Harry potter fanfiction ginny expelled. " Ginny said sadly.

  • Harry potter fanfiction ginny expelled Jun 6, 2022 · After searching inside for five to ten minutes without finding Harry, Ginny strolled outside and over to the woods, figuring that he was there. Site: fanfiction. Harry's was terrified for some reason. . Harry and Ginny were shocked at this, but with no good reason, they restored themselves. 'He's been expelled. " Ginny stood once she saw him coming. I'm pretty sure this was because she was expelled from Hogwarts for her part in the Chamber of Secrets incident. A death sentence. Harry rolled his eyes at the irony. I've got a notebook I write your suggestions and critism in, to help me make my story better. "Don't mock me Potter. "Bless my soul its Harry Potter in my shop. "Ginny, please wake up," Harry muttered desperately, shaking her. Ginny was always selected to help in the kitchen, and it wasn't due to her Gordon Ramsey like abilities (though she did idolize his impressive vocabulary). " "Harry Potter! Ginny just told me that you haven't prepared a speech! Harry asked. With all those Quidditch posters in the Harry missed Ginny so much when she was away like this. I still haven't decided on the pairing so if you want to make a suggestion then please do so, just not Draco, Snape, Lucius, or Blaise. Since that is no longer possible, I think they want some "Hem, hem," said Harry, a skill that he had learned from Ginny just a week ago (she had eccentric taste in pillow talk). Why, might you ask? Because it was none other than Harry Potter, (15) who was on trial. What happens when Hermione's worst fears are realized? Hermione embarks on the ride of her life. You were already warned about handling students and you will not touch Harry. "Ginny was expelled just before you got her, Weasley. Ginny is young, witty, blond, gorgeous, fierce and a downright rebel. The intensity of her desire was difficult to resist. Ginny is crying and can't stop and is petrified she will be expelled just because she is a Weasley. AN- There was a recent request for a Sequel to Comfort Food (Chapter 6) as seen from Harry's eyes. Harry's usually vibrant green eyes were glazed. Now it looked like Harry might have been wrong. "Notice how she didn't ask me to help. " "No!!" Shouted both of her parents. Malfoy's explusion due to her position as High Inquisitor but I asked Headmaster Dumbledore to secure Mr. Harry disappears leaving Magical Briton to its own fate. AU. "This is just some author writing in first person". Ginny is arrested and dies in prison shortly after. Also-Harry and his alters will not integrate in this story. He can't hurt you anymore. Summary. It was short: 'Hedwig needs a new master. This is a fantasy story with a lot of girl friends and a wife and a lot of character bashing, character death and not book compliant. At least the thing I would miss most wasn't a Weasel. She didn't say a word. Harry had once again made a perfect potion thanks to his increased understanding and training. " "I'm going to be expelled!" Ginny sobbed, as Harry gently set her down, "I've looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-Bill came and n-now I'll have to leave and — w-what'll Mum and Dad say?" "As the House Weasley is a vassal of House Potter, I as Lord Potter demand that Mr. All I need to do is upload each chapter for you to enjoy. Lots of bashing. Luckily, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black have a plan. As Harry and Ginny met up with James, a group of students passed them on their way back from the feast. The twins will never make a proper match. Slytherin!Harry and Ravenclaw!Hermione. It's only Ginny. All he could hear was a dull droning that was growing louder, he could see the wall of sound that was Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Fred Weasley unfortunately (T^T). "Who is it?" Ginny's voice was not wavering, it was furious, but Harry's. The Ginny Potter, you know, the one from that book series you've all read. " Moony smirked as he scooped beans onto his toast then into his mouth. Harry grabbed his book he had been reading on medical uses for magic. There wasn't too much more studying done that day. Malfoy be expelled from Hogwarts and be charged with attempted murder. Part 2 of The Many Faces of Harry Potter; Language: English Words Back after some formatting issues. What are you doing up?" Hermione asked. Harry was supposed to be like a son to me. "Ginny was arrested and has been expelled and is in a muggle juvenile facility. Harry jumped and spun around on his knees. Rowlings. And Ginny will marry Harry Potter. Just for fun. Harry Potter is the broody, tragic hero with a saving people thing. Hermione got up from her seat "I don't think so Professor Snape. Ginny stopped to look at a set titled "The Dullest Silverware Ever Made. "He'll come around, always does. Thankfully, Ginny felt the same way, and they had promised to seriously sit down and discuss starting a family when this current season was over. "The Weasleys are very poor, you know. Harry ends up expelled but he will not take the unfair and condescending treatment by the Magical World any longer. "Don't be dead, please don't be dead," he muttered. Watch out for brunettes, Ginny. There is a prior betrothal, mentioned in the Potter Will, you sealed. Harry is expelled from Hogwarts after the Goblet of Fire and the Graveyard incident. "And with any luck he'll be arrested and sent to Azkaban as well. Just as Ginny had been held to be entirely blameless in the case of attempted line theft that she was involved in (as shown by the fact that her betrothal contract with Harry was still accepted for consideration by House Potter), because she was the one who rebelled against it and instigated the investigation by coming forward about what she "Harry James Potter if you think for one minute you are going to get rid of me now you told me you love me you have another think coming, now who do we know who we can talk to and trust to help us, and don't say Ron or Ginny cause they have both been acting like prats this year. It had been six months since Harry Potter had left Hogwarts School in disgrace, he had been expelled and his wand snapped, accused and found guilty by the school governors of sexually assaulting his best friend Hermione Granger. However, somehow, overnight the soon-to-be parents are transported 9 years back in time. Ginny's head lolled hopelessly from side to side. THE BOY WHO LIES, EXPELLED. Me. 36. As the months went by, Harry's, Ginny's, and Hermione's relationship continued to develop and grow and it wasn't long before Ginny suggested Hermione was spending so much time over at their house anyway, she ought to just move in, which Hermione happily accepted. In fact, it was a rather cordial thing, discussed at length and agreed upon on the night before Ginny was to leave for her training camp, to begin her quidditch career with the Notes: Voldy is still around, but hasn't his Horcruxes and is thus very weak. And finally, to our son Harry James Potter. The rest of the Gryfinndors, but Ginny Weasley, were furious at Neville for trying to get Hermione expelled. Usually, they would have shared with the other Slytherins, but Aria knew that wasn't going to happen at the moment. Sirius sees how Harry and Ginny are best suited for each other during their stay at 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry and Ginny burst out laughing at Ron's face before looking at each other to share the same thought. Malfoy while we waited for your arrival. I have been given permission to withdraw from classes for my 4th year in order to do independent studies with Harry Potter. Harry and Ginny are killed at the end of the Chamber of Secrets, but is giving another chance to come back as Spirit Hunters. And I hope you do. I do not own the characters of Harry Potter, these belong to that wonderful author JK Rowling and the various publishing companies used to publish her works. " Draco snapped and stalked away. (known as the Boy-Who-Lived) in his hearing, in which he was pronounced guilty due to extraordinary amounts of evidence against Harry Potter. Killing Harry Potter was altogether too difficult in the first place, because he had actually been trying for years already, failing to even come close to the boy's residence. Ginny glared at her friend as she made her way down to the common room. " "There there" said Harry, feeling rather out of his depth, "Riddles gone Ginny, It's all over. Unfortunately for Harry and Hermione the next morning they had potions first thing and Snape was still in a foul mood over Harry's comments to the Headmaster. Ginny only remembered that her mother had always said that since she was so beautiful and so talented a witch that someday when she finally met Harry Potter he couldn't help but fall in love with her and definitely would marry her when they became of age. ' As Ginny wiped her eyes, Harry got up from his stool and came quickly behind the bar. "You're a lost cause Weasley. "They're my friends. Hermione pondered whether she could help Harry and Daphne with the Weasley problem too. One night before Ginny's 14th birthday right at 11:00pm Molly entered her daughter's bedroom in a rode and barefoot with a wave of her wand she placed a silencing ward around the room and the bed that had Hermione Granger asleep on it. Harry couldn't believe what had happened; his supposed best friend had just left him in the middle of London, just because Harry didn't want to take an extremely risky method to Hogwarts. "Now I have an owl for myself," Gin said with a smile. Did you think there is no more copies in other places. E. Dumbledore arrives too late, and Harry finds himself expelled from Hogwarts and his wand snapped. We leave the rest of our properties and the tittle of Lord Potter. May 20, 2017 · Harry, Ginny, Ron and Professor Lockhart entered The Headmaster's office to find Mrs Weasley frantically pacing while her husband and Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore tried to calm her down. C/O with Yu Yu Hashoko. " He turned pleadingly to Hermione, who stood next to Ron. " Harry Potter sat at the table alone. Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books Feb 12, 2025 · Harry looked them over, "I take it there was a bet involved. " Ginny said sadly. ' Harry growled as he tightened his hold on his girlfriend, 'What's going to happen now?' 'Madam Bones is here, she just wants to see your memories of what happened. " Ginny grinned and said, "Harry isn't going to know what hit him. However, as they listened from the doorway, the knowledge that Harry and Ron had also disappeared soon after the announcement along with the DADA This time at the conclusion of CoS, with poor Ginny. Alexandra Summers This 'Alexandra Summers' person watched as Harry Potter of all people walked into the mythical chamber of secrets. I tell you what, you can take the quill free of charge and next time you come here you can guarantee discount. Because most of the damage was done by Gryffindors, the entire House has lost all of their house points and must start from zero. Vernon gave Harry one last well-placed kick to the back and then left the room, slamming the door so hard on the way out that Harry was surprised it didn't break off the hinges. Anyone that took any time to watch Harry would know he hated the attention he got from the-boy-who-lived. "That's line-theft, headmaster Dumbledore. "Who said she was joking?" Harry asked, winking at Ginny. Ginny will make sure that she gets Potter!" Tonks shook her head. Yes, let me cut to the chase. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Supernatural - Harry P. Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione As Harry and Ginny met up with James, a group of students passed them on their way back from the feast. Aug 28, 2019 · A few days following Ginny's arrest found Harry Potter in Dumbledore's office; in his opinion the amazing wizard had never looked so tired. The last spell that showed up on her wand was the cruciatus curse. He is just the most wonderful boy in the entire world! He's my brother's best friend. Months passed, but Hermione was still furious at Neville. Percy is already determined to marry that Muggleborn Clearwater girl. "Yes Ginerva?" He stopped short and stood in front of them, eyebrow raised Harry lifting her chin and lovingly kissing his girlfriend finally chased all those 'Harry and Becca' fears away for good. Harry shook his head. I honestly don't know what happened with this chapter. "It's truly amazing how you do it. Expelled. A/N: Don't own, don't get any compensation from. They went upstairs, they were kissing, they went to Ginny's room, they fell on her bed, their clothes came off, then they Harry's eyes widened with even more shock than they already had. I have also been censured and expelled from Gryffindor house. They try and control him, kill him and cheat him but the wizard world is having a problem with Harry the adopted Goblin. Harry picked up the wand from where Dumbledore dropped it and said," As the last winner of the Elder Wand, the so called Death Stick, I Harry James Potter Gryffindor do hereby snap it in two and return it to its rightful owner, so mote it be. I loved Harry enough to trust him, and Hermione was my best friend! Just for future reference, it's 12 uses for Dragons' Blood MoRon! Enjoy the rest of your miserable life you bastard!" cackled Ginny. Susan considered. Series. Percy, Fred, George and Ron were all forbidden to talk to Ginny, and Harry was also being ignored by them (although Fred and George slipped him a message saying they believed Ginny and would never betray her and would talk to Bill and Charlie on her behalf). " Ginny gaped. Professor Umbridge denied Mr. "I believe, Snivellus , that if you read through Modern Magical Law for Dummies and Greasy Gits thoroughly, you will find that casting unforgivable curses on animals is completely legal. Jan 1, 2022 · The only options he had now were killing Harry, or somehow removing him from the succession completely, both were difficult if not impossible to achieve from behind bars. Of course, everyone dies eventually, but to know the way it may come about… Harry felt himself being shaken, someone had been trying to gain his attention. Hermione was ignoring him. Harry thought back on the night he and Ginny had spent together, watching a play-by-play of it in his head. Ginny could only think of one secret, her biggest Her love for the boy named Harry Potter. " Why in Merlin's beard am I scared? He asked himself. Now, I think it's best if you left, Ms. They met on the train to Hogwarts. Harry Potter learns he is not known but has a well known brother. (It was set in the summer before third year. Oct 23, 2024 · While everything seems to be going perfectly for Ginny (relationship, career, friends…), the decision to build a house with her fiancé will bring about unexpected tensions. Firstly, despite their questionable morals, the Prewitts had been light sided and Molly Weasley had likewise raised her children to worship him. Harry nodded and walked up carefully to the girls room and knocked. Harry just nodded his thanks at his friends and went back to eating. " He exclaimed Harry gave him a small smile. "Well you see, there is this boy I like, his name is Harry Potter. Harry checked for a heartbeat to find one but it was very faint. "You should have seen your faces! Your reactions were priceless" Ginny said through her laughs. Potter would have to come in person, be identified by magic as the one and only Harry Potter and would not be able to transfer the estate to anyone other than the heir(s) of his body or until their coming of age in the event of Harry Potter's death. Aug 26, 2023 · The day has finally come. I am however borrowing them, no not to make money but for fun and fun only. "She won't wake," said a soft voice. Expelled Fanfiction. "It's no more than he deserves," Harry said with an unconcerned shrug. It wasn't the result of a pitched argument or infidelity brought to light. I didn't create them and do not own them. See letter enclosed. It was time for Harry to get his hearing on whether he'd be expelled or not. Maya and Draco had only been back from their holiday two weeks when they were given the news that Harry had been expelled from school. Harry knew about his alters when he was younger, but the stress of the ongoing trauma caused him to block them out for the time being. " Harry Potter had dealt with hatred many times in his life. Right now, that feeling was gone and Dumbledore simply looked like a tired, old man. He found the spell he needed to use and used it on Vernon. It only took a few minutes for Ginny to explain that her jealousy over someone sending Harry chocolates drove her to seek a love potion from the only place she knew to get it, her brother's shop. " Harry snaped the wand and a black shadow like being emerged from the wall with a scythe for a staff. "I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to expel you. I'm afraid we should go. Harry was happy for them; but brooding over a secret he and Hermione had been keeping for years now. " He said as he picked up a wand case. "No," Ginny replied gloomily and they continued with their quest for the perfect silverware for Harry. " Harry finally listened to Hannah about why she ended up wearing the badge. Notes: Thank you for your suggestions and constructive critisism. - Words: 3,452 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 20 - Published: 5/17/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7000532 Heyy! I've decided to write a Harry/Ginny fic, and I'm really excited about it! So check it out, and give it a review! Harry Potter stood alone atop the Astronomy Tower. 'He performed under-age magic in front of a muggle. Kill Voldemort, or he'll kill me. W. Now that they were married, it was starting to wear thin. James made another low grumbling noise and looked thoroughly disheartened. She has been told to not even speak to Potter, Longbottom or Granger and to keep her distance from them. ONE: After the war, the students of Harry Potter's year all returned, for an Eighth year, to do their N. "We were just having a snack, Hermione," Harry replied wearily. The story follows Ginny as she travels to America and goes to a new school. He has messy black hair and bright green eyes, behind round spectacles. " Harry shrugged. ' Ginny ushered Harry through the back, and through a maze of short passages, where behind sealed doors, lay countless amounts of mead, Harry Ginny said, sending Neville a glare. Don't worry, we're appealing it. Now they find themselves trapped in their 15/14 year old bodies with their memories intact? Can the Potters tempt fate and destiny? The only reason that Ginny was not dead, was the fact that Harry Potter had saved his girl, who was being watched by a witch she had seen only once before. She still hadn't forgiven him for making Harry laugh at her weeks ago. "It's Harry. Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter; Sirius Black & Harry Potter; Fleur Delacour; Harry Potter; Sirius Black; Romance; Summary. She goes out with Slytherins to annoy her family, she sneaks into the boy's dormitories at night to party until the wee hours and she dresses like the most fashionable slut there is. When Ginny is kicked out of her all girls magic school and sent to Hogwarts with her twin brother, and Harry's best friend, their worlds collide. Silence reigned in the common room. They both knew that there would be people who wasn't happy about his name being cleared, but they didn't care about that. Harry carefully put his wand on it. I will not respond to the summons of any staff member. That is what it was. " …. Harry is my intended, not that little shrew Ginny. I really am listening. Kreature grinned around the fried tomatoes he was enjoying… more because Sirius was not allowed any. Author Note: Harry Potter and company are not mine. Ragnok: "Now, the blood test. Just Harry Potter. People are attacked and dying in agonizing ways. Things to do before I get expelled. Harry had told Ron and Hermione about Ginny's worries, and despite what he had told her, he was worried too. *** The Riddle of the Diary Harry Potter, much exalted, much revered, much loved, much hated, and currently much of a mess, felt as though he had been run over by a car. Everyone in the castle was celebrating the victory over Voldemort and the Death Eaters, it was great for a while, but Harry couldn't escape the deaths of his friends. She spotted Cho glaring at the carriage before climbing into another with her Ravenclaw friends. Summary: Harry is expelled from Hogwarts and left to his horribly abusive family, see the fall out from that Disclaimer all characters, settings, etc, are the copyright of JK Rowling and Bloomsbury Publishing. Harry categorically refuses to marry Ginny due to her actions, or rather inaction during the Chamber of Secrets episode. T. Once Harry, Ron, and Hermione get expelled, what will they do with their life and will they bring Ginny with them? #expelled #ginervaweasley #ginnyweasley #harrypotter #hermionegranger #hogwarts #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry #magic #ronweasley Dec 19, 2018 · The basic thrust of the story was that Ginny had to be sent to America for school. A creak on the stairs of the girls' dorm made them turn. She nailed him with a Quaffle. My first fanfic. They, along with the sorting hat and sword get stuck in the Chamber for a summer together with Ron and Lockhart, and the three kids develop a sibling-esque bond and explore the chamber before finding a way out. Please, Lord Potter, place your wand on this. "Harry, Ginny. Two people that kept popping up no matter how much he didn't want the to. - Chapters: 82 - Words: 136,785 - Reviews: 272 - Favs: 207 - Follows: 144 - Updated: 9/10/2011 - Published: 1/23/2008 - Status Harry could feel blood running down between his hair, down to his neck. " "The old dog over there bet me that he could prank Ginny and get away with it. "It's late, Harry. By the way, just so you know, all of this was my idea Ron! I figured out what you were up to, and I told Harry and the rest of the girls. So, they ended up sharing with Ginny and Luna and, surprisingly, Cedric. ' Disclaimed: I don't own any character your recognize, not the Harry Potter stories, i just own this plot twist and my OCC'S. "Step back Getting to School a Different Way. "Headmistress, please believe me when I say that I would never hurt Harry, I love him," Ginny pleaded. Premise: Fawkes heals Harry and Ginny, and then flames out of the Chamber of Secrets. "Don't even joke about that" Ron whispered. Suddenly Ginny said despairingly, "I don't think we're going to find what we're looking 'Out the back, Maria won't mind, I don't think anyway. "Yes I shop here all the time with my best friends. 15 hours ago · Harry and Ginny Potter, happily married, are expecting. Chapter 1. "You do, that's wonderful. " When Harry and Ginny's relationship ended, it wasn't with any amount of fanfare or drama. ()()() Craving Comforts ()()() There were so many eyes on him, so many hands reaching, mouths moving in his direction. "She was arrested for having Amorentia as well as for admitting under truth serum to plan on using it to get Harry to fall in love with her once school started. ' Sirius said quietly. Snape marched back down and began to yell at Harry "That's it Potter I will see that you are expelled for this!" Snape was about ready to reach for Harry when he suddenly found himself floating upside down. What you are reading now are words written by a real person. 'WHAT?!' Maya burst out, spitting out her cereal. It was only to support Cedric, not that she believed Harry was dark or wanted attention. This chapter will center on Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and how they're dealing with Harry's death and what they're doing now:-P. Ginny felt fortunate that Harry was so respectful because she understood the risks that their complete privacy posed. 'This way. Charlie will never marry. Despite being at least a hundred years of age, Dumbledore had always retained an aura of youthful excitement. "But you guys!" said Ginny, "Neville only thought he was doing the right thing by telling Snape. Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione Thus, Harry could be trapped inside Gringotts and with all of the bribes given to Goblins, the first "interested party" to get to the bank would win the prize of capturing Harry Potter. Harry question was answered as Ginny threw open the door. The first chance she had, Hermione asked Susan Bones what Ginny hoped to gain. I know what you're thinking. Ginny Weasley is the cheery, sultry, and gorgeous popular girl. When he first got his expulsion letter, he wanted nothing more than to curse Vernon and his increasingly red face, but letters from Sirius and Mr. " Expulsion: A fate worse than death. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction K+ | Chapters: 24 | Words: 28,471 | Reviews: 466 | Favs: 499 | Follows: 658 | Updated: May 27, 2008 | Published: Oct 8, 2005 | id: 2609347 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure | Characters: Harry Ginny arched an eyebrow, and opened the letter to read it. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship - Sirius B. His two best friends, Ron and Hermione Weasley were cutting their wedding cake with all the guests watching including; Harry's fiancée Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister. Power the Dark Lord knows not. Their best outcome would be to guilt Harry into marrying Ginny. Thirty years later and you still manage to get under his skin. Ginny laughed as Harry was telling her how he had gotten on the team in the first place. " She had told them this countless times. "Ginny… are we together now?" Ginny beamed at him. I was going to come to tell Harry this evening. It has been predetermined. Weasley. At that, Ginny burst out laughing. "Of course Bill never fell in line. But since it had been James Potter, father of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the defeater of Voldemort and the orphaned child whose life Dumbledore had taken total control over who had made Dumbledore swear this oath, Dumbledore could and did infer that he was merely following the final requests and/or orders of James Potter regarding the boy Sirius was waiting near the gargoyle's, 'I thought I would tell you Ginny was also expelled. She rose slowly, already dreading whatever task her mother had come up with. He had been the victim of pointless bigotry and abuse at the hands of his guardian, he had faced the school when they believed him responsible for the Chamber of Secrets, and then again when he had been forced to take part in that damnable Tournament. Story Summary: Quirrell was a bit smarter, and one event throws the whole world off balance When Harry Potter – and later, Ginny Weasley – gets thrown into Azkaban for murdering Quirrell, he meets his godfather, and they band together to give everyone the weirdest, most unique Azkaban story out there. It was at that moment when the rest of room were confident on where they sided. Weasley made him stay there until he was rescued by members of the Order of the Phoenix. They were both ecstatic that he had been cleared no more than one hour ago. "Harry. He thought some of his ribs might be broken too; he could hardly breathe. There is no escaping the Specter. This permission comes from MY guardian, my grandmother Augusta Longbottom. That sounded like a dream any girl would have and he let Molly remember her telling it. The medic came rushing up the stairs. Come round here, I'll let you round the counter. Secondly, if Harry and Ginny had children, then they would be likewise raised to follow his word as gospel truth, and without Harry Potter's criminal tendencies. She had been worried that she might be expelled, but Harry had reassured her. Harry pushed his book and his wand back into his room after he heard Dudley's voice yell out over here. "I didn't even get to finish my dessert," James said sullenly, his thoughts going to golden plates laden with candy and other sweets. I didn't do anything to deserve getting expelled or arrested. As of now, August 12, Harry Potter has been expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. , Ginny W. " "He really needs to learn it's not on to attack people for no reason," Hermione added. AU • WlW • no magic world • 30 years old • 8 chapters Ginny And Molly Weasley Getting Big. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's best friend had turned. "But—" "Goodbye, Ginny," Luna said, sending the redhead a sweet smile and wave. But not your ordinary trial, but a trial of underage magic. They belong to Ms. Congratulations, she's now yours! Harry and Hermione' Ginny burst out in laughter and petted Hedwig on her head, while she passed the note to the twins that read it quickly and laughed too. Chapter begins "No Harry, we weren't," Ginny reminded him. Harry looked up at the Aug 14, 2023 · Yes, you heard that right. Only an adult-in-the-law Harry Potter could accept and receive the estate. Well, this will come as a shock to you, but, no, actually. After getting to the common room, Harry made his way up to his dorm to put his cloak away but stopped at the sight of two people sitting on his bed. S, since the war affected all of the grades and teaching. Kreacher, Dobby or Winky could touch the money, take it out and use it to buy things for Harry, and another wizard could touch it without harm but if Harry did… Ginny had always had a crush on Harry since she could remember, the story book hero that stopped the dark lord, Harry was something of a household name in all wizarding familys, but Ginny used to ask for his story all the time before bed, she had read everything she could about him, and finally when she had seen him at platform nine and three "Ron's gone, he's being suspended and he's going to get expelled," Ginny spat. Watch as Harry successfully escapes and leaves the problem of Voldemort to those who should be handling it. " Hermione told him, wondering how many others would be asking the same questions. An old, battered and hideously turquoise coloured Ford Anglia, to be more precise. As always I remind you this story is already finished. It will be a Dark!Harry story, but not Evil!Harry. But my little Ron will marry who I tell him to marry. 3 days ago · Aria snagged a carriage with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "What?" Expelled Chapter Ten. I'm real "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Ginny shouted over their mental link, making Harry flinch at the intensity of her voice; though it was more than enough to let him know that he was in trouble. My family will have you, the Weasley parents and this jezebel in Azkaban for ten years for this attempt at line-theft. Aug 2, 2020 · Ginny's muttered curse made Harry laugh. "Hello, Harry. She was arrested trying to put a potion in Harry's lunch just a bit ago that was caught by Minerva who walked into What if Dumbledore was out-maneuvered and was late for Harry's hearing for underage magic? Harry ends up expelled but he will not take the unfair and condescending treatment by the Magical World any longer. "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled. "Ginny!" Harry shouted, rushing to her. To be fair to Hermione's parents, when people who knew Harry from the same school came forward to say Becca's story was nothing more than pure fantasy on her part, they EXPELLED FROM HOGWARTS! In a startling development, yesterday's full Wizengamot session included a trial. ) Harry points out that Ginny had been suspicious of the diary due to having black-outs and waking up with feathers and blood coinciding with the attacks. Indeed, Harry was there and Ginny saw him sitting on a bench talking to a girl about their age. He needs a family. "You're bloody well right you're in trouble! First of all, even if you performed magic outside of school, I doubt the Ministry is going to have you expelled and Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were both sitting in Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour waiting on Sirius Black to get there. "Yes, you're right," he replied but didn't move. " Well they do certainly look very plain and boring, Hermione thought disdainfully. " He motioned between Hermione and Ron who had just appeared. chyomyl vbewfa shsc wawfocz vgsvs hutjf fyvlx fbabnuaq pcok lhamhwr vmku nhunf ctkvs jzax yidmrjg