B2 speaking topics pdf english English Conversation Topics A1 (Beginner) Level Conversation Topics: USEFUL PHRASES AND CONNECTORS FOR DISCUSSION - SPEAKING EXAM - B2 FIRST - Free download as PDF File (. Be sure to grab the free English Speaking Topics PDF at the end of this article. Jan 14, 2014 · This document provides a list of potential topics that may be covered in a speaking test. Please find these in the folder in the paper-based sample test section below. With a partner, students are asked to take turns answering 16 questions about themselves and their families, homes, neighborhoods, education experiences, career interests, work preferences, social lives, and relationships. There can be questions related to everyday activities, but also about feelings, time, society or environment. El Speaking B2 First (FCE) consta de 4 partes bien diferenciadas. Travel. You and your partner will take turns answering questions about your interests, studies, career, hobbies and/or family. Part two involves a discussion between two candidates about photographs. B2 Conversational topics. Length of lesson: 60 mins Dec 15, 2017 · Without further ado, here are more than 150 topics on which you can hold conversation or make speech. These language points can be used to set “Can do” targets for self-study or to develop your study programme in an English course with a qualified trainer. B. Put it into your phone or MP3 Player and Join thousands of learners from around the world who are improving their English speaking skills with our live online classes and personal tutoring courses. The last row contains topics A selection of English ESL b2 conversation questions printables Video Lessons. (Download) 1. In Part 1 of the Speaking test, you will be asked questions on the following areas: Likes and dislikes Education and work Free time Holidays and travel Media Personal experience Browse our range of ESL speaking topics for intermediate level students with a B1 or B2 level who want to improve their English conversation fluency. Sep 4, 2023 · 20 Example English essay writing topics/questions - B2 First (FCE) | PDF Download. Cómo es el Speaking B2 First. Wrap-Up (5 minutes) Speaking Topics Eoi - Free download as PDF File (. Feel free to download the topics as a PDF (link at the end of the page). The topics cover a range of issues including climate change, medicine, paranormal experiences, personal goals, language preservation, scientific breakthroughs, urban vs rural living, favorite media, role models, work-life balance, childhood People are more aware of the environmental problems nowadays. Click here to get a copy. For each topic, the document lists several example questions that teachers can ask students to spark Our online English classes feature lots of useful learning materials and activities to help you develop your speaking skills with confidence in a safe and inclusive learning environment. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 – Format The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. p. . There are five questions per topic, 10 questions in total in Part 2. English Teaching Materials For Free. Dec 18, 2024 · B2 First Speaking Exam Part 1 Format. NO SOLUTIONS NEEDED, AS IT'S FOR SPEAKING PRACTICE PORPOUSE. This document outlines the format and content of a mid-term test for an English listening and speaking course. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 – Format The document provides information about the four tasks in a B2 level speaking exam: 1) An introductory interview with the examiner. At B2 level you start to see a wider variety of speaking part 2 topics. Speaking Strategy 1. 1. 3) Agree or disagree with the title (see table below) 4) Two options / Advantages/Disadvantages. To debate or not to debate? Aims: To encourage thinking and speaking skills by discussing unusual and sometimes amusing topics. Language in Use (B2) LIU057 - Atlantis: The Lost Civilisation - One Word Too Many Our English level B2 (Upper Intermediate) study targets express the most relevant components for an B2 learner. You can use the result to help you find online courses or learning content on our website that is appropriate for your English language ability. English, y es una de las 5 partes que conforman el examen B2 First, anteriormente llamado First Certificate in English (FCE). Views 10,036 Downloads 2,400 File size 29MB. D i s c u s s i n p a i r s . En este post, dado que el Speaking del B2 es una de las partes más complicadas del B2 First, voy a explicarte exactamente Dec 28, 2022 · Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. There are 3 parts to this examination. I have taught ESL to children, teens and adults. What are your speculations about the future? 55. B2 First Listening Sample 1 answer tapescript. sPEAKING TOPICS FOR THE b2 eSCUELA oFICIAL DE iDIOMAS EXAM. a b a y. Most popular. 4) Discussing as a pair a topic given on a card, thinking of issues and Speaking Practice: Debate (20 minutes) Divide the class into pairs or small groups and assign debate topics: E. ’) Topics Television • How much television do you watch in a week? • What kinds of programmes do you like and dislike? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching television? Speaking Paper Example B2 PART 1 (3 minutes per pair) Good morning/afternoon can I have your mark sheets, please? My name is…………. Collins English for Life Reading Oct 3, 2023 · Enhance your English skills with our comprehensive FCE vocabulary list with topics and Cambridge B2 First vocabulary tips. Enjoy and do not forget to smile! :) speaking corner. Practise speaking with your classmates in live group classes, get speaking support from a personal tutor in one-to-one lessons or practise speaking English by Crack out the Just a Minute topics and have some fun! Just a minute topics. Tell the students that in Part 1 of the B 2 First for Schools Speaking test they will be asked questions by the interlocutor. Here are 10 B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples for you to use in class or on your own. If you think debating in your native language is tough, try doing it in a foreign language. docx), PDF File (. TO CANDIDATE A This document contains 50 speaking questions that could be asked in an English language exam. In Part 2, candidates hear questions on two topics related to personal and everyday life. The questions cover a range of topics including where the person is from, their living situation, education, hobbies, travel experiences, future plans, and opinions on current events and where they live. ntriphook. Part 1 of the Speaking test is NOT assessed but allows the candidates to familiarise themselves with the tests and the system. Search. Part 1 of the speaking exam is a conversation, or “interview,” with the examiner. Feb 1, 2024 · English level. You’re going to talk about a house or flat you would like to live in. Practice test 2: Level B2 2 Proprietary Contents Introduction to Skills for English 4 About Skills for English 4 The Skills for English Practice Tests 4 What is included in this document? 5 How you can use this document 5 Practice Test 2: B2 Speaking Test 6 Speaking: Part 1 6 Speaking: Part 2 7 Speaking: Part 3 9 Sample answers and comments 10 9. Practice Test 4 B2 2 Public Contents Introduction to Skills for English: SELT 4 About Skills for English: SELT 4 The Skills for English: SELT Practice Tests 4 What is included in this document? 5 How you can use this document 5 Practice Test 4: B2 Speaking Test 6 Speaking: Part 1 6 Speaking: Part 2 7 Speaking: Part 3 9 B2 FIRST ESSAY - COMMON TOPICS You will find basically 4 types of essays in the B2 FIRST writing paper : 1) Issues in modern society : Obesity, smoking, pollution, etc. 24 February 2022 15:00-16:00 GMT. Stress that in the Speaking test candidates will not be asked the same questions as the ones listed here. With larger classes I'd recommend splitting them into groups of around 4. Quick access: Go directly to content (Alt 1) Go directly to first-level navigation (Alt 2) Feb 1, 2024 · English level. Grammar and Vocabulary: Are you using a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary? Are you using these structures and vocabulary correctly? Are you using vocabulary which is appropriate for a range of familiar topics? Discourse Management: Is everything you say relevant to the task? (Choose up to five questions, one from each of the different topic areas, as time allows. Please choose from the grammar areas. You can find practice materials for the listening, reading, writing and speaking sections here to help you prepare for the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 exam. Speaking activities conversation topics videos downloadable discussion questions in pdf. B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples. txt) or read online for free. 3) Participating in 3 transactional dialogues by responding to cue cards describing situations. The topics are the ones you will typically find on B2 exams such as the FCE / Cambridge First. The Building Blocks Guide – pdf; The Diálogo Guía – pdf; The Diálogo Tutorial – pdf; The Monólogo Guide ( x3) – audio mp3 & transcript pdf Schools State & Private: Pros & Con You can find practice materials for the listening, reading, writing and speaking sections here to help you prepare for the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 exam. Check answers. There are three parts to the Speaking tests. doc / . 5 Part 3 (4 min. CANDIDATE A. Download the FCE Speaking Part 3 pictures pdf to print or use offline. Cada una de estas cuatro partes está pensada para que el candidato demuestre diferentes destrezas propias de un examen Alberto Costa. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test One Studying / Eating out / Problems on holiday. 4) Discussing as a pair a topic given on a card, thinking of issues and The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Browse Topics: Grammar Topics General Topics. B2 First Listening Sample 1 answer key. It is very useful for a teacher to have it printed and you can also print it and hand it out to your students so every time you want to have some ready-made questions on the table you do not need spend your time searching. I've organised them into topics, but sometimes one question could go in different sections. by Weronika Ostachowska. Part three Download Full Lessons Package – Daily English Conversation by Topic (mp3+pdf) Listening is THE KEY to better English speaking. i. Here are sample B1 speaking tests: In English; I find this one especially fitting if you want to understand what this level is all about. B2 First Reading & Use of English Test Answer key. (The interlocutor is the examiner who students talk to when theyr’e taking the test, and Feb 7, 2024 · B2 First (FCE): Speaking - All Parts B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - Format B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - FAQ. En este post, dado que el Speaking del B2 es una de las partes más complicadas del B2 First, voy a explicarte exactamente The document provides instructions and example questions for a speaking exercise at the B2 level. This can be played in pairs or with individual students. The questions are organized into topics such as daily life, education, travel, family, free time and sports. We’ve designed 105 Just a Minute topics. 51. Aug 22, 2022 · This document provides sample dialogues, vocabulary, and monologue prompts related to environmental issues. This document contains a list of 45 speaking questions that could be asked in an interview or conversation setting. Sarah Ellis. The more REAL English conversations you listen to, the more fluent you will become, to be sure. Groups present and respond to each other’s points. I just spent a few hours going through all my FCE materials and typing out all the questions I could find from part 1 of the speaking test. All-time. This online level test will give you an approximate indication of your English proficiency level. In this simple speaking game your students will practice developing short talks about a topic. and scaffolding that speaking with lexis and grammatical structure as it is needed. To practise fluency. Find out more Our online self-study, live classes and one-to-one courses with personal tutors help you improve your English and achieve your ambitions. pdf) or read online for free. English for Work. B2 Speaking topics in english . These more abstract topics first appear in B2 exams like the First Certificate. Complete list of B2 grammar contents. , “Should governments focus more on climate change or income inequality?” Each group prepares arguments and counterarguments for 5 minutes. 2) Giving opinions and suggestions about the title : Learning a foreign language, Animals in zoos, etc. These debates have been specifically chosen for English language learners who are at least intermediate level to advanced. People who take more risks are generally happier than. B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards - Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) - health speaking cards - Picture Questions A2 Browse Topics: Grammar Topics General Topics. Sep 12, 2023 · (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - Format (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - Speaking Questions (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - Tips (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - FAQ (FCE) B2 First Speaking: All parts. 366 B2 conversation Sep 12, 2023 · (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - Format (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - Speaking Questions (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - Tips (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 - FAQ (FCE) B2 First Speaking: All parts. Jan 21, 2025 · ESL conversation topics help students get engaged with learning English and practicing their speaking skills. Again, don’t worry if I interrupt you as timing is very important. The document This is a list of questions for discussion in ESL class. Learn some useful phrases for changing the subject or moving on to the next point. 2,461 B2 speaking English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. The questions cover topics like family members, home descriptions Dec 28, 2022 · Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. The test has four parts: an interview, a discussion, describing pictures, and a general conversation. And this is my colleague…………. Travelling by plane can be a stressful and unpleasant experience. c o m. Grammar Worksheets (B2) This sections provides you with downloadable PDF worksheets and keys for grammar . Everyone likes to travel. Enjoy learning English with ENG HUB. D e s c r i b e t h e p i c t u r e . TIME PERIOD. 15 Different English Speaking Topics For ESL Intermediate Students. Have you ever helped anyone who asked you address? 53. You don’t know what to talk about with native English speakers? Don’t worry because, in the following lines, you can find 15 different discussion topics ideal for English intermediate students. 22 February 2022 10:00-11:00 GMT. Do you think the science fiction movies shown to us reflect the reality of the Feb 27, 2019 · 14 Speaking Topics for Level B2 Tài liệu hướng dẫn phần nói Tiếng Anh trình độ B2 dành cho giáo viên dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề luyên thi chứng chỉ B2 mới nhất do VnDoc. 2) Telling a 2-minute story based on a set of pictures using 10 minutes of preparation time. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 – Format English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Photo comparison; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Collaborative task; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Presentation; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Role-play; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Photo description and comparison; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Topic-based presentation Feb 11, 2016 · First Certificate Speaking Questions. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. x. If you’re looking for something to challenge your lower intermediate students, and want to give this a go, try The environment is a popular topic in the B2 First exam where you will be expected to express your opinion on problems with environment and pollution, as well as how to solve these problems. Name the topic; eg ‘Now, Television. those who play it safe. Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets. Optional extension: you could give or elicit more questions from the topic areas that your students First (FCE) Speaking Part 2 Topics. Make sure that you mention all of the prompts in the task. For a small one-time investment, you can get the whole package of 75 lessons. Excited to start chatting in English? Let’s go! These topics are perfect whether you’re studying alone, in a classroom, or with friends, making your language learning journey fun and effective. Here is your card. Hurry, the sale ends soon. com sưu tầm và đăng tải. The document provides information about the four tasks in a B2 level speaking exam: 1) An introductory interview with the examiner. It provides sample topics such as "Affluenza", "Breaking the Law", and "Consumerism". How important is it to organise the Earth Day at schools? 2. Quick access: Go directly to content (Alt 1) Go directly to first-level navigation (Alt 2) In this speaking activity, A2 students engage in fun and interactive discussions by choosing between two thought-provoking options, encouraging them to express opinions, justify their choices, and build confidence in conversational English. Part one is an individual interview where the examiner asks questions about personal background. Sample speaking exam and assessment criteria from Andalusia: EOI B2 Speaking Exam Sept 2018; EOI Assessment Criteria B1 B2 C1; Monólogo / Presentations: 1: This model presentation responds to the following EOI B2 exam question: “Make an oral presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in state schools and private schools. Assessment criteria for B2 First for Schools: Speaking . They can be printed on card, cut up and used in class. Home / B2 / Vocabulary / Language in Use. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 – Format The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. They’ve been arranged in three categories – beginner, intermediate, and advanced – depending on the difficulty level of the topic. Filters. Speaking test samples are the same as those provided for the paper-based sample test. Discover our ESL materials, English lesson plans, & worksheets. I n y o u r o p i n i o n , w h a t a r e t h e p o t e n t i a l b e n e f i t s o f t a k i n g r i This document provides 28 discussion topics for ESL students at levels B1 and B2 that focus on daily life experiences. Developing Speaking skills for B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools: SOME TOPICS TO USE AT A SPEAKING PRACTICE IN CLASS SOME TOPICS MIGHT BE CONTROVERSIAL, SOME OTHERS ARE RELATED TO EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENT, POLITICS, ETC. Each one has been designed thinking about common topics for the level, including education, leisure activities, health etc. What are the best ways to relax? Where do you go often to relax? 52. For dialogues, it gives examples of agreeing and disagreeing, as well as ideas for starting, maintaining and concluding a conversation on the topic of choosing between public or private transportation. He/She is just going to listen to us. They include common icebreaker questions as well as more in-depth questions to elicit longer responses about interests, experiences and opinions on various subjects. Example of the type of activity you will be asked to do in B2 Part 2 (candidate A) Now, in this part of the test, you’re each going to talk about a topic for one minute, and also answer a short question about your partner’s topic. The ideas have been carefully chosen to reflect popular topics in B2 and C1 exams such as media, leisure, the environment, health, travel, work etc. per pair) Interlocutor: Now I’d like you to talk about something together for about four minutes. This document contains summaries of several mock speaking exam dialogues and monologues for the B2 level EOI exam. This document contains 29 cards with questions and prompts to help speakers practice talking about various topics in English. Are elderly people more concerned about the planet than the young? D e s c r i b e t h e p i c t u r e . Speaking cards b1-b2 - Free download as PDF File (. Don’t worry if I interrupt you at any time, as timing is quite important. The most fruitful conversations arise spontaneously and there is an art to listening well and asking the right questions to in order to uncover the nuggets of universal interest which provoke stimulating classroom discussion. Cambridge Word Formation - PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Upper-intermediate Level (B2) Topics (B2) - PDF Worksheets English Practice Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets Sep 12, 2023 · B2 First (FCE): Speaking - All Parts B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - Format B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - FAQ B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. This document provides a list of phrases for giving opinions, expressing likes and dislikes, agreeing and disagreeing, giving and asking for suggestions, speculating, paraphrasing, changing your mind, expressing regrets, interrupting, and This document contains summaries of several mock speaking exam dialogues and monologues for the B2 level EOI exam. They are appropriate for high school students. The topics include hobbies, time, sleep, music, first dates, work, risk, food, motivation, beauty, crime, love, goals, dreams, restaurants, cooking, money, and shopping. SORT BY. Exercise Number: FCE088. It is also unlikely that they will be required to answer a question from each topic area. Download PDF. For each mock exam, it lists possible topics or ideas for candidates to discuss and presents the basic structure of the task, which involves choosing several topics to speak about for 3-4 minutes Jul 10, 2019 · Ahora que ya conocemos qué es el nivel B2 del Speaking según el MER, centrémonos en el Speaking del FCE y todas sus partes. Option A: Buy Complete Speaking Survival Guide Box: Celebrate 2025 with a 25% discount. Students are often asked why they are learning business English, and being able to discuss this in a clear and informative way will do wonders for their confidence. EFL Speaking topics for learners of English at Intermediate levelFull description. The document contains a collection of potential speaking questions for the B2 level Cambridge English exam. Is there any movie that you can’t get over yet? 54. This document provides a complete list of grammar topics covered at the B2 level, including past tenses, future forms, modals, conditionals, the passive, -ing and infinitives, articles and determiners, relative clauses, there and it, auxiliaries Oct 13, 2023 · 50 Duolingo English Test Speaking Topics with Answers Next up are 50 Duolingo English Test "Speaking Sample" practice questions and high-scoring, model answers for you to study with. You may wish to print these out and fold them over so that the example question is on one side and the model answer is on the other side. The questions cover a wide range of topics including where the examinee is from, their hobbies and interests, family life, music and film preferences, holidays, use of technology, and the importance of language learning. B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. They are from past exams, official Cambridge test preparation books, and so on. It includes common social topics like vandalism, dating, children's education and behavior, shopping preferences, and money issues. c o m A. g. Nov 25, 2018 · This document lists 20 potential speaking topics for a B2 level English exam preparation workshop. Cấu trúc phần thi kỹ năng nói gồm 3 phần với tổng thời gian thi là 14 phút. Adults have different interests than younger students, so it's important to find discussion topics that will inspire them to use their language skills to express themselves! My name is Mélanie. pdf), Text File (. PayPal link: B2 EOI Survival Guide Box. I have been working in the field of education and computer-assisted learning for 25 years. Jul 27, 2024 · Cấu trúc đề thi kỹ năng nói tiếng anh B2 (Speaking B2) Bài thi tiếng anh B2 là bài thi chung 3 kỹ năng B1-B2-C1 hay còn được gọi là bài thi VSTEP 3-5. (Intermediate level students) B2 Academic Essay topics - Free PDF An essay is the first part of the writing and it is obligatory. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test Two Types of holiday / Different homes / Retirement gifts. trmfb llvou cggzzd vcnkd bqatevp fehxk kobtr gqq rjjewt wxmfs iqcvq coses ontxyeb rwyzyj lswbr