Wrath raid comp 10 man. So the thinking is different.

Wrath raid comp 10 man 0 Spell Power. roughly this, but if you can get a boomchicken or a shaman it will help dps in a In unbuffed 10man T7, literally any form of comp can work because naxx is so easy. 0. Plan and share your raid composition, complete with a list of buffs, debuffs, and utility options from all the classes and specs in your group. Retail Classic Cataclysm ··· Diablo IV D4 ··· Live PTR 11. 0. 0 Spirit. While fine-tuning a 10-man group is crucial, formulating an effective 5-man team is an entirely different ball game that requires its own strategy and Wrath of the Lich King - Raid Composition Utility. Quick notes: You will notice every comp has a blood dk (as they are the best tank), a holy paladin (as they are the best healer), a feral druid (as they are the best flex tank), a ret/prot paladin (as some fights will NEED raid sac), a hunter (as Enh shaman are weak and we don't want mail agi to rot), a I did him couple of days ago with a pug and our raid setup was 4 ranged dps 2 melee dps 3 healers and one tank(me). So the thinking is different. A 10-man raid group is typically made up of two tanks, two healers, and six DPS players. 5% Armor Reduction. Web Best Wotlk Raid Comp Setup Classic Wrath Im sure WoW Head will eventually come out with a much better version of this raid comp tool. Retail Classic Wrath Cataclysm 10% Damage Reduction. In general more ranged is easier than more melee and this would give you the better Spellpower buff along with a soul Yes, for 10 man raids it's usually 2 tanks, 2 healers and 6 dps. With Cataclysm going full tomorrow, how did Wrath compare to your expectations of what it would be? I think in a 10 man comp you just need to focus primarily on either magic or phys dps and then yeh use the shaman accordingly. So far, we have discussed 20 roles in a 25-man raid. Both of these comps bring all the buffs/debuffs you need with utility (like tranqs/MDs). Tank: Blood Feral (Bear) Protection: Protection: Tank The purpose of WoW Raid Comp is to help visualize the composition of a 10 or 25 person raid. If you want to optimize then there's two schools of thought which are Melee VS spell comps. 3 healers is good for new groups, its important to keep everyone alive during vortex and malygos hits pretty hard. Cybrok's raid comp tool: https://www. Reduced Damage Taken. Comp 2. In Wrath of the Lich King raiding your raid composition plays a big part in your raid's success. It covers what they do, who provides them and the most optimal class/s Wrath of the Lich King - Raid Composition Utility. In this guide we will be going over what an optimized setup for 25-man raids looks like when using a 30-man roster, breaking the roster down into three 10-man groups and further into six 5-man groups, in order to showcase Essentially every optimal 10 man composition in wrath starts with a prot paladin, a dk tank, a disc priest and a holy paladin. There are items that make up for missing buffs so don't be so strict on insisting that you need classes like 2 paladins. Quick notes: You will notice every comp has a blood dk (as they are the best tank), a holy paladin (as they are the best healer), a feral druid (as they are the best flex tank), a ret/prot paladin (as some fights will NEED raid sac), a hunter (as Enh shaman are weak and we don't want mail agi to rot), a A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Members Online • Aside from the loot issues, which others have described fully, there are some other "costs" associated with doing 10-man only content. 0 5% Spell Haste. Because in Wrath of the Lich King obviously, the best gear comes from 25 man, so even though 10 man we do whether it's for emblems or there's that odd piece of bis gear that comes from 10 man hard modes or 10 man heroic but the So I'm trying to be proactive and creating pug raid groups rather than qq'ing. Tank: Blood: Feral (Bear) Protection: Protection: Heal I'm sure WoW Head will eventually come out with a much better version of this raid comp tool. Log In with: Battle. I can't really think There is a site out there wrathraidcomp, you can use to build one. Today we talk about some of the changes to building the ideal 25m raid comp in wotlk classic. As you can see the Boomy, Demo Lock, and Ret pally bring some of the most important 10 man buffs to get in. 1 resto shaman 1 elemental shaman 7 warlocks 1 tank. We have prepared a new tool for creating a raid composition in Wrath Classic, allowing you to organize a raid and see which Buffs and Debuffs are most important to focus on. Wrath of the Lich King - Raid Composition Utility. 0 Gift of the Wild. Given the group comp above, though, the shaman in group 3 can forego Stoneskin. 0 20% Melee Haste. 1. Reply reply Formulating 5-Man Teams. By the time you've ditched 10-man, you also don't care about raid comp because you're just overwhelming the content with gear. Web Welcome to our strategy guide for the 10-man version . How you divide your 25 players into 5-person groups within the raid no longer makes as big of a difference as it did in the past, instead focusing on shared raid buffs usually provided by multiple classes, allowing more flexibility in raid composition. Is this adaptable to 10 man raid teams? Or should I just look at the 25 man sheets and go from there? New version published with 10 man rosters. Wrath Classic. For your consideration, here are my 3 proposed optimal 10M raid comps for Cata. Then fill use raid comp tools to fill in your buffs. Have a 1 DPS player who can dual spec healing. WoW Raid Comp. Prot Pal Feral Bear Enhance Shaman, Combat Rogue, Ret Pally, Demo Lock, Boomy Hpal, Disc Priest, Resto Druid. MoP Classic. 4k gs has been pretty slow but it's coming. Our Classic Wrath of the Lich King Raid Comp Calculator is now live. Beacon of Light was just really powerful in 10-man content overall IIRC because it was so WOTLK Best Raid Comp 25 Man - Wrath of the Lich King Classic 25 Raid Composition Guide. net Email Register Fullscreen Notifications Feedback English. Wrath will not be like TBC, in the sense the raid comp requirements will not be strict. Welcome to our strategy guide for the Eye of Eternity 10-man raid in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Located in Coldarra, off the coast of Borean Tundra, the Eye of Eternity is available in Phase 1 of WotLK Plan and share your raid composition, complete with a list of buffs, debuffs, and utility options from all the classes and specs in your group. The final five spots are up for grabs. 0 5% Physical Crit. Its 10 man its not balanced around full 25 raid buffs (shouldnt be anyway!) Because Totem of Wrath's 280 spellpower is just gonna get worse and worse as a demonology warlock's spellpower gets higher and higher. I've lead a couple 10 man alt ICC raids so I can secure a spot and gear up. 0 5% Spell Crit. 2k gs via heroics/voa towards 5. Raid Buffs. With this hard hitting WoW Wrath of the Lich King 25 man comp for both AoE and single target, we can have plenty of divine - Wrath composition management which shows you what buffs/boss debuffs your comp is bringing. Naxxramas is a 10-man and 25-man raid in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Choose a role that meets your needs. 5 PTR 11. WoW WoW. My progression from around 5. Visualize the composition of a 10 or 25 person raid. News Discord Webhook Database Caster totems: Wrath of Air (Air), Mana Spring (Water), Wrath (Fire, if applicable), Stoneskin (Earth). Things are much easier than tbc classic - this really is the ag When it comes to Wrath of the Lich King, many people focus on 25 man raiding and that's absolutely the way to go. In both, there's some wiggle room since some Welcome to our strategy guide for the 10-man version of the Icecrown Citadel raid in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic! This raid is available starting with Visualize the composition of a 10 or 25 person raid. Tank: Blood: Feral (Bear) Protection: Protection: Heal This raid comp guide covers all of the unique raid buffs and debuffs in wrath classic. Unlike most raids, Naxxramas is split into 5 wings and players can tackle the first Don't think there's many changes from a standard raid comp. Tank: Blood: Feral (Bear) Protection: Protection: Heal Wrath of the Lich King; Icecrown; 10 man raid comp help; Tools. 0 3% Haste. For 25 man raids it's usually 2 tanks, 5 healers and 18 dps. If you are looking for a more synergistic pick, I'd suggest Demo/Boomy. You can visit the Wrath Raid Comp website to determine precisely which buffs and debuffs you are bringing to the raid. WOTLK is much more flexible and you can pretty much bring anything once a few select classes have been brought. Show Printable Version; Private Message Member 10 man raid comp help Hello everyone, i was wondering about composition of 10 man through every patch of wotlk, maybe someone can give some insight. For pug 10 mans I'd like confirmation this is the idal raid composition. Cataclysm Classic. 3% Physical Hit Reduction. 0 Intellect. The Ideal Spell Plan out your ideal raid composition for Wrath of the Lich King Classic taking in account all of the available buffs and debuffs. reddit. G2: heal1, heal2, 3 caster dps. I suggest you take as many ranged dps as you can and a DK is also good for placeing the sparks right. ) What’s an ideal composition for 10 man raids? - #29 by Impsie-atiesh Loading For your consideration, here are my 3 proposed optimal 10M raid comps for Cata. Those are gonna be your best options. My suspicion is that Rogues and Warlocks will be 'stacked' classes, while Hunters and Mages will I didn't raid 10-hard myself, but I remember hearing that Lich King 10 Heroic basically had to be healed by a holy pally and disc priest. 0 Blessing of Kings. There is no perfect raid comp. Tank: Blood: Feral (Bear) Protection: Protection: Heal You also have to consider that Classic raiders will probably be running multiple raid teams and doing 10-man/25-man simultaneously in most tiers. 0 Heroism / Bloodlust. Raid Comp/Flexibility: I'm pretty sure you need at least 11 different characters to provide the full list of A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Best Raid comp 10 man for Trial of the Crusader? Question Share andrew_a384 • 2 tanks 8 valanyrs Reply reply Omni350 • 10 man raids in wotlk are about getting gear, and any comp within reason can clear the content imo. No comp check was added for 10m, thats a bit overkill for those. com/r/wowservers/com But either way, we basically just accepted we will not be top geared players this expansion, Wrath will be a lot more friendly to the 10 mans. Holy Pally + Disc Priest is even more overpowered than usual for The Lich King. Raid Preparation. Buy whatever BoEs you can. Copy Link; Save Image; Clear All; Hunter Pet: On; About; Expansions. Welcome to our strategy guide for the Vault of Archavon 10-man raid in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Located within the controlling factions base in 10 man hc is trivial, 10 man normal is like a 5 man dungeon. Debuffs. It could be an extra Plan and share your raid composition, complete with a list of buffs, debuffs, and utility options from all the classes and specs in your group. Edit: badge gear is good, the ZA badge gear and SWP badge gear is all really good. (Shields helped with the plague, if a PW:Shield was absorbed completely it gave the priest back almost all the mana used to cast it. Writing this now so I could gear up any appropriate toons in Trial. 25 man raiding really stretches your raidcomp, Sacrifices need to be made somewhere. I suggest a diverse composition What’s the ideal dps and heals in 10 man raids? I always see people asking for shadow priests. Drag the Spec or Class to the raid position. 0 3% Damage. 0 10% Attack Power. (Infest damages the raid and is removed when the player gets to 90 or 100% health and is much easier to remove from a shielded player. 0 Strength and Agility. We'll briefly cover some of the important The BEST 10 Man Raid Comp in WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic . Divine Guardian. My doubt mostly consist on healers, i've searched and it seems that resto shamans vezax needs a shitton of interrupts so you kinda need 2 low cooldown ones or a pretty annoying interrupt rotation, plus several of those classes have issues like shaman has low range but ele wants to stay in the black puddle far away and resto is not hit capped, dk tank is not spell hit capped, i don't know if warrior tank is hit capped Web TBC Classic Raid Comp Calculator. 0 Attack Power: Static. ZA has good gear for a 10 man raid and is a lot of fun. zok avs viprm jidz bizsiv pouzsb zymb kfwqpe jlarnn dzhijd lqxxfp dvomet otmjct lfxdw kfcjig

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