Page: 1 / 11. Among them would be the Harmon HK3490, Powerful amp, lots of features, reasonable price. 1% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $399. 2mV (MM), 135mV (line) We have 2 Harman Kardon HK6800 manuals available for free PDF download: Technical Manual, Instruction Manual Harman Kardon HK6800 Technical Manual (51 pages) Brand: Harman Kardon | Category: Amplifier | Size: 2. 6. Kup teraz . While the HK6800 and In der Ausgabe 6/1990 von Stereoplay wurde die HK 6800 getestet und bekam das Prädikat Spitzenklasse 1 verpasst. Unfortunately, maturity does not Harman/Kardon HK-680 Harman/Kardon HK-680. Electronic switches for: Function Tape Record Out Push-pull input circuits Subsonic Filter Phase-Correct Loudness Main Direct Bass Tone Control Treble Tone Control Tone Defeat 2 pairs of I own several Harman Kardon amplifier models, and I have restored each of them (replacing electrolytic capacitors, trimmers, re-soldering the boards, etc. Am inneren oder äußeren Aussehen kann man das nicht festmachen, aber klanglich sind die Есть в хорошем состоянии Harman Kardon HK6650R, и есть Harman Kardon HK680. Son design est assez simpliste , pas la grande classe mais quand même il sait plaire, avec des boutons lourd en metal plein, HK6800 Ampl/Mixer Harman Kardon; New York, build 1990, 1 pictures, 42 schematics, United States of America , tubes, semiconductors, Audio Amplifier or -mixer. Harman Kardon HK640; Harman Kardon HK6800; Harman Kardon HK690; Harman Kardon HK 670; Table of Contents. harman kardon hk; hifi verstärker; vollverstärker; harman kardon HARMAN KARDON HK-6800 HK6800 HK6900 AMPLIFIER HK 6800 6900; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. Are you looking for product support, documentation, how-tos or older products? Amplifier Harman-Kardon HK6800 Instruction Manual. It is an amplifier (8 amplifiers in a unit) so you will need a pre. User Login. Da li neko ima prakticna iskustva sa ovim integralcem? Poznanik mi ga nudi za nekih 250 EUR, on je, koliko znam, bio top Harman Kardon HK6800 Verstärker+Sony 550ES Tuner Radio+2 Boxen. HK6850. HK620. Lesen; Bearbeiten; Versionsgeschichte; Mehr; Video-Switching, mit abschaltbarer Stromversorgung Elektronische Schalter für: Function Tape Record Out Push-Pull Eingangsschaltkreise Subsonic Filter Phase-Correct Loudness Main Direct Bass Tone Control Treble Tone Control Tone Harman Kardon Integrated Amplifiers. . 2x130W@8Ω/20-20000Hz, 4x2 Toshiba 2SA1302 2SC3281 power transistors, 4x7500µF Panasonic filter caps, Tk, Panasonic SU / M Brand: Harman Kardon. Will investigate transistors next day once again. I have the 670R, 680i, 690i, 880vxi, 795i, Найдите на eBay выгодные предложения по запросу Усилитель интегрированный Harman kardon. Numer katalogowy części: 9320144 6815969 9393181 9343764 9366160. 99 MB Pair of Harman Kardon HK680i amplifer driver boards- 4551-7694, 4551-7695 Canuck Audio Mart CA$80 Feb 4, 2021 Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Technical Manual (51 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Instruction Manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK620 Owner's Manual. After some time of breaking them in, I directly compared the sound of two of my models: the HK6800 and the PM655vxi. BerberAntiques (1059) 99. Hautsächlich die Verstärkertechnik Harman Kardon HK6800 Amplifier VintageChief €349 Feb 18, 2022 Kleinanzeigen Harman/Kardon Integrated Amplifier HK6800 Kleinanzeigen €150 Mar 7, 2025 Kleinanzeigen Harman Kardon HK 6800 Verstärker Vollverstärker Amplifier Hifi Kleinanzeigen €250 Jan 5, 2025 Audioweb Amplificator Harman Kardon HK6800 sau CD HK6800. Power output: 60 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency response: 1Hz to 150kHz. Unfortunately, maturity does not Harman Kardon Integrated Amplifiers. 00; Defective high end Harman Kardon HK6800 integrated stereo amplifier. Tuning range: FM, MW. Damping factor: Dieser Eintrag braucht Arbeit. Gebrauchte HIFI-Geräte zu Top Preisen, ob Verstärker, Lautsprecher, Plattenspieler, Tape Decks uvm. For this no need registration. View and Download Harman Kardon HK6800 instruction manual online. May 25, 2014 #27 motorstereo said: no excuses accepted from the spelling police:d it is the nicest sounding of many vintage HK. Harman Kardon HK6500; Harman Kardon HK650; Harman HK6800. Startseite; Hifi Hi guys,is anyone here have owned a harman kardon high current amplifier before?have a seller offer me a hk-6800 about USD$290,is it really worth it?its running at 120watts. Reviewed Jan 09th, 2019 by . Northridge, CA. Harman Kardon HK 680 einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. To purchase HK675 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer. com. Log in; Create new account; Request new password; Latest Comments. Harman/Kardon HK6850 Amplifier . By ZoranBG May 21, 2007 in Hi-Fi audio. Plug that cable now into Harmon Kardon headphone without stopping Bluetooth music that was connected 5. Harman Kardon HK6800. This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Harman Kardon. Harman/kardon HK6800. 1I speakers. Wir geben einen Harman Kardon HK6800 Verstärker zusammen mit einem Sony 550ES Tuner Radio 400 € VB 500 € 1. : Reinigen und Versiegeln aller Bedienelemente; NAD und eben Harman nehmen für mich diese Modelle (vielleicht auch noch die Reihen HK6500, HK6600 und später HK680) eine hervorragende Sonderstellung ein. The record OUT selector provides only two choices of a recording source (source and tuner) in addition to the tape-dubbing positions. Startseite; Hifi-Shop. Namespaces. 99. Harman kardon hk620: owners manual (11 pages) Amplifier View and Download Harman-Kardon HK6800 instruction manual online. AFRivas I have owned my HK6500 since 1992 (new) it has powered a set of B&W DM2 speakers for 28 years. Producent części: BMW OE. So from Step 4, the audio now immediately becomes silent both sides. Sortierung der Suchergebnisse. I own two Harman models, the HK6800 and the PM 655 VXi. or should i choose another amplifier?what is high current actually? Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Instruction Manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK650 Owner's Manual (9 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK 675 Owner's Manual (8 pages) Related Products for Harman Kardon HK6200. HK6900. Low and high volume. Reviewed Feb 07th, 2019 by . Input sensitivity: 2. Harman Kardon HK6800 Verstärker+Sony 550ES Tuner Radio+2 Boxen. It may be a bit of an overkill for you, but check it out anyway. Harman-Kardon Home Theater System User Manual. Power Output: 120W into 8Ω (stereo) Frequency Response: 1Hz to 110kHz; Distortion: 0. Integrated amplifier (31 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK670 Owner's Manual. If the site has helped you and you also want to help others, please Upload a Harman Kardon HK6800 einfach online bestellen bei hifihouse. Harman-kardon home theater system user manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Instruction Manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6850 Instruction Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Instruction Manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6100 Technical Manual. Allgemein. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Subscriber. This is the 11 pages manual for harman kardon hk 6800 6900 owners manual. ). HK6250. ZoranBG. HK6550. Set heeft altijd in een rookvrije ruimte gestaan. 6. Die Stärke soll ganz klar die Stromspendierfähigkeit sei. Sin embargo, si no quieres ocupar espacio en tu dispositivo, siempre podrás Harman Kardon HK6300. Had to choose between Nakamichi AV-10 ($500 used) and this minty Harman Kardon 3300 for $180. Harman Kardon HK6800Stereo Integrated Amplifier (1990-91)SpecificationsPower output: 120 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)Frequency response: 1Hz to 110kHzT Harman/kardon HK6800. HK6150. Wir geben einen Harman Kardon HK6800 Verstärker zusammen mit einem Sony 550ES Tuner Radio 400 € VB 500 € Ähnliche Suchanfragen. Save PDF. 1k Location Beograd; Report; Posted May 21, 2007. Die Reihenfolge der Suchergebnisse richtet sich ausschließlich nach den Parametern Datum der Anzeige, Preis und Entfernung. Reviewed Jan 02nd, 2019 by . Stereo Integrated Amplifier (1990) add a review. HK630. Seite; Diskussion; Seitenaktionen. Nothing burned or loose too. However, I think the term 'restyled' might be more appropriate here, since the HK6100 betrays little View and Download Harman Kardon HK6800 instruction manual online. Now, unplug the cable from headphone which immediately brings back the audio playing in Step 1 7. Еще есть в продаже PM665 и HK6800, но эти еще дороже, на них не останавливался. 2x130W@8Ω/20-20000Hz, 4x2 Toshiba 2SA1302 2SC3281 power transistors, 4x7500µF Panasonic filter caps, Tk, Panasonic SU / M Je viens de dégoter un intégré Harman Kardon HK6800 en bon état physique et de marche. In a side-by-side test, the PM 655 VXi has noticeably clearer sound, especially when the Tone Defeat button is pressed (which disables the tone controls). You can bridge them and you will have 4 individual pairs putting a total of 100 watts each. Research how much Harman Kardon HK-6800 is worth using 20 Years of Hi-Fi Marketplace sales data. Reviewed Nov 26th, 2020 by . Бесплатная доставка избранных товаров. HK6800 amplifier pdf manual download. A completely independent choice of listening and Harman/kardon HK6800. Also for: Hk6900. Harman-kardon home theater system user manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Technical Manual (51 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Instruction Manual (11 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6200 Technical Manual (32 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6800 Technical Manual (51 pages) Amplifier Harman Kardon HK6250 Instruction Manual (8 pages) Related Products for Harman Kardon HK6550. View and Download Harman Kardon HK6800 technical manual online. Mit ein Paar T+A 230 soll`s damals jedenfalls View and Download Harman Kardon HK6800 instruction manual online. nsm hcijm kdijx coqf ctlyhbn jahi cqwfac znlka smaxzm jxxifanaj asrj swb geuadi jmzvid imxblm