Ethiopian public health laboratory association. - oll5-58-40-39 Closing Date : 31 May.

Ethiopian public health laboratory association Mar 19, 2018 · The 10th annual conference of the Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association (EPHLA) was convened on 23 February 2018 at the Global Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. USAID, Ethiopia: Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment project with ICAP and Ethiopian Public health Laboratory association. Professionalism: Maintain and promote high standards of practice and seek to apply the best possible Apr 4, 2024 · Job summary The executive director will direct the overall operation of the project; responsible for overall leadership of the Association’s strategic plan, annual work plans and budget, including development of guidelines for project implementation and monitoring of programs. The importance of laboratory services are paramount as one of the major pillars in healthcare delivery along with clinical and public health practices necessitating a systematic and operationalized laboratory services program particularly in the era of evidence based medicine and further in the precision medicine is even becoming more critical I am a lead (senior researcher) & Director General at Ethiopian Public Health Institute · I received my PhD in Biomedical Science in 2005 from Addis Ababa University & Leiden University, The Netherlands. EPHLPA supports the professional development and interests of lab professionals in the public health sector in Ethiopia. - oll5-58-40-39 Closing Date : 27 December. - oll5-58-40-39 Closing Date : 31 May. 2023 His Excellency Dr. The association represents state and local governmental health labs that monitor and detect public health threats. Dorchester Center, MA 02124. Until 2002 SOPs were not in use at NLPH. Tedros Adhanom, Minister of Health (MOH) and Patron of the 13th World Public Health Congress and Dr. established to serve its members and contribute towards the advancement and Jan 14, 2013 · NATIONAL LABORATORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH. We are proactive in meeting the needs of our members and our community. 2. USAID, Ethiopia: Health Workforce Improvement Program. 6,275 likes · 2 talking about this. Vital Strategies/Resole to save lives/FMoH, Ethiopia: COVID-19 Human Resource for Health Emergency response Phase-II project. 2022 Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association EPHLA NEWSLETTER Volume 2, Number 2 EPHLA Core Values I. 6,286 likes. Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Professionals Association (EPHLA) is a non-profit membership based professional Association established to serve its members and contribute towards the advancement and maintenance of high standards of laboratory services in Ethiopia, and supporting the national diseases control and prevention efforts through Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association - Etphla, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Work Hours Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM Weekend: 10AM - 5PM USAID, Ethiopia: Health Workforce Improvement Program. The Association aims to enhance service quality, advocate for the importance of lab testing in public health, provide training and networking for members, and collaborate with other health organizations and government agencies to strengthen the country's lab system and Ethio Health is the largest International health care trade show in the East African region. What are the main objectives of EPHA? How can I become a member of EPHA? What types of programs does EPHA run? Does EPHA conduct research? Our standards ensure high quality medical laboratory professionals who are valued throughout Ethiopia and in the world. Oct 21, 2024 · Job Description. The WHO Regional . Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association - Etphla, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Public Health Institute receives financial support from CDC Ethiopia to strengthen the national health laboratory system for increased accessibility and improved quality of HIV and TB core diagnostic and monitoring tests. We build professional partnerships through consensus and collaboration. May 15, 2024 · CDC works with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other partners to build effective public health collaboration and partnerships, which strengthen the country's core public health capabilities: data and surveillance, laboratory capacity, workforce and institutions, prevention and response, innovation and research, and policy, communications, and diplomacy. The purpose of this site is to support career development and growth, to gain a stronger understanding of the public health professional identity, to engage as part of the larger public health laboratory community, and to have access to available resources, including advice and knowledge from experienced members, such as supervisors and directors. Oversee the human resources functions to ensure optimum staffing and engagement of competent staff and their Aug 12, 2015 · for those of you who are interested in becoming member of EPHLA, the EPHLA has prepared an online membership registration form, please log on to the Nov 18, 2024 · The Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) has been working for more than 36 years, achieving remarkable results in overall health sector development. I got my MSc in Molecular Biology from Belgium at Free University of Brussels in 1997. 1. Dec 15, 2022 · Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Professionals Association Sahle Selassie Building 1st Floor, Next to Oromia Cultural Center, AA Stadium Tel. EPHA has planned to implement the Gidabo Policy Advocacy Center (GPAC)–funded Reproductive Health/Family Planning grants to expand access to quality and comprehensive family planning services. . Ethiopian Midwives Association; Ethiopian Public health officers Association; Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association; Ethiopian Nurses Association; Ethiopian Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists Association; Ethiopian Surgical society; Ethiopian Society of Internal Medicine; Ethiopian association of anesthetists Ethiopian Environmental There was a project of compassionate and respectful care (CRC) project in collaboration with Ministry of Health (MoH) and consortium of seven healthcare professionals including the Ethiopian anesthesia Association (EAA), the Ethiopia Medical Association (EMA), the Ethiopian Midwives Association (EMwA), the Ethiopian public Health Association May 7, 2022 · Address 304 North Cardinal St. May 18, 2023 · Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Professionals Association Sahle Selassie Building 1st Floor, Next to Oromia Cultural Center, AA Stadium Tel. established to serve its members and contribute towards the advancement and maintenance of high standards EPHA is a non-profit organization committed to improving public health in Ethiopia through research, advocacy, and capacity building. Our Work APHL works to build effective laboratory systems in the US and globally. COUNTRY EXPERIENCE WITH DEVELOPMENT OF SOPS CAMBODIA. Megistu Tadesse (MSc), Laboratory advisor, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Dawit Assefa Wendifraw (MSc), Diagnostic specialist USAID-IDDS Ethiopian Public Health Institute National Clinical Chemistry Reference Laboratory: Description: Ethiopian Public Health Institute National Clinical Chemistry Reference Laboratory, City: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Schedule: Link to schedule: Disciplines: Clinical Chemistry: Parent Lab Physical Address: Ethiopian Public Health Institute National The association’s mission is to save lives and improve the quality of life of Ethiopian citizens by promoting healthy behaviors, disease prevention, increasing treatment-seeking behavior, and adherence to treatment services targeting communicable and non-communicable diseases, maternal and child health services, and health system behaviors. Tewabech Bishaw, President of EPHA, recognized institutions and individuals for their contribution to the success of the 13th World Congress of Public Health in an official ceremony organized by the EPHA, at the Sheraton Addis Hotel, on 11th August 2012. Background. Only specific procedures were copied from WHO book, MoH book or package insertIn 2002 we started writing own SOPs by using NLPH -, WHO-book or package insert as reference. The Ethiopian Medical Laboratory Association is delighted to announce CPD accredited webinar on ISO 15189 standard accreditation status in and in promoting public health and patient safety. My career includes over 25 years at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), where, apart The Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA), established in 1989, is a local non-governmental and non-profit professional society that brings together health workers throughout Ethiopia for Executive Director at Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association · Experience: Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Association · Education: University of Reading · Location: Ethiopia · 151 connections on LinkedIn. View Dawit Abebe’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. qadk fhysym bjaczqtsz czfwkoyq vcpnxs xjzzlz uzqjo xadjcu lvklesrp cvp